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Minutes Book 19, Page 63, June 13, 1932
Proceedings of BOARD -_OF- COA!A7I SIS1lCRS City of Paducah-!9-NT(T At a regular meeting of the board of Commissioners held in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Rall Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at 3:00 o'clock P.M. on the 13th day of June, 1932, Mayor Scott presided and upon f call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Pro -rata of Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the Commissioner of Public proceeds of sale' of Funding Bonds i Finance be authorized to pay out of the proceeds received from the sale on to respective banks June 8th of the $ 3000.00 Paducah 1932 Funding bonds the following amounts: Citizens Savings Bank $ 1600.00 Peoples National Bank 600.00 Chemical Bank & Trust Co. N.Y. 800.00 to be applied as payments on notes executed to these respective banks by the City of Paducah in the year 1931. Adopted on call of the roll: Yoas; Commissioners block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5). Interest allowedl' Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the Commissioner of Public Citizens Savings;. Bank on $1600.00 Finance be authorized to draw a check on the General Fund to the Citizens Savings Bank, the amount of $ 39.36 in payment of the interest due to June 8th on the $ 1600.00 paid that date on the notes of 1931 due said bank by the City of Paducah. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5). Interest allowed Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the Commissioner of Public Citizens Savings Bank on balance Finance be authorized to pay the interest from January let to March 1st (2 -months) due on notes executed in 1931. amounting to $ 1272.34 on the balance of $ 138,800.00 due on notes executed to theCitizons Savings Bank by the City of Paducah in the year 1931. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5). Refund of City Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the allowance of claims for Automobile License to refund of w 5.00 foe paid for City Auto License filed by residents of McCracken residents of McCracken County Co�ulty who are exempted, as follow©: Dr. H. A. Massey License # 2311 $ 5.00 Louis Kaler License ,J 2487. 5,00 - T.= and that Vile Cornissioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay some and charge to :the proper fund. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners block., Holt, Rieke, Bradshaw and Mayor Scott (5), City lhpr:;vvment Commissinner -Rieka offered motion that the City Improvement Bids bills due Jun, � 1932 allowed. due June 1932, be n?lnao:l es follows: Bill 743::2 amount .46 " 79910 4.95 " 8133 r, " ,90 " 82354 ~ 107.61 ~ 62,34 " 38.50 also the :e7.irgxant yc,ara Gn'; yUaf' 19u2 bills Gr_ Gregory property Total $ 16.6.04 Adsptad cn call of the roll: fens;,-aaiinrers block, Bradshaw, Holt, R1(ij,rj and payor ]Cott (5). NO. _ ' _ Proceeding. of_13CARD- _O�QO`+"IS&I011ER�.. City of Paducah—Juno _13th, 1932. s;laim of Commissionor Rieke offered motion that the clalin of Mrs. Lena H. Mrs.Lona Dublin Doublin for payment of erroneous assessment for personal taxes and poll tax on allowed Tax bill # 3636 for J.11. Price Jr. North 35th Street for amount of ;, 14.74 be allowed, as J. 11. Price was not a resident at the time the assessment was made according to a sworn affidavit filed by the claimant, and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to refund same and charge to the proper fund. Adopted on call of the roll; Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5). Refund Commissioner Rieke offered the following motion: whereas Noah Parks, of tax bill 2217 Eulah Street having erroneously paid on the 24th day of June 1931, Tax Bill errone- ously # 3425 for June 1931; assessed against N. C. Park, lot # 19 Block 1/5 on Center St., paid by Noah amounting to $ 3,73, I move that same be allowed and that the Commissioner of Parks Public Finance be authorized to refund said amount upon return of the original recelpted tax till, and charge same back to Tax Refunds. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5). Amount Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the amount for costs and for costs in judgments rendered against the City last December 1931, in the consolidated case of case of Lucy B. Lucy ... Yancy and Southern Roads Company VS City of Paducah be allowed as follows: Yancy VS City A. B. Boyd, Attorney for Southern Roads Co. $ 395.67 of Padu- cah, Frances Allen, Circuit Court Clerk 246.80 allowed. and the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay same and charge to the proper fund in the Department of Public Affairs. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5). Property Commissioner Rieke offered the following motion: Whereas, the taxes owned by V' have been paid on Tax Bill # 1740 for year 1931, for amount of a 149.70 on property N.rs .Pease exoner- betaeen 21st and 22nd Streets on Monroe Street, now ormed by tars. Bessie Pease Reason rated for taxes but formerly assessed to L. J. Green, as owner, and all receipts covering said paymen 1n am- ount of have been delivered excepting for amount of $ 19.53, I move that said property be $19.53 exonerated for o 19.53 which agrees with total amount of rocelpts for year 1931 still on hand for collection against said property.. .Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Conmissfoners Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Mayor'3cott (5). Property Commsissioner Rieke offered the following motion: 17horoas the property belong- ing to of Mrs. S. E. For^man nt 21st and Brhger Streets on Tax Bill # 1475 for the your 1932 Kra. L .. Forf.=A n has :,nen arronocstaiy ascoased for the amount of $ 14.44 I move that Yrs. S. R. Forema: exonor- ated to ex•:norntcd for said nmoant. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Corniontoners for tax ez in block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rle'rr an•1 Mayer Scott (5). n n'):r n of 414.41 Co^nlnsicner Ries offered motion that; the Cash Orders in the s=ount of Z 62.55 be allaaed, and the. Cr77Minai0nor of Publle 1Financo be reimbursed L7 check cn tit. rSoneral. Fun.3 fer said ar:unt, par:,: to )in churgod to the proper fund. Adopred on call of the roll: Yeas; CO.=1safonerc Block, Fsrnk.lnha w, Holt, Rteko and Keyor :.cott (F,). r NO._Pnt,U�r— Proceedings of BOARD. OF CO'3R]ISSIONERS. _. — City of Paducah --BEtITU.CIBC—_._Suao._13-a" 9322.. Exemption of Coannissioner Rieke offered the following motion: Yfi ereaa, the poll tax for Lubie following tax -payers are exempted from paying poll taxes on account of having Jackson L.A. iTashingron reached the age limit, I move they be oxoncrated as, follows- Lubie Jackson 1114 North 8th St., Tax Bill J} 5519 k 1.50 L. A. Washington 1.310 Broadway Tax Bill (/ 4921 4 1.50 Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5). Refund of Poll Commissioner Rieke offered the fallowing motion: Vrnoreas, the Taxes following tax -payers are exempted from paying poll taxes on account of being deceased, or a non-relsdent or having reached the age limit, but as their tax bills have been paid for the year 1932, including poll tax, I move that the respective amounts paid for. polls be allowed and the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to refund same to; Frank Shafter 509 Clements St. TnxBill a% 4165 ^'1.50 Henry Cole 1027 S. 5th St. " 5395 1.50 W.B. iTilliams 1006 Burnett St. " " 5095 1.50 John Pdurth R.F.D. Y6 " " 5180 1.50 Mrs.. T. R. Averitt 1906 Clay St. " " 156 1.50 L.L. & Coy Thorpe 163 Farley Place " 4613 1.50 Total 59.00 Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5). A deed granted Commissioner Block offered motion that a deed be granted to to Mable La - Beau and Liable La Beau and Frank WWroy for Lot # 48 Block # 4 in Oak Grove Cemetery upon Frank 'ainfrey in Oak Grove payment of $ 40.00 to the Commissioner of Public Finance. Adopted on call of Cemetery the roll; Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rolt, Rieke. and Mayor Scott (5). On motion the mooting adjourned. APPROVED (% yor :,DOPY: D ca2_� = a -1 o-e�., 1932 ' y er t 40