HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 683, April 5, 1937Proceedings of _.egnra. of Co.n.iicsioners _ City of Paducah Apr.LI 5, 19257 At a regular tweeting of the Board of Comni::sioners h Id In the Commissio%ers' Cha:aber at the City Hail, Paducah, ;Lertucky, at 2:30 V.M. on the 5th day of April, 1j37, ilayor 'via preslGed anu upon call oil the roti the fal:o:ving answered to their names: Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, .2cLton, PULlia,n and i:iayor 7ashburn (5). -rinutes of the previous meetlags were auopted as read. CommissLoncr -'elton offered the following notion: I move that -the Petition against beery garde:: at 19th and y peti'lor, of residents in the vicinity of iiinetcenth & Broadway, protesting against Broadway the opening of a be r garden near the !ineteenth & Broad.ray Church of Christ, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeaz; Com:ai\cloncrs €tannin„ , Lockwood, 2elton, Pulliam and :,iayor 7ashburn (b). Commissioner .�elton offered the following motion: That a .license to sell 6t, . ;Trine Shoo intoxicating alcoholic liquors to the followla.g applicant upon paymi-nt of the prooer amount to the City Treasurer be approved: Sterling Wine & Liquor Company by Llax Schneider, 110 So.3rd St.,by package jl Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commis:;loners Hann --n, Lockwood, 'lelton, eullia.m Nand 6%ayor Washburn (5) . Beer License applicatt r Commission r aelton offered the following motion: That application for Broadway Inn: receivedlicense to retail beer and light wines to the following applicant be received and and filed filed and held until the next regular meeting for final approval: yJBroadway Inn, by Vernon Harned, 18th & Broadway. Adoptcd or. call of the roli: ; Co,caiss_oners Hannir., Lockwood, i.ielt.on, ?uliiati }�asd :;aper iiasi7burtl (5). ?aoictah Plater Works ✓' Com isslor._r Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the fl,::ancial re,^:ort for I M.a:.cial report of the Pauueah Water Works for the month of Dece::ber, 1'st:6 becerver, !836 abe receivea and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co..caissionors Hain ia, Lockwood, :.:eitora, Yulliam and Wayor Washburn (5). _,.r &nd hire license. Cot, -i s Lon,r Llelton offered the folio Ing motion.: That a License to yar=nted Rothrock's per.ilt the. retailing of beer and light wLnes to the following applicant, upon, e r proper pay:cnt to the City Treasurer be approved: I Rothrock's Cafe by J. B. Rothrock, 608 Broadway �IAdont : on cu1L of the roll: Yeas; Commissioner: 9utcin, Lock::ood, Lleltan, vuil.iara and :=yor Washburn (5). Cc...,Laslon.r aelton offered the follocar.:: .rotlon: That ap ,iication for i ,t•._r, licit.. to rt%il. b_:.r a.rd light wines to the fo' lowing artllcant be rece'.vO at:d ` .,. :.tore• rc;:l i g : r i the next regu'Lar meeting for i't::c:' a.,groval: ;;tore, by R ugene Ratte: Joh.., Lith Cal o r•o. Y,:.:s; Co:e;1s.. Lo::...> ilae..t:., :.ock%ood, 'O., CO 01 1 ; :on: I -:On, tri,:t 'he petitlon NO.._ proceedings of Lourd of Comn_Lsa:oa" r = City of Paducah-8,�r1 yams ayor Washburn (5). Option Conmis loner Pulliam offered the following notion: I rove that Dr. L. S. City Hospit-'VilUngham be authorized to acquire option on the single lot necessary to coxplete al alto options for hospital site and to uay sixty dollars per month for the two months duratio of said option; said pay&eats to be taker fron purchase price if option is accepted by to city. Adopted on call of tho roll: Yeas; Co.nrisolone vs Hannin, Lockwood, :�_:to , Pulliam and :ayor Washburn (5). Or uotlon seetln�,, adjourned. ACOPTED V ^� — ,1957 ADPR 9���1 9 // L:AYOR CITYNCLERK