HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 662, January 4, 1937Procemdings of ia:u•tl_of Co_:.:Issio::ers_ City of Padueah_a. ��'-.ntueky� Ja[:uury 4, 19b0 ____ At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held In the Co..:aissioners' Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at E o'clock P. :a. on the :ta day of January, 1157, :k.yor Washburn presided and upon ca Ll of the roll the followi::, anzwered to their names: Co:':uaission._rs Hamlin, Lockwood, Pulliam and mayor .. ,nburn (4). Mnutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That a license to oermit the wholesaling of beer and light wines to the following applicants upon ;pro tr •ray.:wz:t to the City lroa:,:a•cr be a proved: lliiier Dairy Products Coupany 305 South 7th. street Champagne Velvet Dist. Corspany 835 Clay street 9Y City Ice a::d Coal Coxpany 921-23 _onroe Cook's GoLdblume 5th & Clay streets Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; k-ommissiorers Hannin, Lockwood, Puflla:n and .payor Washburn (4). Comalssioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That a license e to sell intoxicating alcoholic liquors to the following applicants upon payment o£ the proper amount to the City Treasurer be approv,.d: Boatwright & Tatham by L. R. Tatham 110 -UL S.2nd (urink) Snappy Tavern ° Virgil Mise £605 Bridge Southland Garden + J. M. Sheil_:an u & Jackson 10th & Boyd Palmer Hotel Cd. ° George Bishop 5th & Broadway Ritz Hotel James Ford & Cashon :2nd & Broadway Steinhauer & '.hite " Henry Steinhauer 119 :;.4th I.R. Brandsetter ° l.R.Brandsetter L09 -4- th Irvin Cobb Hotel " Adolph Weil 6th & Broadway A & ? Tea Co ° J. B. DeJarnatt 210 Broadway (Pkg) Paducah Cut Rate Drugs " Edward L. Steck 216 Broadway " Steinhauer & White " Henry Steinhauer L19 e11.4th " George Turner " George Turner 1.721 So.4th " Droadway Dispensary George Bishop 429 Broadway 41 Oehlschlaeger's Drug Co. " John Oehlschlaeger 1b01 Broadway " ::algrcen Drub Stores, inc.Robert Jasoaka 4d2 broaawayif D. Overstreet E. ,j. Overstreet 835 Washington t. uutherland Drug Co. " '_.E.Sutherlard nth & Broadway 11 i. Sat_;_rla:.d Drug Co. " ":.E.Sutlu.rlaad 7th w Clay Kentucky Hotel Sorrell & Bishop 1st & Broadway The Ritz Drug Store D. Y. Rlpley :.':',d w Broadway Gilbert-benr.ett Drug Co. " Vi.J.GLlbert 6uL Broadway A1:01^n :1ei1 " Adolph WL -Li lith 's broaaway " tryant & Runt " ;.1. D.Gabuard Su bo.4th (Wholesale Kolb tiros. Drug Co. " George C. Kolb I1'l-w-1.1 ..,:rd " Adoate, a: cr:11 01 tnz� rol_: YCLb; Co., AL_ _0:: vs BneLan, �oc;n,00.E, E'u,! !,.:. a:.d :1:yor ;4i• t license to wi..:•s to the: fo3: o::i 1,•, 1,)o:. Proper NO_667 _._-- Proceedings of. -"� 1' - ai Co,.:.,ii;.s 101:• a:: City of Paducaha..._JienUar�`t,_ easter Hensley 4.,J S. 7th Street fiodgc '_?ltchel's Place L000 ':.8th Street Joi.es' Restaurant 1048 Broadway The Ritz Drug Store '.::_nd & Broadway Hudso::'s Coffee Shop 608 Broadway Ruth Barnes Clay 813 Wahhington street J. C. Thomson 300 S 0th Street C. 1. Haws WOO N. 8th Street J. E. Haa. 436 J. 12th Strcct Albrittor.'s Avondale Phartuacy 32nd & Brouaway Steinhauer & 'White 119 N. 4th Street Pal:aer Hotel Bar 5th & Broadway Jack oherrill's Place 5607 Bridge Str.:et Speedway I.ai '146 Bridge Street Boatwright & Tathan 110-12 S. "nd Street But}aerlard's Drug Store 9th & Broadway Sutherland'S -rug 'tore 7th & Clay Black Cat Cafe 835 Yiashington Strr.ct Scott Ferguson 701 Park ++venue George Turner 1721 S. 4th Strcct Knitters? Kitchen 728 S. 3rd Street Rudy Keeling 128 Broadway Rainbow Inn 2300 Bridge Street Sander's Restaurant 120 N. 2nd Street Janes Coffee Shop 107 N. 4th Str_et Riverside inn 413 N. 3rd. Street Union Cafe (James Chandler) Union Street Flalk Inn Lunch Room724 S. 3rd Str^et C. A. English's Place 212 Kentucky Avenue Effie's Place 1430 N. 8th Street Taylor Lanch 1810 Bridge Jtreet The :ldway 640 . 13th 3tr.. et Shnider's Chili Parlor 'slasonic Building Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co 219 Broadway '.iarket Billard Parlor 113 S. 2nd street George Lynn's Place 1701 Bridge Street Boswell's Restaurant 425 Broadway :Zooney's 4aick Lunch 109 S. 2nd Street Andy's Beer Garden 1214 Broadway 'ert Sloan's Place 2ll Broadway Snappy Tavern 2605 Bridge Street White Castle 6th & Tennessee Street Club oouthland Gardens 10th & Boyd Streets Golden Tavern 529 Broajway Carlisle Grocery 32nd & Central Avenue I. C. Depot Restaurant In Union Station Leon Porkies 514 N. 12th Strcet K;ntucky Cafe 126 Kentucky Avenue :tarket Street Beer Garden 133 S. 8nd -treet Myrtle Griffin's Place 1501 N. 8th Street Jefferson Cafe 111 S. 3rd Strcct White Owl Lunch Room 211 S. 4th Street Bessie Harris' Place :11:4 Kentucky Avenue Alf Strauss' Place 116 Kentucky Avenue " " 462 South 7th Street Tho:apsor's Sandwich Shop 233 N. 8th Street YJalgrecn Drug Stores, Inc. 438 Broadway Irvin Cobb 6th & Broadway Steve's Place 1301 Burnett Otrevt Price's Barbecue Wallace Park The Ritz Hotel Bar ;2nd & Broadvray Y;allace's Place 130 8. 2nd Street Thistle Dew B. S.Q. 429 Jefferson Street Indian Village 005 iS :ntucky Avenue George Trefon 4)4 Broadway Twinkling Star .,1st & Broadway "Skeets Place" l0D Cice:tnt_ Street 1,1_iitn Botes 107 So.,,r.d -t.rc•ct Oa y's Cafe 12* :;o.4th I. R. Brandsteller 1.09 :1. 4th 6t.rcet Hook's ?ark ':o.Oth Str•:et C1! f "arti::'s Place 1�'j0 Harrison .._....ott Hotel a:d 3 brondraay '. .. Kcolind 1:7 South :rd stro,,t t of "h ro1L: Yeas; Co,.: Ls: lo:.,rs il..:. ln, Lockwoc<d, Pullian oi:d yo: ;,ashburzi offored tue. foLio:,i::; ::otion: I ::ova tL:,,t t:,e o. •.Sar.., ..::vi:...v,.:!ue fro-: :ark Avtnue to .:a st• t, bu rucelvel, fl -led rn4 rr:'c::•r•cd • , !hv City _. g...!or.. ..,o,t:c1 c;: c.:.. of til_ rot.. yea ; Co.-..il.:.lon ra