HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 676, March 15, 1937NO- � �n
Proceedings of 'o.:: s of Co :.iss lora` ` City of Paducah ;.larch 65,
A t a regular :.:eetir.g of the Board of Co;udss.lone s IMId in the Coca -
is Cha-,ber at the City HaLI, Paducah, Kentucky, at 2 o'clock P. U. on the
,i.y of ::arch, 18371 Com:.:issioner Welton pres;dcu as mayor ;ro tem is the abser�co of
:.:ayor :Sashburr: ar:d upon call of the roll the following answered to their names:
Co.._issloners iiamrin, Lockwood, Pulliam and ::ayor pro tem Welton (4) .
Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read.
Coaxisoioncr Ha::nin offered the following motion.: I :-.ova that a deed
?earl `:gra-.-.ted to :ars. Pearl Hardin for Lot x/17 Block #50 in Oak Grove Cemttery, Paducah, Ky.,,
lot Lnupon pAJ eEa of the,proper amount of $30.00 to the City Treasurer be approved. iidoptedl
on coli of the roll: Yeas; Co:amissioners Hacu:ln, Lockwood, Pulliam and ,ayor pro tem
j:,clton (4).
Brad_ j Coz_;issioner Haemin offered the following motion: I love that bill of
ueil Bradshaw & Well and Fore:aan and Lackey be allowed and City 3anager L. V. Bean be In-
c Fore
r. g;ystructed to Issue check for said auourt of $50U.00. Adopted on tali of the roll: Yeas
s _ JCo.::::isslo;icrs Harrir., Lockwood, Pullia.n and.:Layor pro tea aeltor. (4).
alai lcc1
bo -:ds 1
Coru;issioaer Hanaln oi'fe ed the following moclon: I move that a deed
rs;Iygranted to l:rs. Virginia Pilant Hogan, and J. R. Pliant for Lot n5 Block #5 in Oak
7. P.
HogGrove Ce:tetery, Paducah, Ky., upos payment of the proper amount of $140.00 to the City
& J.R."
Pilantl�Treasurer be approved. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co:L';ulssione,,s Haman,
lot Ln;'
O.Orv. Lockvood, Pulliam and Mayor pro tem ..eiton (4).
Cos;missioner :delton offe d the following ,notion: The Board of Com -
Patrol missioners hr.ving had under consideration charges heretofore preferred against patrol -
Holar:�man Jess Holman, and having heard said charges, and said Holman being present in
,erded person and represented by Counsel, and the testimony of witnesses having been heard by
said Board of Comissioners in open meeting, and the witnesses having been cross
exa:::ined by Counsel for the respondent, Jess Holman, and the Board of Co:amissioners
bc.i::g s:fficicntly advised decides, det.,rmines and adjudges that the said Jess Holman
?atrol_ar be suspe::ded without pay fro, the 15th day of February, 1li37 to and
tiaa '.5th day of April, 1937, and the Board of Co..uils: Loncrs furter wishes
attc_.tion to the fact that this is not the first tia,e the Bald patrolman has
_ `j! -c the Hoard or: co:,olaint of :risco.-.duct, and chels i:ow suspeuacd and r:ot
ro..dltLon that like offer:ses or other breaches oiduty or of co::duct
na:•: ':..•:i. _ ::i:: d_:;.'.:.. :..i shall ::ot be excused. Adopted on cull of the roil: You
lie ..,i:,,-ocks+ood, .'u_:._u.. G.d --uyor prb tem :.elton (4)
0.. .:c'._a:.::. eti..g a:rjour.-.c:.