HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 614, September 28, 1936NO. _ � -'' Proceedings of__ 'Qbijp QF_C0. ': i sl0 .i' '... ____ _ City of Paducah_2 KLNTUCKY, September 28, 1936 At a regular meeting of she Board of ConrnlssLoners held in the Commissioners? Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Keatucky, at 2 o'clock P. M. oil the CSth day of September, 1936, Mayor Washburn presided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Haruiln, Lockwood, Melton, Pulliam and ':?ayor i+ashburn (5) . minutes of the previous meetings were auopted as read. Comalssioncr Lockwood offered the following ;notion: That a Beer license to permit the retailing of beer and light wines to the follo+•ring applicant be License D.R.Har- r• celved and filed and held until the next regular meeting for final action: dy D. H. Hardy, 111 bo.3rd St., Known as Jefferson Cafe. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commission•.rs Hannin, Lockwood, rielton, Pulliam and :dcyor Washburn (5). I. g Dalin- aayor liashburn offered the following motion: I move that thef quent communication under date of September 23, addressed to the Mayor and Board of tax im- prove- Commisslone_•s, relative to the enforcement of delinquent improvement tax bills, be ment bills- received, filed and spread upon the Minutes and that action thereon be deferred until a list of the delinquent taxpayers mentioned in said letter has been furnished to the _embers of the Board of Commissioners. I further move that the City Manager be instructed to contact the holders of said bonds and ascertain it it is not possible to re -write said bond issues, thereby extending to the respective taxpayers an additional five (5) year period in wn ich to pay said bonds, as this proceeding, if possible, will prevent litigation and the Joss of property and homes of several hundred citizens: "September 23, 1936 ,layor Edgar T. Washburn Co::;.!Lsslon,.rs George A. Hannin Tuttle Lockwood Herbert ?elton 3. B. Pulliam City Gent 1 c=er.: We have confronting ps a situation that needs i,amediate attention. It is the matter of delinquent improvement tax bills, with especial reference to the duty and responsibility of tile- city of Paducah. There arc, more than el.dnty (60) series of' these public improvement bonds anu tn•re are delinquent taxes on every one of these issues. It is mandatory that *he city attempt *o collect or enforce the collection of these tax bills before the statute of limitation or five years becoses effective. If the city docs rot proceed in ss this manner, then it beco ec s autoatically liable to the bond holders for Chair lo Cue to the city's failure to collect. � n,re arri more than o:, hr card (1000) separate pieces of' property involved in ett+rr order to enforce the liens it is necessary to -rate levy oil each piece of property ani the r, , to describe each piece o1' property and ev. •.-:, c. r r�., y b.a,;aJist the property; to --how the owner or ., ._ ,rc :. til r. arc, Infants or non-residents, these to e ct .., every piece of p7•o7,f,rty that is e' 2t u:a OL'L'lcc has : ra • ., partial ou:I , i„i+ with 1L1. �-;L% volu^e ' .. it �„ . is and CO:7- � the presei7t ry first 7hc bulk of . th I he : .es 01' .•ce of title. <,t e7 t ..lxto get this I -... .. .. .... .. to b i. :r _. dq.. ,. ., .•if w1 LL opurty. NO.___ 6115 -. Proceedings of_. Board. of_Cormi_ssionera- --- . City of Paducah_,_ errtuek, Septenber ?8,1936 -- - — _ This is a very tedious and particular kind of work and cannot be entrusted to Just anyone but should be done by those who have had experience in investigating real estate titles. It is my purpose to use the two draftsmen in the Engineering office to prepare the titles, but as you well k, -,ow, their work for the past year or more h:,s been almost entirely devoted to working up and on federal projects. We have prepared a number of new projects which we wi'LL submit so that I hope a greater amount of their time will be avaLlablc for this work. It will necessitate, however, putting on some extra clerks or stenographers to do the copying and assLst the title examinr,rs. As you know, the city will not profit from this work except where it is able to collect sone delinquent ad valorem taxes on the property Involved, and this should be more than enough to pay for the extra work involved. As you know, the city acts solely as a collecting agency for the imp,ovement bills, but in addition is penalized for its failure to exert every legal effort to collect these taxes,. , I, therefore, recommend as protection to the city, and as a means of relieving it frox liability on account of these public improvement taxes, that steps be taker, at once to get the necessary data for the suits and that the board pp authorize m,. to employ such extra help as will be necessary to tarty on this !j work. This is a stupendous task, but if the data is provided Corporation Counsel Eaton will proceed immediately with the preparation of the suits. This, I should say, will consume practically his entire time for the balance of the year. Your early consideration of this matter is requested. 1 Yours very truly i L. V. Bean City ':tanager" j Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannan, Lock'Wood, Yelton, Pulliam and •mayor Washburn (5). Soil Conservation Mayor Washburn offered the follow -'11Z motion: I move that the letter from Inspection trip the United States Department of Agriculture, addressed to the wayor and Board of y Commission•:rs, to accompany H. H. Lester on a tour of inspection of Soil Conservation Service, be received, read and filed for such action as the Bcard of Commissioners may approve. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co:.wlissioners Haru:Ln, Lockwood, Melton, Pulliam and Mayor Washburn (5). Mayor Washburn offered the following motion: I move that the two letters received from Johnson -Fowler and Company be received and filed. Adopted on call i of the roll: Yeas; Commisslont:rs Hannin, Lockwood, Celton, Pul+iam and Wayor Washburn (5). R. '. Henson Mayor Washburn offered the following motion: I move that the applicat'.on application for re- irstate er;t in hOf H. F. Henson for reinstatement as a member of the police de_artment be received, police densrti_ent filed an.i referred to tho City 13anagcr. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; �Commissioni.rs Hannin, Lockwood, :te non, Pulliam and Vvayo:• W-shburn (5). City _:arrager Mayor Washburn offered the following motion: I move that the letter from autrorized to at- a tend City 2anagersr the International City stanagcrsr Association addressed to the :mayor and Board of Convention ComMl—' LOW rs, and the letter from Hollis H. Thompson, City :dot:a get', Ber;tley, California, In regard to the annual City 1:ar:agErsr convention. to be hold in thu City of Richsond, Va., October 19, 20 and 21, be reee'.ved and filed and that City 2a;ager L. V. b_ ;:, be authorized to attend said Convection and that Corporation Counsel l%- V. .., to:: c•. oithorized to at,end saki oonvc,atlon, nni to draw w"o:t the r: i.?y t .ae,a _;try to. '..1,,: f.,:ce a:;ary ,.;x_:.•fse account. A1100 &d On call of the roll: Yeas; Co_: ;L..lo: r H.,:, r.ir., LOclswood, cctton, ?uLiias arra S:ayor Robert Shc'-bourne .kayor V:r,ai:R.--.. 01: ,rt.d t1:C folEowin notion: i cove that the report of date of hearing set the w:.;, ::onager with 16t.ter from theChlc1' of Police, to «hath 1:: attacirod four :ovate, charging rat.rolman P.Obcrt �helt;ourne with ccrtalf:::1sc r:duct, f =;r lrsut:0:ri±r.<:51or. be rise:v,_d a::a hien, r,nQ that a hettriug tar neon: Lt -' -_• :'.U. Tharsnay October Is,, L aft. Aiopted or. call of tl:e 11011: i _O" ood, ie: i.o::, - ala : a; i Mayor Washi urn (5) . I NO. Proceedings of _Board of Coaai_ dont rs _ _ . City of Paducah r_Kentucky,�sptber_2B,_ 1936 _ ?a:?ucah Mayor Washburn offered the following motion: I move that the Pre.:„ copy of the Paducah Press unler date of beptember 25, be received and flied. Adopted on call or the roll: Yeas; Commia.don.rs Rannin, Lockwood, Nelton, Pulliam a;d Sayor Washburn (5). Mayor Vashburn offered the following :notion: The following 0 rd t t:a::- ce re- ordinance having been presented to the Board of Commi-,sioners by pet..tiotas said to be ducing City of- signed by 3263 voters of the city of Paducah, which petition has been received and fi- f icials sa.ar�es led, - I now Dove that said ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE REDUCING AND FIXING THE SALARIES OF THE MAYOR AliD COJ.M158IONE,_8, 80 THAT THE SALARY OF THL ;dAYOx, SHALL BE $300.00 PER YEAR, AND THE SALARY OF EACH COUMISSiONEH SHALT. BE $200.00 PE YEAH" be adopted. Adonted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hanrin, Lockwood, .ielton, Pulliam and Mayor Washburn (5). Yeager Nayor Washburn offered the following motion: I move that the & White letter from Yeager & Whites Certified Public Accountants of Louisville, Kentucky, employ- ed to -.airing a proposal for an audit for the Clty of Paducah for the years 1934, 1935 anti make city 1'.;36 for the sum of $3600.00, which includes Riverside Hospital and the Paducah Junior audit College, be received and filed, and said Yeager and White be employed to make said a,,;31t for the years 1939, 1935 and 1936 for the sum of $3600.00. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, Nolton, Pulliam and Mayor Washburn (5). On motion meeting adjourned ADOPTED___! - � ,1936 City er J