HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 581, July 13, 1936NO. 501 Proceedings of._ -0.:. is OF CO _._ L.:..10..I 1,5... _ -City of Paducahs IE;TUCKY, JULY 18, 1986 At a regular meeting of the Board of Corunissioners held in the Commission r:A Chamber in the City Rall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 2 o'clock n.m. on the 18th day of July, 1936, 6:ayor '••ashburn presided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissloners Hannin, Lockwood, Ielton, Pulllas; and Hayor V.ashburn "irutes of the previous r.�eetings were adopted as read. Scott, C a =filer 3: $ .!ayor :Mashburn offered the following motion: On account of the absence of Lnsn L?eariag con- tL!:ucd till July ` P important witnesses whom the chief of police reports he has been unable to et ' B -0th 'before the Board of Commissioners today, I move that the hearing o:: notices lito revoke the licenses of Gladys Scott and G. A.Chaudler and Willie Dunn be �ico,itir.ued until 8:00 oeclock, :.ionday, July 20th. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co nlssloners Hannin, Lockwood, Ariton, Pulliam and 2ayor kashburiz (5). Mayor Washburn offe.ed the followir:; :notion: There being a great deal of "' "' Co_v.eat in regard to the utilities rates in Paducah and I having made a motion .ore than two years ago for rate investigation, the matter having been referred to the City 23anager and no report having been received from him to date, I now :,:ove that the ]iayor be authorized to call upon the Utilities representatives for a public hearing for reduction of rates and in the event this hearing is not satisfactory thF-t the l:ayor be authorized to contact R. L. Howson to ascertain wl-at it will cost for a prop_r survey. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Coe issioners Hannan, Lockwood, 1,11elton, Pulliam and :iayor Washburn (5). Showers for chil- Commissioner Hannin offered the following motion: I move that the street fire: to be con- icaed this year showers for the benefit of the children be placed in operation an:. to continue 'during the hot weat:.er and u -,c the satic schedule and locations as was used last year. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co:amissloners Hannin, Lockwood, ielton, Pulllan and :payor 'Mashburn (5). ice:.sc- Co::,ci. lo::•.r :.ockwood o,f•c.ed the foliowirg rotion: That a license to H.�;;ck"Idt Za So:: ;!pernit the retailing of beer and fight wines be granted to the fo11o...1r: apelicant aeon the proper paya nt to th City Treasurer be ap!)roved: H. Sch_,idt & Son, by Elbridge Sch.aidt L;i00 S. 11th street Adopted on call of the roll. Yeas; Com:nisaioncrs Fannin, ',ockwood, >Aelton, _'ulliam I lard Mayor Pla::hburr_ (5). L,er 7,iceasa - Cosxta:sionee Lockwood o:fered the foliowliig Iotloxi: Application for license der.s Is_er G:r- der. sell et retailbd ' �to , beer anlight wines by Andy's Beer G::rder: b y ;Lay.::e Cain, h:.vLzg cd on July 6, and consideration thereof defarrcd, I .ovt Move that ..ce for retailing beer and light wl: a to Aadyrs Beer Oadden by y e be i:;auod upon i cy:e.,t. of the ;.t:Gunt of LicD.rse f(? roll: Yeas; Co:ara1sL10:1.•r: F;..:.r.L., Lockwood, bo-eis - City „ .' ..� - .... .. r,. , ..:a the fo' M,ov,-. th,-,t they City T rQrea:,rsr to CB..- ITCeasarer b'. twen'..7, �tf),il+l ty ( ,') E. , _ bort whtch (Ren@ lasu@doY the .. c. , .... o: sold,:p, uaier yr ordir.a.:c@ .. , ". Ol 0& lel.. 1 L":('f _ . .. 0: Proceedings ef__.... City of Padaeah.�F1i..,'iYl�i;j;r_J�:L�_I a—.d Auugust of each year rc-c.,eetivoly, and :,:atur_Lng Ten Thousand ($10,000.0.)) Dollars y on the lst day of August, ljZ3 a..d Tvn Thousand (,-LU,JJO.OJ) Dollars on the 1st dcy of —1--:A 1043, :Leh Soa,.s ;dere si;;.ud bq Ernest Lnekey, :vyor of the City of ,ducrdh ar:d by Stows Rutter, Co:.,nisstom.r of Public Finance o: said City. Said boi.,�s _..;: novGi- been sold, rc-;d the Lrdcbtej,Less :'or shich they riorc issued having fere b -a.. ;aid oy the City of :?aducah, Uvy arc not the subject of sato at this ..d the _..,.cbte n.ess for which t;,ey ware .i�;sacd a::•: authorized :o be Issued r:ai:.;»izhed said bo:%d:, should be treat<:u as ht:ving beer. retired a.d -ttd o.: the dnto of their i:sae. A;,d dLrect .,;,yor E,:ignr T. „ushb.ira, ayor City o; eah, Ky. to surrender the: above nL P..ed 'ooi:ds to the Tre.surer of City of ?aCucah o: c..c:_ration and to r•.ceipt to the-,,:,yor for said bonds Adopted on Call of the ro_:: ; CosdI-zlor.crs lianuin, Lock -.*mod, Ueltor., Pullia_i and 1 ayor Washbarn (5). On motion ri-,ectL;; :x,journea. Cis CLERK