HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 589, August 3, 1936NO._ 5.5,9 ._ Proceedings of. BOALD OF CO:1'118 ;iOP�$HS Ciey of Paducah,11�U GU T 3193Fi,___ T At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Comm:isslonerst Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky at 2 o'clock. P.M., on the 3rd day of August, 1936, Pdayor 7iashburn prcnided and u on cc11 of t o roll the follo:in;; answered to their names: Comnirsion;ra H miin, Lockwood, TSelton, Pulliam raid Mayor 1'Pashburn (5). Minutes of the previous meeting wore adopted as read. Commissioner Hannin offered the following motion: That the payrolls Payrolls for last July, 1936 for the last half of July, 1936 be allowed in the amount of $9642.54, rand that the City Treasurer be authorized to pay same by checks for the amount of $8062.54, and to pay the remainder of $780.00 with Paducah Industries Certificates. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, Melton, Pulliam and :payor Washburn (5). Commissioner Lockwood offered the folloainng motion: I move that the K. U. Franchise ! money trans- 1 $1600.00 received from Kentucky Utilities Company for the purchase of franchise (erred to the Contingent Funid o be transferred to the contingent fund. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; E Com.-missione.s Hannin, Lockwood, Melton, Pulliam and Mayor Washburn (5). Commissioner Belton offered the follor:ing motion: That a license Beer License Shniderrs Chili it to permit the retailing of beer and light wines be granted to the following Parlot applicant upon proper payment to the City Treasurer be approved: i Shnider's Chili Parlor, by Chas. Shnider, 5th & Ky Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, Melton, Pulliam u and Mayor Washburn (5). Beer License Commission Nelton offered the follm,ing motion: Application for 6Sanning Drug Co. U license to sell at retail beer and light wines by B. J. ;.canning Drug Co., by B. J. Manning, having been introduced on July 27 and consideration: thereof de- ferred, I nowi;ove that permit or license for retail b:cr and light wines to It B. J. Manning Drug Co., by B. J. Manning, b�, approved, and license be issued upon payment of liconse fee. Adopted on ca1L of the roll: Yeas; Co;amisstoner.. Hannin, Lockwood, Melton, Pulliam and Mayor Washhurn (5). Beer License Frank Viagr er - Co.u:issioncr Melton offered the following motion: That a license to lay over to permit the retriling of beer and ll,tht wines to the followin,,, applicant be received and filed and held until the next regular meeting for final action: Franc Wagner, by Harold Viagner, 724 6o.3rd Adopted on cell of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Harnin, Lockv,00d, Me'Lton, Pn1111:;m and :9ay0r ",ashburn (5). Paducah Water Yrlc June report Co:umiscioner Pulliam offered the, fo.11oa:d:i olion: I move that the financitl report of thu Paduc-h Vater Works for the :-�ar.th of June, IUZG bu received an, . _..., 0'3 on Cali. of thc, r011: Yeas; Corm;:nio; ion: rs )tannin, Lockwood, ',5.... ,., .,..;.'. .-A .;:yor Pi...,hburn (b). ctric- Lh•.: follo,cn •y 'tanager & alt pay __. •• <Dlo The r%tc: for c!UCtr Lc .. .. _-. _.. .. .er .... ... o, CJ t• Lai137': L1.1 1`.. .. a :S t a p:,ya B cts 11 le p::ya 41t E1: bo.r Next ' ,twh ys Lite pays 4@ Sys v ._.:111c payd 30 and 'liaLRLA,$, ti::ia is true ir spite a` ... -. tint cn::ts of �'C:iJV'.r1nP. electrleity Can be expected tv oc lo'Aer for :: ==Y �.. , . , :';� t :`:n for s Cit. of '.rco hdtdred thouaan,, end NO. . �) ___ -,- Proceedings of�._:•...!.. Cu'=G_iJ;.: e L_. City of Paducah 2_7l'1!TUCISYa AUGUST 3, 1936 WHEREAS, City ><ai;;Ger Bean,a widely experienced municipal engineer, has boon invited by Mayor Neville Miller of Louisville to inspect and .Bake full use of the report on utility rates recently completed by the city d Louisville at a cost of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, and to the end of helping Paducah secure lower rates, and regardless of the future action taken by the City of Pauucah, the use of the Louisvill reoort should make available to Paducah data that would oth•.rwise cost thousands of dollars , - I now move that the City `,'anger and Mayor Vlashb::rn be authorized to proceed to Louisville and report to this Board as soon as possible as to those parts Of the Louisville reoort that are useful to Paducah. Adopted on call of the roll: h, 6 Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, L"elton, Pulliam (4). Mays; liayor Washburn (1) Pot"tior Sayer Washburn offered the following motion: I move that the petition of resi- dents n1 residents of 13th & Broadway be received, filed and referred to Chief of Police for 13th & investigation. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, !Selton, Pulliam and Mayor Washburn (5). Lee Bel ::ayor �:ashburn offered the following motion: I move that letters from & A.H. Cit Manager and Chief of Police regarding places operated b Lee Bell and A. H. Outlaw y g g E P� y Hearing set for a Outlaw be received and filed and the City Manager authorized to give notice to each Aug.10 licensee to shove cause why their license should not be revoked, hearing to be had bugust 10th at 3 P.M. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, Melton, Pulliam and Mayor Washburn (5). J, p,Gli- Mayor 17ashburn offered the following motion: I _:eve that a letter from bcr — 1,-tter J. T. Gilbert be received and filed and the matter referred to Corporation Counsel for :mitten opinion as to the authority of the Board of Commissioners to act. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, Melton, Pulliam Iand .layer Washburn (5) . R,.• Cormiszioner Melton offered the following motion: I move that an or -inane entitled Bk..' ORDINANCE CREATI\G THE POSITIJi! OF CHI) F L11.CUANIC AND DEFINING H16 D;.lr:S I.:;D PRISCI;IBIGG THE AMOUNT AND U`ETHOD OF PAYE:,EDIT FOR HIS SEAVICES1e be ,pted. Adooted or, call of the: roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannan, Loekv:ooci, :Melton, 11am and ;ayor 1;abhbarn (5) . ­-.yor 7as.burn offered the follo,.lne, mo Lion: I move that the letter from Is City Manager submitting resort of Mr. Terrell on tax appeals b� received and filed. rt Adopted on cell of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Ilannin, Loc,.:ooel, Balton, Pulliam and, G yor Gashburn. (5). Sleet ; :'::t :deyor Zashburn offeree: the following motion: I move ti:r:t this regular lJour- meeting oo r:: journcd unLll Tiur::rlr,y, Lu;ust Gth at w P.M. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co -_cis loyc:a H:.r.ra:z, Loclr::ood, Melton, Pu&liam and Wayor l:ashbarn (5). A`.)OTr:E'v �c�._..r1:ii;G Ai?i'1lOVeL` '5`r-'/'_.