HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 666, January 18, 1937NO.
Proceedings of '17
City of Paducah.,
0',:-- o,i tho
_0.. ez'l- 01 th'. eOA OIL, JO,
,!Lutes of che _,-t a auol.ted us read.
Co. -1c- .;- Har tin oi'iored the foiLowing .;otLor.-: That the payroll:.L;
Pay I -o-' I
first-, of J--ivr-,,, 'jL7, be a! Loved 1,,7 the aimunt of �8b12.89 and that th,
.;.y :�-;e by checks for the waouLA of V057.89, u; -.d to
pny 7.:1 V, r ()j i 1h !'.. ,:enhIn.austries Certificates. 1,,doptca on call of
H, -OCA"."00a, -oLlcoiL!�LiUlnm slid 'Savor Viaziiburn (a) -
Co -oc!----'oo� offered the IoL,,o*c;i*.ig .;iotioi- I .;ova that the
C L", ix- auchorizea to relieve Lkau da!: -,nous condttlon :ow existji.G at Lath
by s,ich i 1- 1 .-t,- esectlon that will al,ow for free
t io..I�
"'llo'Accl O.i a! Lilt.
'-0-: Yeas; Co.aalss:ocers Ha is=, Locl•r;ood,
LO z -d -'layor Wahlibum (5'j.
CO-L-Ilssio.;--r Aelton oiVered the folLowlag i�otilo:'.: That a ILcerse to
per.rilt the retalllaL; of beer and Light wines to the following ap.*Uc"t upon proper
pay,,icnt to the City Treasurer be aijproved:
';olithzilde Lu2chvom-tte, 1531 Broad Et., ry if.
Adopted on m.11 01 tie 1`011. - -;4:1; Co, :aobloi"er!i Hanidn, I,Oc,-L)0;.-, a
;Zayor (5
;t. Lt. 5 -1()" offer"'! the10.10:•77:,,10.10:•77:,,;..01 OIL. The i7II.1
h a." th U.,.d broaui%L
�t J free fro., ail b Urm corner except a.. the :3o
Pk �y
to r; 1--r, and ther, bo, 1 - t!--' j*,*.c light at 1-)th c4 r:ronCm;,y, tr,,ffLc
a e d at C 1 cr.,, a.. z;1A'CCtS' 1 ;Ov(
i.0 d 0 red to :.ove i'( I V-, Broadway
Urk. L 07 the
.7 1
Co �ls:.Eu:.�-.'s Cie
Proceedings of ------ - �� y ofPaducaha
A 0i' 1'i",1Z ..u:..Y,., Ly hi:-' to the City of r'adlicah for th, r.;;`;.o:;c
.. ... s ... -ay. 0:;'- „ '.ch truct of ....:d.
Car::o:. +aril, the tract sc Lectcd by us, is a site which
os• i;o;,ty Deer Gro.a;.d for ._,any years. Thiz, La::d Is described as fo-1ows:
"beginning at a po.ie:t the ;dorthwest Lrt.rsectlon of Ta:ernty-
eighth street and ,.iouroe Street, if cxtcuded; thence in a
V,esterly dlrectlon anti rith the north line of Goiiree sir et,
if extended, 1430 feet to a point, cori:er to the nrogc.rLy of
" '.7. Husbands; thence at r Lght angles and ;.n a :.orthei Ly
direction, and vilth the IW(. of the property of said Vi. 1.
husbands and in a .Line parallel to Twe.,ty-ei,gh h otrect 750
feet to a point in the south lire of Harrison street, if
extended; thence at right angles and in an Easterly direction,
-.r,d with the Douth line of Harrison street, if extended, 1430
feet to the West line of Twenty-eighth street, the oouthwest
intersection of Twenty-eighth street and Harrisor. street, if
extended; thence at right angles and Lr. a South,rly dLrectior:
with the West Line of Twenty-elghth street 759 feet to the point
of begiera.ing, coatalning S4.9r acres, core or less."
A majority of the u::alvlded Interests in the la_d has been acquired.
Vie have selectea the above described t:jcrty-five acre tract because
It Is
lic..craily suited for this deveiopraent, as indicated by the use for:cerly c;adc
of 1t.
t is located oa the new boulevard connecting it with noble Park, and is, in
opinion, ;::ore accessible by streets and highways to the City and Cou ty than
othsr ava Uabie tract.
':re wish to notify you., as the official representatives of the City,
the selection made.
James G. Meeler
A. S. Thompson
C. E. Kidd
Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; COeC.,iiscioriers Hameln, Lockwood, Pulliam ai:d :,ayor
Mashburn (4). CO_..:.lo-L0:16r 'elton present but not voting.
y< : ayor Pia:,hburn offered the following :rot ion: I ,nove that the letter f ro.n
ey Bess B. tasham regarding tax bill of :,rs. buck Ley, with the City taanagemrs Letter,
be received and filed. Adopted on call of the rolL: Yeas; Cc uaissl.r.,ers Hannin,
Lock -;o -,j, :_'eLton, Pulliam and :,ryor 'rrashburn (5).
:c••Jor l,c:shburn offered the foLLowi::;; .,oLlon: I rove td:at th !cttcr fret
6:c`xr,;-,:e,' ;. -• b. %.'(.xa::•)cr n:id H:;r y GLsh be recelwa and filed and referred to the amity,
y Glsh
for his report. adopted on ca11 01' tip,_ ro:.L: Yeas; Conulis ionars
E+e,ton, Pulliam and Cayor Via. hburn (5)
On ...,.tic:, _ceting a;ijoui•ne:e.