HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 587, July 27, 1936NO. `•87
Proccedings of . UO ART', 0I„ CO.'!" 1, 0,71_1___ _ .. City of Padarn6. KTNTUCKY JULY 27 1936
At a regular meeting of the Board of CommipaLOners held
in the Commissioners' Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at2 o'clock P.M.
on the 27th day of July, 1936, Unyor Washburn presided and upon call of tir. roll
the following answered to their names: Commissioners Hannin, Loct::,00d, ilelton,
Pulliam and le-yor Uashburn (5).
Minutes of the previous meetings were adoptc-d as read.
Commissioner nolton Off: -red the following mbtlon:
That a license to permit the retailing of beer and light urines to the following
�a,,plicant be received and filed and held until the next regular meeting for final
B. J. Manning Drug Co. by B. J. Banning, 52.2 B'way
.':domed on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hemmin, Lockwood, Melton, Pulliam
d :':. or Washburn (5) .
Commis:aoner Melton offered the following motion:
;application for license to sell at retail beer and light wines by A. H. Ray & E.J.
_olds, 1038 Broadway, having been introduced July 20th, 1936 and consideration
thereof deferred I now move that permit or license for retailing beer and light
sines to A. H. Ray & E. J. Bolds be approved and license be issued upon paym nt
of the amount of license fee. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners
;lannin, Lockwood, Belton, Pulliam and Mayor Washburn (5).
Commissioner Melton offered the following mouton:
yApplication for license to sell at retail b.er and light wines by John Bolen,
11'700 So.3rd St., having b;;en introduced July 20th, 1936 and consideration thereof
deferred, I now move that psmit or license for retailing b:er and light wines to
John Bolen be approved and license be issued upon payment of the amount of license
fee. Aaopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commission•rs Haniin, Lockwood, 'dalton,
Pulliam and M%yor '�•ashburn (5).
Comml:sionar Pulliam offertu the follo.;ic:g motion:
The Board of Coimals:;ioners having oil July 13, 1936 adopted a Totion authorizing
the Mayor to call upon the Kentucky Utilities Company, or its representatives, for
a public hearin„ for r,duction of ratca Zinc t'r:t the ilc.yor be authorized also
to contact it. L. Hovrson to ascertain erl'wt It will cost for a proper survcq, - I neva
'.ave t:.at sc.id motion be reconsidered and rescln-.:ed, because the a1,ttcrs requiring
to be it:v.ati ated and considered in said motlo❑ :.r: ,r'_u:in L;;v 1.;;,1ve �tuta•-
:u;: of the Public • ervice Commission of thv StaiC' O :.Elly:1L'i:y, Lo;;t oil call i
ro'_L 'Lees; ^o-',i£:LiUnlru Melton and Pulli..,l ;
-hburn offered the follo6Ln; motlor=: I e.Ovc that
Cy ti•r: paaucah Colored Civic League be r<c•.ivr,t :::t' i'il.eu,
+.1 i i•,?: 'o ,Y he 1,.11,,sted to L ^e.aiat -1y o tarsal 4he.1r
.11ehta for their
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E, 1i:t rk i
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City of Paducah _z_.- t'Ch1, JULY 8, 1926 s
J. Mayor tiashburn offered the follo .ing motion: J. ... Jack_ -on
:i;, ...: ;e application for rc instatement as a policeman and he having b. en examined
a :an
for _ Dr. N. !:. Robcrtmon, City Physician, said report and examination showing raid
cnt in ,:,-son to be physlca:lly ircap::citated, I now raovc that the City l;anager be instructed
'..o ;ova written notice to the said J. V.. Jackson that because of ane due to the fact
..at he is physically unfit for service, that itis application for rofnstatQmcnt must be
er'used. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commission:,r:: Hannin, Lockwood, Wrelton,
`:1.1ia r and :.c.yor ;lashburn (5).
yor 1;ashburn offered the following motion: I :Hove that the
b: '2,ctr.icted to cause a warrant to be issued against the Southern Limited
C. Lines and t;.c :.:ohawk Stage Lines for operating in the City of Paducah withofrt a
viral as p.ovided for -an -i required by city or.iinance. Adopted on call of the
Yeas;-Comilssioners Har,ein, Lockwood and .Iayor Mashburn (.3.), gays; Commirrioners
Ilton and Pulliam (2).
F:orkcrs a::yor 17ashburn o,fered the following motion: I move that the
com.un_ r.-olution of the Workers Alliance be received and filed and that a communication be
.7ressed to Geo. Goodman, State Administrator, endorsing said resolution. adopted
on ca 11 of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, Melton, Pulliam and :aayor
>ashburn (5).
Scott, Uayor Washburn offered the following motion: The prosecution
r against Scott & Chandler having been dismissed in the Police Court upon motion of the
c=c:r;• City Prosec,:tin Attorney, I move that the charges now pending before this Board be
filed away with leave to reinstate on motion of any member of this commission, and the
charges against Uunn be dis_issed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commis_loners
Fannin, Lockwood, Felton, Pulliam and Mayor Washburn (5)a
'mayor Washburn offered the following motion: I move that in
cr to settle .litigation now pending In the McCracken Circuit Court between the
City of Paducah r:nd Title Insurance and Trust Co::mpany, that said defendant's offer
04, settlement be :accepted in the sum of 01[.,025.16, if pald within five days. This
:cment relies to Ritz Hotel•ard no oth;.r property. Adop ed on call of the roil:
Co iesior.ers filar nin, Lockr.00:i, :Iciton, Pulliam and t z: yor Washburn (5) .
y Commission r Lockwood offered thi: fellor,inr motion: I move
, platform as platted by the City H11,1nners for Livingston Co., let street
Jei'fe. on Sts., be granted with the understanding that platform
,un notive from the city. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas;
.'•;:r;in, Lockwcod, ::Ilton, Pulliam and Mayor V;ashburn (5).
Gr ::3ticr. a oti: ; ,. Jouvned