HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 66, June 20, 1932No. , � _
Proceedings of_HOuiD _O _.C,�"^ _TSSL ERS_ __.... City of Paduc.h__June- aOth, -19Z2.�__ _
At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners hold in the
Cosmissioners' Chamber .in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky
at 4:00 o'clock P.M. P.M. on the 20th day of June 1932, Yayor Scott presided and
upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Cosmdsoionera Block,
Brsdshaw, Holt, Rieke and Payor Scott (5).
Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read.
Persons Commissioner Rieke offered, the following motion: The following
from pay- tax -payers being exempted from paying Poll Taxes on account of either being non-
ing Poll
Taxes residents or having reached the ago limit, I move they be exonderated for the ;}' 1.50
poll charge on their tax bills for the year 1932:
J. A. '.'lade Route # 3 Box 7 Tax Bill # 4811
Nettie & Ben rice Route #3 Tax Bill # 3637
A. R. Jenkins, 225 Hays Ave. Tax Bill 1/ 2326
C.D. Gilliam, 2010 Guthrie Ave. Tax Bill # 1622
M.L. Spann Route #4 Tax Bill # 4354
Chas. Lassiter, Route 71 Tax Bill M 2617
Advpted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and
Mayor Scott (5).
Refund of. Commissioner Rieke offered motion that %x,. A. M. Foreman, as agent,
Poll Tax
to A.M. having paid in full the tax bill # 242 for year 1932 for R. D. Barnett, a non -
resident, on which was erroneously charged a poll tax of u 1.50, I move that he be
exonerated, and the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to refund sass and
charge to the proper fund. Adopted on ca -11 of the roll: Year; Commissioners Block,
Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5).
Proceeds Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the Commissioner of Public .
from sale
of Fund- Finance be authorized to pay out of the proceeds received -from the sale on June 14th
ing Bonds
pro -rated of the v 20,000.00 Paducah 1932 Funding Bonds the following amounts:
to resoec-
tive barks Citizens Savings Bank d 10 900.00
Peoples National Bank 3,600.00
Chemical Bank & Trust Company 5,500.00
to be applied as payments on notes executed to these respective banks by the City
t of Paducah in the year 1931. Adopted on call of the roll: Year; Commissioners
Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5).
`Refund of Coassiasioner Rieke offered the following motion: The tax bill
Poll tax
to Mrs. #1223 for year 1932 assessed against Mrs. Ed. Duporrlou, which erroneously
!:d. :Purer-
rieu included a poll tax charge for 4 1.50, and as Ed Duperrieu is dead, and as said
Claiv 'f
Rebt M.
a 1 lc nc,,
for pyint-
1ng maracs
ho: -'a .
bill has been paid in Ball, I move the exoneration of said amount, and that the
Co•.nianioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay same and charge to the proper
funk. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Bolt,
Rleko and Vayor 'cott (5).
Co=l 3sioner Rieke ,Yforcd motion that the claim of Robt. ;.I. Furnan
for •Otnting the ?,urges 110-6 for occint of v 60.00, which has been duly approved for j
pay -.ant, tie allowed, and the of Ilublic Finance to authorized to pay
sc'x €r.? ci:nrEO to 2eca`_r3 to Public Proporty in tiro proper department. Adopted
cn call of t:.e roll: Yese; Co^:nieal, ::ers F;10^'r,,F:ru;fs;,ein, ?loll, Rie:to and
Yayr;r ^cctt (S). I
NO... nRDZ6 M
Proceedings o(_Tf[g BOARD_ OF CO :ISS.0 X1)4_ _ City of ICE KY 7unr ?Ott, 1-83i --
Payment of
interest to
Citizens Sav-
ings Bank
Allowance of
S 10.00 to
Citizens Bank
for handling
sale of bonds.
Allowance of
claim of
Brady M.
Stewart, back
tax collector
Allowance of
pay rolls for
est' half
of June
Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the Comcdssioner of Public
Finance be authorized to draw a check on the General Fund to the Citizens Savings
Bank, for the amount of $ 174.86 in payment of the interest duo to Juno 14th on
i. the t 10,900.00 paid that date on the notes of 1931 due said bank by the City of
Paducah. Adopted on call of the roll: Yoas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Holt,
ji Rieke and Mayor Scott (5).
Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the Commissioner of Public
Finance be authorized to pay the Citizens Savings Bank the bank's charge of w 10.00
for handling the sale of ;', 20,000.00 of the Paducah 1931 Funding Bonds and charge
same to the proper fund. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block
Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5).
Commdssioner Rieke offered motion that the Commissioner of Public
Finance be authorized to pay Brady M. Stewart, Back Tax Collector, for comm-
issions due on back tax collections for the month of May 1932, amounting to
$ 269.47, and charge same to the proper fund as customary. Adopted on call of
the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5). -
Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the payrolls for the first
half of June 1932 be allowed in the amount of $'6803.17 and that the Commissioner
of Public Finance be authorized to pay same. Adopted on call of the roll:
Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Holt; Rieke and Mayor Scott (5).
Claims for, j Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the claims for the month of
month of May
allowed. „ May be allowed in the amount of $ 5913:90 and the Commissioner of Public Finance
be authorized to pay same. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners
Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5).
Auditor's re- � Commissioner Rieke offered moticr. that the Auditor's report for
port of collec-
tions and I collections and disbursements for the month of May be received and filed.
disbursements r
for mohth of Adopted on call of the roll: Yoas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and
May received
and filed. Mayor Scott (5).
Allowance of Commissioner Rieke offered :notion that the claim of Virgil nick -or fer
claim of
Virgil Tucker repairs to Fire Station Ile. 1 for amount of b 67.50 be allowed and that the
for repairs
to Fire Sts- ii Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay suns and charge to the Repairs
tion No. 1
to Public Pronerty Find in the Department of Public Property. Adopted on call of
the roll: Yeas; Con. issioners Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5).
On the motion the meeting adjourned.
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