HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 591, August 6, 1936591 NO._. Proeeediagsof BOARD OF C0:1AIOSI0NEESCity ofPaduaahL_K'id'lUCKY an aajourncd regular At mrem,LL meeting of the Board of Commiaslon.rs held in the Co:.c;iasLoa..rsv Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 2:30 o'clock P.!" or the 6th day of August, 1936, tlayor V"ashburn presided and upon cal of the roll the following answered to their names: Cormaissioners [tannin, Locknood, Melton, Pulliam and Mayor Washburn (5). Dr. J. T. Gilbert- ( `„layor Washburn offered the following motion: I move that the Eaton's litter re- jco.,munication dated August :i, 1936, addressed to the 2ayor and Board of Com- garding right to waive defense ,icsioners by Vo. V. Eaton, Corporation Counsel, in regard to the application of IDr. Gilbert for the consent of the Board of Commissiorirs to file his appeal of i ;`valuations on property as fixed by the Board of Equalization be received abd filed and spread upon the Minutes; "Auguat 3rd, 1936 i I G"To the ;Iayor and I�oard of Commissioners, yCity 6 !.Gentlemen: Responding to your motion that I give you an opinion in writing as I.to whether you have the right and authority to waive the failure of Dr. J. T. Gilbert to file his appeal from the Board of Equalizers within the time required by law, `I wish to s::y that under the facts stated in the communication from Dr. Gilbert, ,,and which were filed vrith your motion, the Board of Commissioners has the legal right to waive the technical defense, con.isting of the failure of Dr. Gilbert to .have his appeal filed within the time required by the Statute. It becomes, of course, a question for the court to determine whether `he has jurisdiction; but if this failure to file the appccl •rrIthin the requLred ';time shall b� to:en as a technical objection to the trial of tho appeal, the Board of Commissioners, of course, could waive the defense, If it is a defense, and l.t the court take such action as, in his judgment, may seem proper and equitable. f Respectfully submitted, L7.V.Eaton, Corporation Counsel" Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Honntn, Lockwood, Mellon, Pulliam and Uaydr Washburn (5). KEntuci; 7"illties Mayor Washburn offered the following, motion: I move that the irate Schedule communication from the Kentucky Utilities Company addressed to the Mayor and Board Lp,;rove 1% of Connassioners of the City of Paducah, which has at7ached thereto the proposed r schedule of electric rates for residential and commercial aur o es be received, 'filed and spread u,,on the Minutes, and that the schcaule tendered bo approved ;,with t;e unu6 rstanding that the approval of said schedule sh ll in nos.iae orvclulc 01.1,0 city of Pa.ucah from seeking lower rates at any tLre during the pa Jed o,q the ,fr..nc2ilse n 1ci by the ",entucky Utilities Company; "August 5, 1936 Hoi:orr:ble c.dear ,„shburn, Mayor ty of P"..", "ca h P!�,ucut, Kentucky L.sr Ur. Y�aahoarn: We arc In recelpt of y%u: •:,Lion of July. :50 and will F;la:}ly, at ploaae:re E:r.cl conv, .:-.. ,-, L'no subj;et of electric utility .:it: y -,u and y,uv .. , with, a :ar::j bolteve will be vcy i Ctric ur.t'! } r .� uc;i}:, Stas schedul ;t! crty y•. r J c. a o: of _. acourrsgh.. this act 1. er u' i.tiy, and 111..tify n:rard :..ard of r 1'; _:t 10aori.. "ar V`sc';ed..tle for NO. Proccedinga of_ Pear3. of^Co:_aissl�i0y_rs.—.... _.. City of Paducah_,_$Bntucky,-nAugL =t_6., 193r Cornassion so that it will beco7e effective as of Sootember 1 of this year. The saving to the customers of Paducah is approximately O30,000.00 a year, and the type of rate is si_:ple in its application. We, therefore, submit It for your consideration, cad solicit your approval. Yours very truly TA. V. Green, District ';snagerll "The motion offered by the Commis;:ion Aug. 6th in connection here, is agreeable and acceptable to the Ky. U. Co. R. Lhwattll "Kentucky Utilities Company Paducah, Kentucky RATE RS -1 Residential Service APPLICABLE in City of Paducah, Kentucky MAVAILAHILITY OF SERVICE To residences, individual apartments and private rooming houses, located on existing secondary lines of the Company for all residential use of electric service, including lighting, cooking, heating, refrigeration, and household appliances having motors of not over 1, horsepower individual rating. IRATE $1.00 net per month to include 14 kilowatt-hours used per wont$ 7¢ net per killowatt-hour for the next 16 kilowatt- hours used per month. 50 not per kilowatt-hour for the next 20 kilowatt- hours used per month. Sp' net per kilowatt-hour for all in excess of 50 kilowatt-hours used per month. VINIQUM_MNTHLY CHARGE $1.00 for lighting and socket appliances, plus 50 cents per kilowatt for other equipment connected. DELAYED PAYIIEHT CHARGE Gustomer's monthly bills wi11 be computed at the net rate, and there will be added to the total net bill i a sum equivalent to 5% of such bill, which will be collected only from customers who fail to pay In full within ten days of date of bill. ",!,S AND REGULATIONS Service will be furnished under Company's general BULLS AND RL•GULATIONS, or TERNS AND CONDITIONS. "!entucky Utilities Company Paducah, Kentucky RATE. CS -1 a Co c Vcial Service in C1t7 of Paducah, Kentucky. 4'k AIi,A;:-!i fTY OF ! ELRVJ E io cO,"—Orcial cust m..rs located on existing secondary linen cl' tiu :.dcrtthis schedulelillhtia,iliynotoexce�d bLhonse/oweror 11C1Apartm ntytuildipoier �-cr c?al. nature supplied under ore>.,. -ter to be Included in this classificrttionj c1.i3 rct to tneLude lA kilowatt-hours used oath. r n:t n<:r $ilo;�tt_hour for the next 100 5 a . .:,tr for the next pF0 oath. f le ::aur fn: l0 N0.__50 Proceedings of.__ROARD OF CO'.1I SIOi1i•1t5 _ ._ City of Paducahz�ldTUCKY,._P.UGUST 6,1936 i MINIMUM ".IO:;THLY CHARGE 01.00 p❑r month for the first 2,000 watts connected load and 50 cents per month for ach additional 1,(;G0 I watts or fraction thereof connected above 2,000 watts, D?LAYaD PAYt,F.i1T CHARGE Customer's monthly bills will be computed at the net rate, and th re will be added to the total net bill a _ sum equivalent to 5% of such bill, which will be collected only from customers who fail to pay in full within ten days of date of bill. P,Ui,ES AND REGULATIONS Service will be furnished under Com,,any's general RULES AND REGULATIONS, or ThR'1S AND CONDITIONS. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, Melton, Pulliam and i'.nyor Washburn (5). Parking i'otcr Commissioner Melton offered the following motion: I move that an Ordinance - new ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE TO PROMOTE THE PUBLIC SAFETY, REGULr.TE TRAF1•IC AND CONTROL PARKING OF VEHICLES IN THE BUSINESS SECTION OF PADUCAH, K1?NTUCKY; P13OVIDLIG FOR THE PURCHASE, PAYMENT, INSTALLATION AND OPERATION OF PARKING MET1;@13; i; (;DEFINING THE WORDS YVEHICLE' 'PARK] 'PARKING', 'PARKING SPACE' AND 'LOADING ZONE'; ESTABLISHING AND DEFINING A 'PARKING METER ZONE'; ESTABLISHING 21AXIMUn PARKING TIME IN SAID ZONE; PROVIDING OFFENSES AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, OR PARTS TM.'.RFOF, IN CONFLICT HEREVIITH" be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Lockwood, Welton, Pulliam and ',Iayor Washbufn (4) Nays; Commissioner Hannin (1). i Deed from City of 'I Commisslont:r Hannin offered the following motion: I move that the Paducah to Board of! Corporation Counsel be instructed to prepare an ordinance authorizing the transfer i Ldu ationp err ty an Yeiserp& and conveyance by deed from the City of Paducah to the Board of Education of that Talley certain lot and parcel of real estate which was deeded to the City of Paducah by the Fiscal Court of McCracken County on the 4th day of March, 1931, and located on Yeiser Avenue and Tulley streets and that quit-claim deed to such ;+roperty be `also prepared. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissione:•s Hannin, lockr:oo(I i 11cIton, Pulliam cold i.layor Fiashburn (5). Central Labor :,Iayor Washburn offered the following motion: I move that the City of Un fon - City to ticadvertising Paducah purchi:;e from the Central Labor organization one• full page of advertising In Annual In tKeir Annual at the cost of t10.00. Same to be cnarged to advertising. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commisslone ra H:nnln, Lockwood, Melton, Pull.i_1 and Nnyor 1;anhburn (5). r L?• .__- Coc.uissLon•:r Welton offered the following motion: That a lic<.nso 0t ;r remit the retaillnr, cf beer and light wines b,. grantt:d to the following $ appllr.:, nt uper. to the City Treasurer br a,,•,; oved: LudyK>ciir. ,b 12.8 3ro::a•aay 'Adopted •...- .. .. 1.011: Yeea; Co;:.: t:;..ion, rL Rzlartn, Locl:Ncu: 'rn (b). r. .F. T. G::.. ... ivi offe:ro� +d1u fol.lor.lx,g maLIon: . move that tint. city 1 j ,y air:• .... ;;y u: til^.e in nG; appeal f,oa aca.lo:: 01' Board of ___.... ..... . ... J. .. Glice,rt, aa• to th. !'act he claims he wr;r �is1_ird by rhe i 1 :i of la;nlis•tl.0r., an tr-t ,lrr,. duralll Turrell, _n, cial j __i t-x .:;.;,=_vl.s b'. -Lte s;;Ld 11,:frnse. A,iOpted on call Melton., Pulliam ana: Mayor Or...., APPROVED -in—vi=