HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 634, November 16, 1936Proceedings of_ Boliri_4f Co;?li.r_;iorLrs -City of Paducah AMO'AbOr 16a._1936
At a reg.t.lar mecting of the Board of Commission,rs held in the
Co.misstoners I Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 2:30 P.M. on the .16th
day of November, 1936, '.ayor Washburn presided and upon call of the roll the following
answered to their names: Commissioners Hannln, Lockwooc;, ilelton, Pulliam and Mayor
•':ashburn (5).
hinutes of the previous meetings were adopted a5 read.
-ice YL
Commisslon.r 'Lelton offered the following motion: That a licensee
Gco. I
Lyan to perm: the retailing of beer and light wines to the following applicant uoon proper
pay.n nt to the City Treasurer be a. -,proved:
George Lynn's Grocery, by George Lynn, Bridge and Broad Sts.
Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, Melton, Pulliam and
"ayor Washburn (5).
Commissior..r Pulliam offered the follow Ing motion: The Paducah
':cyaras Cooperage Company having heretofore requested the Board of Commissioners of the City of
can- Paducah to grant police powers to Chester ''IcUanas as guard and watchman and thr Board
�of Commissioners having granted said police powers udon condition that the employer,
nto-wit; The Paducah Cooperage Company, furnish bond as required by ordinance and *the
said bond having been executed with the FIDELITY & CASUALTY COL,,P,Y OF INEW YORK and
the said employer THE PADUCAH COOPERAGE CO2PANY, having requested that said police
;ewers be cancelled and its bond released, I now move that the bond of said Chester
:c..at:as as guard and watchnaa at the Paducah Cooperage Cow, any be cancelled as of this
date and that the surety on such bond be released fro;n all liability thereon.
Acio?ted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, ilelton, Pulliam and
.,;,,or Vlashburn (5).
:.ayor CraLliburn offered the following :motion: I move that the
aypro-;Board of Commissioners go on record as endorsing the expenditure of $500.00 out of the
EFeKee revenues for the year 1937, to be charged to the Advertising Account and to be paid to
Batto: ,
Co. xorton Hand, Trustee of the fund being collected for an extension to the :dcKee Button
Com. -,any in Paducah, Kentucky. Adopted on call of the roll: Ygas; Co.Lxission_r::
Han:.ir., Lockwood, G:elton ar.d mayor Washburn (4). flays; Commissiot:er Pulliam (1).
wayor V.ashbarn offered the following :motion: I move that the
:`y Cor,.oratlor. Co:nsel be instructed to prepare and bring in an ordinance prescribing
�v,_ing for the ade,)tion of an eight (8) hour day for employment of all employ. as
. the Clty of i;,.ucah in the [:treat, Engineering, Finance, Hospital and Clerical
the City Hall, to be effective as of the 'Lst day of January, 1x37.
h•r Gr ii.' _ice ' :ovi'i,: : '. ;i;t h,)urs a- a working day for all e.mpLoyees of the. city
o t:_ oft ,. city; that r:o rate of ,gay be. fixed l:: this
to be eovt:r. ,°d by ., cul.aratc or3tnance, ana -e:here it is
: e.•r ...7 cy - to xork !o-.gkir 'r; ., oi;;ht hours th:t S;;td ea<ployec receive
'...e: . half of `.. ._,: of ,,ay fixed for the reoective dei art-
for :., . :y .or far vac;zt.tcu riods authorized by tha
_.... _ t;.•. io:.. .. ue loners
- .,..
th� two
_...... _ . _...rre;i to the
No... 635
Proceedings of. Board of COc:::i.alonet•s - . City of Paducah_ t Ry2mber 16, 13G6
We, the undersigned, Goebel Peek, Louis Igert and Cliff Shemwell, duly
appointed and qualified Commissioners of Election of `1cCracken County, Kentucky,
do certify that we met at the Court House la AcCracken County, Kentucky, and
courted and tabulated th votes cast at the General Election held Nove:aber 3rd,
1936, and hereby certify that the following is a correct total of votes cast for
said candidates:
doyen Washburn offered the following motion: Acting upon, the
Policemen -
MayorEs motion
toy, belief that the city commission has the legislative authority to reinstate
reinstate Glover,
Price, Russell
& membvrs of the police department removed without cause, I move that ?rice Glover, I
;Oscar Price, T. H. Russell and Tilghman Tade, former n,e:nbers of the Paducah poLtce
H. Noreia!: Sullivan
department, be reinstated as memb rs of the Paducah police depar-ment, provided
peach can stand the required physical examination.
Finis S. Phelps
No action taken on this motion.
Pending action on the foregoing motion, Mayor i'iashburn offered
0. A. Kerth
the following motion: I move that the motion under consideration by the board
reinstating Price Glover, Oscar Price, T. B. Russell and Tilghman Tade as members
W. H. :ic'durry
of the Paducah Police departcent be held in abeyance and that Corpora -ion
Counsel W. V. Eaton be instructed to imaediately seek a declaration of the rights
John F'le_Ang
of the Board of Commissioners on said motion under the Declaratory Judgment Law
in the 'IcCracken Circuit Court. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commis toners
Hannin, Lockwood, ilelton and Mayor Washburn (4) Nays; Commis:rion r Pulliam (1)
:.i.'....Lat; r:. of the Ct.. .�.
.._i tO:..
Mayor Washburn offered the following motion: I move that
Certification of
City General
the -certification of the Election Commissioners of iicCracken County, certifying the
Election held
,'.`7 vote £.
November 3,1936
results of the General election held November 3, 1936, certifying to the City of
Paducah the election of the members of the Board of Education, the results of the
,a/"i Yotc+u
question of the municipal college, and the ordinance platoonirg the membership
of the police d.partment, be received, filed and spread upon the Minutes;
We, the undersigned, Goebel Peek, Louis Igert and Cliff Shemwell, duly
appointed and qualified Commissioners of Election of `1cCracken County, Kentucky,
do certify that we met at the Court House la AcCracken County, Kentucky, and
courted and tabulated th votes cast at the General Election held Nove:aber 3rd,
1936, and hereby certify that the following is a correct total of votes cast for
said candidates:
iewber Board of Education
City Ord ir.ance X1'1: "Shall the Pro o �4
P. Coltharp
H. Noreia!: Sullivan
Finis S. Phelps
0. A. Kerth
W. H. :ic'durry
John F'le_Ang
City Ord ir.ance X1'1: "Shall the Pro o �4
Ordinance en,L
rA:. ord r -^_e
r rG i g an or,11rarce entitled 'An Or:.:
ca Providing I t
F.stub_i t at
of i...1 S •,1 Cal iegu in Lite City of
n to be '<na..i,
^- T;; 110r Coi.ei;uE ar:d ProvLdlui, for Coatrot o.. _:,!
Cal- by
. 03...
rn, ...
... ..':fttO,.i Of I;Vlp,:OrtL.j, al:d ,7i; �...
.. ..t '•�
0. :% �..
:.i.'....Lat; r:. of the Ct.. .�.
.._i tO:..
,.,,ter:. o. t.r:' ..9th
day or
,'.`7 vote £.
eE 1Ycu
,a/"i Yotc+u
NO.— 636.---- - -, ___
ProeaedinyaoF board -of Co?t:alsio:_::'r City of Paducah_.-:ovCmber 16,
City Ordinance tr': "Shall the Porposed Ordinance entitled: "An Ordinance
Plotooning the :'.e:,:botshIj) of the Paducah Police Department so a to Cuuse the %lembers
of Such Popart,ent to Work in Eight Hour shifts, Such Shifting as to Time to be
Hug:lated by Order or Rule from tha office of the City ::.onager or frog the Office of
the Chief of the Police Departm•,rt or Department [lead' be passed?"
Yes received 5,359 votes
:o received 1,.�J5 votes
e, the undersigned Election Co:::.ils:sion rs of .]cCrac:.en Cou.,ty, Kentucky,
to certify the above to be truce and correct.
Given under our hands ti:iz i:ovtxber 3rd, 1356.
Goeb i Peek
Election Co.;zmisslonc:rs
Louis Igert
yy Cliff Shemwell
I, Sarah ':liber, Clerk of the County Court of the County and State aforesaid,
do certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of same as it
H a_'p.ars on redord in my office.
Given under y hand this 13th day of .iove_ber, 1956.
Sarah Biller, Clerk
By Jess G. - :•cer, D. C. if
Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co!iraissiont:rs Harnin, Lockwood, :delton, Pullia:.i
.nri:.ryor Washburn (5).
Co::*. .ct '.;ayor Washburn offered the following motion: I move that the contract,
aathorized by ordinance, between the City of Paducah and Albert Karnes, for the
0.'icollection of taxes on omitted property, be received, filed and recor..td Li Contract
t"''`' :ook. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Comatissiontrs Hannin, Lockwood, i"elton,
an,. ;l:yor Yiashburn (5).
t7:yor Washb.:rr offered the foliowln, .,otioa: I move that the receipt glve.n
Hnlc to `_he r•o;)les :;atioaaL Bark az a City Dv,,ository for securities owau:d by said batik
heli °.. to r i�oo:4 i:: the P,': .cs I:ntio:tal Bank under joint control with the payor as
i .::r:...tc-, ;or the dity di:_:o_, ts, be reeeLved, i lied and spread apo:l tlu::.an utes:
"Date (:ov. 10, i.:}l:6
Of The .. 0. ,... E, . !:_;!;'ill, K.:`NCKY, the
for ,..... each
.• _ ..0. 6b6 fol• ti l ,
oa. u -7 -6 -d -6J-1- for ..::.�..0 each
To be .. j ._or o..;i5 of the above :.,_,.c.. ...::'t, --acurif.y
foe _.. r: r,,. .,1*. ,.. .....i Lack.
v�y i
._ ... _ .a i.I'.._. ..,.. ..i.. .Sll.:• of "ht"
.! _.. .. .t • f::. t!. tea.
rri: L: li: c:�i l
Q t G rte'/-