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Minutes Book 19, Page 685, April 6, 1937
6©5 Proceedings of-- Board_ of_Co:n:uissioners City of Padveah__April 6,_1967 At a ca;L .:,ctL..;; of the Hoard or Co.!. 1,.:ionei held In the Cor.,misslon.:s, Chn.:bcr at the City Ha1L, Paducah, Kentucky, at :i:bJ o1cLock P.'I. on the 6th day of April, 1937, ::ayor Mashburn presided and u,. -on cz:ii. of the roll the foLiowinq answered to th:ir names: Co:nmismlon.rs Hannin, Pulliaa and Mayor Washburn (3). :+ayor Washburn stated reason for call., to -wit: For th,. purpose of con- j'siderir47 the purchase of a Chevrolet truck from Ray Hughes and Audie Hughes, and rto transact any other business that may come before the meeting. Commissi:•--ner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that an Ordinance to urchase Chevrolet truck frau ordinance entitled °AIV ORDI:AXE AUTHORIZI:JG THE CITY :AIAG R TO i'URCHA4E OPE Ray Audie Hughes I; CHEVROLET TRUCK FRO.A RAY HUGHES AND AUDIS HUGHES FOR THh CO;:SIDL!iA7IO:: Ol ONE �I HU_ DRED FIFTY ($L50.00) DOLLARS, AUD PROVIDI�1G FOR THE PAYCi'-PT TH'.2EOF.11 be adooted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Coi.imi,sioncrs Hannin, Pu Mem and I :.iayor Washburn (3) . On notion meeting adjourned. ACOPTED - - _,1337 APPR OR R 1 A � CITY Ci`,EHK c