HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 595, August 10, 1936Proceedings of _ __ _ City of Paducaah ,g= C' :Y Mrs. Henry Johnson used to lot in Oak Grove Cemetery At :. re;:a::r ui of til; board of Gomralos Lvn:rs hr:id to the CoClhn,:bcr in tike (:Liy flall, Paducah, K­ntucky, at 1: oeclocic P.M. l o,. the l0t.h tiay of August, l9 G, .i•"yor Washburn presided end upon ca'Ll of the i roil ii -.N follo::inf answered to ,.._ic ..-:mess Commis_i�n.-:ra [:;,min, Lock::ood, Pulliam and Mayor 4iachburn (5). i' 1.Inutc6 of the previous mcetLngs were Ldoptc. :a read. Commission r HDnnin offered the following motion: I move that a udead be jrs.ntcd to wrs. lfexu•y Joiahson for the Korth on: hili of Lot ji7, in Block 0, in!'ausoleum Addition in Oak Grove Cemetery b-_ approved. Adoptee on call of the troll: 'leas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, i.Uton, Pulliam and Y;;Yor r:ashburn (5) . Rachel Daniels, Commissioner Hamxin offered the following motion: I move th+ut a deed to lot In deed be granted to Rachel Daniels for lot ii23, in block i15, bet,rcen Foreman St. and Oak Grove Cemetery Paducah Col.League com::,unication Chamberlain, in Oak Grove Cemetery be approved: hdopted on call of thc. roll: J Yeas; Commisz:ioners Hannin, Lockwood, 'Lklton, Pulliam and "ayor Washburn (5). Commissioner Hannin offered the follo•r:inf, motion: I move that tle comLurication from the Paducah Colored Civic League be received and filed and that their request be granted insofar as possible. -dopted on czU of the roll: v Yeas; Comiissioners Hannin, Lockwood, Yelton, Pulliam and idayor •iashburn (5). Resolution authori-i Commissioher Lockwood offered the, followin:_ motion: I move U -,at zing Dr. Pulliam to� sign checks - lost resolution entitled: "A 2 `OLU^IO'd fUTHORI E:G AND T' " Bcer license - Frank 'Magner :. er..e iettt r io ' pard rt.:;: rding Ilam si.::i :nz !seeks L ,I TO SIG;:; CLICKS FOi AND 01: B_HALI Of THF. CITY OI PADUCAH, DURIh'1 Tl;; :._. _:' 0 L. Y. Bk::, =Y :IA AGM11 be adopted. Lost on ca'.1 of the roll: Yeas;:i, itou (1). ':;ays; Hannin and Mashburn (2). Commissioners Lockwood and Pulliam both. (r went but not voting. Commissioner :.elton offered the following motion: sn;•lication for lic,�nse to sell at retail b yr and 116ht wines by Frank 1':agncr, 724 So.3rd St. havir.:; been introduced on August Srd, I no-.-, move that p%rmLt or license for retc:il beer and light wine to Frank Wagner be approved an:i license be is::ued uron payment of license fee. Adopted on cn..11 of the roll: Yeas; g Coa�mission,irs Hannin, Locic;ooci, idclton, Pulliem c.nd Wcyor 1';a.,hburn (5). ::syor W shburn offered the follo..1m motion: I move- that the f c0^.urication fro,, L. V. Bean in behalf of the Citizens Savines Bank, ask.tnF; for a resolutioth ty the Board authorizing Dr. Pulliam to sL.;n checks, br, reecived, I11i n..d .;nrec:d uron lit.; 1i.iarutes: ^Luzust h, 1936 yor r.m: :oard of Coe;a:iselone:s City Gent kr•_ea:: The Citizerwta f:avjng.,3 Brute has requested that a rezol.ution bf; ,as:;ed by the ::oard, copy of ;-OiLch to be sent thea, authorizing br. eul,li.-n to a;inn oheeks in my ab;ir:ce, Yotu:.. v :y trciy, LV. t vac r,, City Nariai,,ro : Yeas; Co isaLonte:; :fa.:ntn, f.ockw0GO, '-.triton and .l. ___`one, "uIllem preset; NO. , Proceedings of._..._� _0F' Ce`::_ I0:__ CityoFPadaeah �-;__UcKY,_i.Iii{f7��T lQ�Q36 Yor �lnshburn off: red the fol'loi.ing motion: I move that the r:zs Si tclrgram from Guy H. Herdman, Asaistcnt Attorney G;:neral, be received, filed and upon the Ulnutos: y °Rt:; ecoivcd at 5 Broadway, Paducah, Ky "1956 Aug 10 ALI 11:28 AAP69 36 Collect - Frw.kfort, Ky 10 1100A ECGAR T. WA.SHBURN, IAYOR ABXNCE OF CI^_'Y :a:AGER CO'.:17:,11831O1'L..S DESIG:U,TE PROPFULY CUALIFIE.D 11 :iS0;1 STOP CITY 1" "`.GER 12UST NOT BE OFFICF•H OR OFFICIAL OF CITY STOP SEE SECTIO:: 3255-5 DD -32-53 Guy H. Herdman, Asst Atty Gerd.° dopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lock;;ood, -Ilton, Pulliam -! L:ayor Washburn (5). :lotion Pdayor Vashburn offered the following motion: I move that the action to res- of the Board of Commissioners designating Dr. Pulliam as Acting City Wa:iager be c ird Bd1s rescinded, due to the fact that the Attorney General's office of the State of action appoint Kentucky has advised that the Acting :,lanager cannot be a city official. Lost on call ing Pulliam of the roll: Yeas; Coeimtssiorr,r Hannin and i'iashburm (2). Hays; Commis, ion.r Melton (1) Commission rs Lockwood and Pulliam both present but not voting. Ord. Commissioner Hannin offered the following motion: I move that an 3 convey- ordinfnce entitled, "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE Of C)HTAIU P.'.OPEHTY ing pro oerty to TO THE BOAP.D OF EDUCATION OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, .:::D DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE Bd. of Educat- CEFD T-FL?XFOR11 be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners ion HLru:dn, Lockwood, Melton, Pulliam and 'dayor Washburn (5). Lee ➢el LILyor Ciashburn offered the following motion: I move that the letter chsr 999 filed from Lee Bell and the letter from Chief of Police, W. E. Bryant, be received and away filed, and the Lcom:aendations of the Cheif of Police be approved and cats ges against Lee Bell be filed away with lease to reinstate on motion of any member of the Board of Co_-issiorers. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannan, Lockwood, lcltor., Pulliam and Mayor Washburn (5). Philip "nYor C.ashburn offered the following; motion: I move that the letter ilecharges from Phiiin ;iil.c and the letter from Chtof of Police, r.:. Bryant, be received and filed away filed ani the reco:a::cndations of the Chief of Police he approved and chr:rges filed away. l:aopted on cnLl of the roll: Yeas; Commissionr:rs tlr:rucin, LOCI":'^nod, 'iclton, lsyoe• 1'.nshburn (5). On ;:odor, "!;tin^ accjotL,ned AP �)