HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 620, October 9, 1936NO.
Proceedings of-__9oard_of Co__�nis>ton. rs�_-._CityofPaducahtu24Y 9tober 9 13u6
At a call neetLrg of the board of Commissiont,rs held in the Co:r.iisslon rs
'Cha.;btr at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 10 o'clock A. U. on the 9th day of
SOetobor, 1036, :iayor v.azlrburr. presided arms upon call of the roil tho following answered
to thc:r ..r:aes: Cm: ds.:io;r rs Hannin, Lockwood, :ielton, Pulliam and .^•.ayor Washburn (5
i_ayor Washbarn stated reason. for call, to -wit: For the purpose of hear
charges agal,.st Robert Shelbourne, and to transact arty other business that may come
before the ceting.
-C L. Mayor Washburn offered the following motion: I move that the Letter from
prove-�Clty ?tanager regarding delinquent improvement bills be received, filed and approved.
ment d
bills i'S-%opted oa call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, :.lelton, Pulliam and
::yon i7c shburn (5).
Mayor Washburn offered the follow n�:; motion: The Board of Commissioners
Shel- having had under consideration charges against Patrolman., Robert Shelbourne, and having
chargeE heard evidence thereon, and being sufficiently advised therefrom are of the opinion
missed that said charges are not sustained by the evidence, - I therefore :move that said
charges be dismissed and that the suspension against said Robert Shelbourne without
Pay be re:noved effective as of this date, and that he be paid for all time suspended.
aThe Board of Commissioners take this op;)ortunity of calling to.the
11atte2.tlon of all members of the Department Of Public Safety that rules and regulations
jjhave ben duly acopted by this Board, governing their conduct, and to i=,form said
menbers that if charges are preferred against them and sustained by evidence, that they
IIcannot expect ary leniency from this Board. A opted on call oithe roll: Yeas;
Commisslorers Hannin, Lockwood, !eLton, Pulliam and Mayor Washburn (5).
ts;rx ��iF z� x�at:t s s.
The Board of Commissioners reconvened at :: o'clock P.i1. pursuant to
recessed meeting held at 10 o'clock A.M.
ttayor Washburn offered the following motion.: I move that the article
ir:g __:::g in the Sun-Lierocrat of October B, entitled, suAn:HL1iiG SITUAIM; BY E. J.
or• qi;;- :,, SH." be received, filed and spread upon the Winutes. Adopted on call of the
jro'-'. Ye.':^; Costissioncrs Hae.nir, Lockwood, ;aelton anti Xayor Washburn) Nays; Coen -
"'4i1? GA'.:nT,P.:G SITUATMOT
Ly E.J.:axton, Sr.
lcDtloz..fs resentment of the v/lde spread
- - Ue of forms in this county viii react
r s jast closed its session, _h.ce it
-- :tce can be driven out.
at grFu n here again, to a •;;rc s Ly a,3p-
r ycracx._- ;cy gave me, and the fasts 1 laid
was cel' o'clock, on the f ir,al day, and the
enberz to: s pitiable that they had such
u r. rich to go ciearges; that they had found
so Mu >. , ;rk to do (I R Ow t o,ld Lndletments) it wou_: be
SmpoWs_'_:•. -o go a dcc;ly ..-..., .. thcy *lshed, acd d_e^;ed absolute-
ly neceso.-:2.
Lt:at t: ncatedty,
tear re rv- I
NO.__6.".l _.—_—
Proceeding.+of Board of Co:i.aLssioncrs City of Padacah_,Kantuc ,_October Sf,.J,'d3 __..
r "I gave them reports of crap shooting games, still in operation
although the slot machines hau closed down, temporarily, and that
the operators fold cLtents they were legal. I gave the name of
the person who could furnish that 1fSormation."
"I told of seeing a truck and automobile collide this summer at
Twenty-eighth and Broadway an: a man rldicig in the truck killed when
jl tot vehicle, loaded with slot machines, fell over oa him."
"I told them that advLsirag Lith this paper, were two city oi'flclals
and o::e former city official aad that they agreed that If a publicity
cat:paign did not close the gambling, measures would be taken other-
wise to do so."
"I told the name oil one hand bo k operator who had asked one of our
staff if we deemed his game illegal."
"I told of gambling at a tavern on one of the highways leading
into the city on o..e night this week; of two Lien who saw it In
operation. I related an incident where two of our staff saw gambling
one night this week in a similar place; that they went to the house
of one of the county officials and told about it and asked that he
go with them to make an arrest."
"I told that after some deliberation he agreed to do so, and when they
got to the place, it was shut tight, all the lights were out, and tgat
in a few minutes, they heard the snickers of persons in the Muse and
the yard around."
"The boys on this paper have a sense of humor too, and appreciated the
situation as much as the operators and clients of the place. A majority
of our readers will, also."
"In this connection it is interesting and humorous to relate that the
county official who accompanied some of our staff on the "dud" raid the
other night said "The only way to get these fellows is to find someone
they don't know, ana have them go in and obtain the evidence."
"I was asked what I thought of the raffles of automobiles by civic
church and other bodies, by houses of a:Luse:ce'nt and charitable organtz-tions
and I could only state my positive conviction that ALL gambling that
is ILLEGAL should be stopped."
"I told the jury and repeat here: we do not wish to be over -critical
of anyone, - - public official or operator of a "racket." 'iae 'nidi to,
we HOPL to, co-operate WITH all city and county officials in an effort
to check, at least, the rampant gambling. Vie are not fighting any
public official. Fie prefer to fight WITH them against aLl l.awless::ess."
"Our re..ders wiil see, as I at once appreciated, that the grand jury
could do nothing under the circumstances. It's time was far too short.
I firmly believe that, after my appearance, .If Lt hr:d two or three day:,
more, it would have found aw;1e evLdence on which to indict."
"Aral in this report of my appearance, there is no Intention to in AFT
way criticize that body. ilor do I think the f:aplied criticis,, so -,.e,
who ::iJi take delight in doing so, will read in Its report, is the
:,,-.t body. The report, I an: told, was written by the• co-•:::on-
urf;ey, and repeats criticism he ha,;;aaae to friends before:
t ,: i1. :o.,e one will bRI11G hi!: evidence, he will Drosecute.
"His office has a detective, an officer iraicl ^;:,E�%0 a yens, to do just
wha he s::ggests private iddividuals and thl:; :r_.c,:pea• do. If ?ir.
1!ryn:: and h_s detectLve will work wLth us, •s ct,"J.1 give him all the
etidence .c reeds, and FIRST hand stuff, too."
"'::o_._ are clo:ed now, but they w;1_f'o':o: cu::tom and open; up
eg•a'. .
t.::y open:, too, zc_L i - • • .foes rot cos: pcl t.in: it
.. o:.l v: Jr 0o .. Phe: othc-r da,y.
Orr!, i.0 7Le i0:1;;
who ,
Adoptee or. chip c: the roI.: i:r;a; Ir, .....7U:,+. . ._Lr!r., Lockwood, b,+tit•. ar.i
Payor iiashbarn (4). says; Co:. ;:.. ir,a: ..:..i ::: (,),
mrd j .omloslorl :cr Wa.shourn offered th. :n'.:cwi cove tie at tt:E:
ars Ao+xey oa re— oaare of Coomismianers announce as thei. f:;ture ;
vaP.frg . •� :,,gs for the
i4v*A"s that the boar.: for E. n !rt g
_Q,.hro,;;r. the
_.. .. .. .. _. .. .., .. ._.s U_ '... ;:r Lvete,
No.—S_.._ _
Proeeedin'aof irosrd �L_Coi_:;:_issio:. �-._._.CitrofPaducah�. tuek�y� Oetobet_, 19::6
secret, citizens co: 7tt.ee for lu•. e.-Xorcement. Aaopted or. call of L,e roll: Yeas;
o: '_clorcrs Han:::n, Lockwood, '^.eLton and 'layor Tashburn (4).Nays; Conmissioncr
:.ayor Yiashburn offered the follo;rine rotlon: I move that the hearing
Ted lagainrt ?ed Y,illiams be left open and the case rete red to the Police Court.
7riL- '
!!a ns 'Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Haiu:in, Lockwood, G7elton, s�ulllan:
to and ayor Washbur. (5).
court Co:t,misslonar Lockwood offered the following iraotior.: I .Love that the
action of the Board of Commissioners revoking the license of Uyrtle Griffin be recoi=
Nut gsi.4ered and that the license of .,yrtle Griffin be restored to her. Adopted on call of
llcers'the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, Melton, Biayor Washburn (4). Nays;
ed �Comoissioner Pulliam. (�).
On notion meeting adjourned.
AC0:7ED \-�A�, , L936