HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 672, March 8, 1937Proceedings of board of Co..: Issio::c.:: City of Paducah "arch R I ::t a regular :nceting of the Board of Co..::.,lssloncrs ho.d iu the Co:.!aisoiorers' :;haacer at the City Hu!!, .laducah, Kentucky, at w o'clock P.l!. o;: the £3th day of ..arch, Co.:'::sslorcr :e .toz presided as payor poo tela the absence of •:ayor Washburn, :o : Deal of tite roS: the fol owing a.:swereu to their nanes: Comi;Jsc. Loa(. -r Hannin, _: yor ;n•o a to-,. (6). .-ites of ti:t pravious a:ei:tl.,gs were adopted as read. o-)is.iu::>.^ Ha:,::in offered the fo.:iowing lotion: That a deed granted to Irs. Ha:,eL .00insor_ for Lot rP17 is. Block W14 in Oak Grove Cemetery, Paducah, Ky., upon proper ucto Lo~_ ;�eyment of ;,81.00 to the City Treasurer be approved. Adopted or, call of the roll: 0.rv. icas; coa,mfss.ioners Hannin, Pul_ian and :-'ayor pro tem-1elton (3). Commissloner Pullia:n offered the following mot -on: I move that a resolution Resolut- ion i':ed, "A RESOLUTI0:1 RATIV-40G, APPROVING AND ADOPTING MINUTES AVu PrOCEEDINGS Or adoptirg Minutes - 1' :-X.i,D OY M—D OJTSIDE OF TLli CITY HALL DURIi:G THE PE IOD OF of flood ' :aeetiugs I- I0:• OF IHS CITY DURING THE MONTHS OF JANUARY AND FEBHOAaY, 193711 be adopted: "A RLSOLUTLON RATIFY!::G, APeROVING A:,D A�OPT'I:W _,i_:iiTES Arb 9BOCEED111GS OF' TMLBOARD OF C0:..=SL 0:::.hu HLUD OUTSMi OF THi C11Y HALL DUitING THE P_NIOD OF .* i1; .DMIO.: OF THE C_ Y DURI:IG THi: '.:O:,THS OF JA;;UhiiY t—D FEBRUARY, 1937. Mie.RF.AS, the greater ;:art of the city of Paducah was inundated by the flood occasLo,.-(. by the unprece_.derted rise In the Ohio river during the ..o_.ths of January anal February, Ia37; and co __e:.c_i g o!. the X -2nd day of Ja,.uary and concluding with the .,o..th of February, all of t::e ieetings and proceeuUngs of the Board of Commissioners auri:.g said rerlod of t_: -e were held in temporary or improvised quarters in tine gest L;a of said city; and at which Greetings so:e of the proceedings wer. taken and retorted by persons oth r than the regular Clerk or Assistant Clerk of this Board. order to adopt said proceecir.gs and cause then to be spread upon ana. bcco:ae a part of the ;roceed.ngs of the Boaru of Co.:nnissioners, It is, r10V,, TH-REFORL ,tL:>OT.V::D BY THi. BOr.HD OF CU:s,l :' t0:iz •,S Ot Till: CL'i i OF PA::UCAH, Kc ."10CrM. SLC9't0: 1. That: r._ rocecaIL-s re:portu of .jrocecdI,lgn lr.! _ uy the Board of Co-- (1,;r-1: o;- d.:r:::,: th, pz.'lo@ o: _.._:uatlon of the city of ,•.::wc.h _ rla:g the rr ty R:,_1 by �o::rd of Co:_ _..,:vn,.•:>, cc _..c:...: h, ._.ed o,.til a. F\ L, Lary 01' year, ar:d u. 1 likDT6 _ � 1 1 I illi NO. "7' Proceedings of " °' ° Ciry of Paducah I i E , P%_.r:ct1, ... a u.:rvcy - 0 . : o l'. r. O .0.. Lhcrc UA.LiG .O JO:-c th, cc, I .".c: !: uy :Ci:i'u0:. of Loot Co:.0 _v.c..5, ... `.c _ o.. .. ._.. cf 7.;,_•. ,. ... ..-o. G. _ , ...."y cite u ,uw _ 'y , o. .. .. "o.'.. ,... - ... .... -.o_':.C.: of `.hc C.ty of ':. .. :; :. fl, ._..11 7'.:.. ;. G. o•�_:'. 0,c: MCG b., O. Pw i .o .... .. curvcy.:.. -.:ic!:_ ::. o_:._': _ :o L.: c'. . ... .. . . -- ,. , _.'u . _ .00•-: - - .. .•o. .... t _ ..,4.. o . , - ... votclA ytS ycS co .. ... .. ;r11 :ott,,:t yc.,,.n I i E , Proceedings of Z llr- Of Co City of Paducah ,. ... '•i ;.J 0! _1 1... 01" 'AU'rCi.D, U:. :,0'iti5 60:- 0: L 0.. i>. i•. _, 0` ,._.0 Cily 01' rl.7-JC;:i 1.0 J"T O.i,-AP:LI 01 '1 Hi. of L. .-o:..y - Yc�i , Uo..,i_.loac:,. ..:tu: ., :ocl;•rood, .telton, ?ulltam _.._._..ry "i .•o'.. ''C tL. .yor ar.0 City :,.anager for:::ulate a rule for the put•,ose of d ;tassel to a_= o... ,; of )roperty and businesses in the City of ?aducah tnat .._ .. it said persons to go to their property, inspect it and clean it up without ::;.y i=.t ri'crence, and that the passes are to be signed by the :':ayor or City 3anai;i-r, or so.:c person as either ;pay designate." Or; ro11,- 3anr..in voted yeas Lockwood " yes .eiton Absent ulliat Absent .c:shbarn votea yes ,.y 5, 1937. chburn: Offers the foilo;:'1r±g a;otion: "That hereby on the first day of _.„ -37 the board of Co—As: corers passed a motion declart:g an exergency to h�. City of ,adacah. Said :cotion having been nassea, but by oversight not 0 cvr that an e."rxgcncy to be declared to exist in the -tty o2 Pa:.tcc:!t pry., 7, that the control o; affairs of Police Dept. of ?aaacah _,._. ....to tile: ;t'-:..._ of the ...«yor .:d C'.ty _;a.aager jointly." .,ock;=d Yea . :!ton LbsCnt iia csho,irn Yea -; 7 "L .o•r•, L: -t Go.. Chc:r.ater he requested to rc:,ove all. stat, troops noir tit :'.ty of :..:_.rt:i: - tits +-:ty beu,g ab.(: to police said city." yo: y,.; :o' h'. !-I of Proceedings of uoarJ of :oncrs City of Paducah 21-" ', L" Beer '.icerse grant :.rs. J. Gasparnini Jess Ho -<a:. - action deferrea or. charges 10 "•rs in oraer that sal' ..;i:!utus ..:ay proy r.y appear apoi: the records of the roce.;dings of the Board of Co.t..iL;-LO:t?l^s, the City Clerk is direct.d to cause this rosoLution to be coniea In full into ai:d as a part of the IL.iutos of the ',roceedings of the Board of Co.r.missioziees, and said :alnutes so set out and abraced in this resotut.on shall upon the adoptloz; of this resol.uLion be held and considered as :;,roved by the Board of Comaissioners. SECTlOC 3. ?his resolution shall be in full force ana effect from and att,.r Its I paoption. —^ H._!eiton p =ayor pro tem I� Passed by the Board of Co=issionars L?arch 8th, 1937. Adopted or. call of the roll: Yeas; Coca-aissloners Han:in, Pulliam and .'ayor no �em yelto n (3) . Commissioher ::elto.. offered the following motion: Application for license to sell at retail beer and Light brines by ';rs. Joseph Gasparnini, 1615 80.4th having been introduced clarch ist, 1x37. 1 now move that permit or license for retaiLing beer and light wines to _h•s. Joseph Gasparnini be approved and license be issued upot: jayzicnt of th:; a ;ount of l.iccase fee. Adoptee or: call o±the roi.t: Yeas; Co:.::.lssione-s Ham.nin, rullian ana .?ayor pro tem CeLton (6). .'ayor uro te.a ..eLton offered the fol'_oainC :_otion: 1 hove thc:t !attic!: charges preferred against policeman Jess Holman, together with the notice o; nearing tl;ereon be received and (ilea, and that the Board of Cormis:;;orc:s defer action to March 15th. Aaopted on ca1L of the roLL: Yeas; Co.x Lsaio:c rs Hannin, Pu''-lfaa: arra ::ayor pro tem :Lefton (3). On motion neeting a:; journed. IA.riOi'.1D�ctio, 09�_,�i� . _,1J37 fill; ';iovi-_-