HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 561, June 15, 1936Roceedinga of bOAHU OF COLCSIStiIONEHs _ City of Poducahs K1 4TUCKY, June _15, 1930
At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners hold in the
Commissionerst Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 2:50 o'clock P.M.,
on the 15th day of June, 1936, Mayor Washburn presided and upon call of the roll
the following answered to their names: Commiscloners Hannin, Lockwood, Melton,
Pulliam and Layor Washburn (5).
Yinutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read.
Paducah V-ater WorksMayor Washburn offered the following motion: I move that the
report - Apri1,1936 financial report of the Paducah Water storks Company for the month of April, 1936
be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin,
Lockwood, L4elton, Pulliam and :Sayer Washburn (5).
Fire Hose - Chief's Mayor 1'•ashburn offered the following motion: I move that the
recommendations and communication from J. M. Slaughter, Chief of the Fire Department, addressed to
Corporation Counsel
authorized to preparethe Board of Commissioners and to L. V. Bean, City Manager, recommending the
ordinance purchasing
1000 feet of hose purchase of certain fire hose, which communication bears the approval of the City
Manager, be received and filed, and spread upon the minutes, and that the board
concur is the City 1lanager's recommendations and the Corporation Counsel be
authorized to prepare the necessary ordinance authorizing the purchase of 1000
feet of fire hose, described in said recommendations:
"June 15, 1936
Mr. L. V. Bean,
City Manager
Dear Sir:
I recommend that we purchase five hundred (500) feet of the
General Fire Hose Company's Safe Guard brand double jacket
treated hose from Hank Hardware Company, and five hundred
(500) feet of B. F. Goodrich Company's Jupiter brand treated
hose from Farr -Better Supply Company. Both to have Bev -L -Lug
dual grip couplings.
Yours very truly,
JM. Slaughter,
H Fire Chieftt
"June 15, 1936
Mayor Edgar T. Washburn,
and Board of Commissioners
Following is a letter from Chief Slaudtar:
"June 15,1936
Sr. L. V. Bean,
City tanager
Dear : ir:
S reco_L:c:nd that we purchase five hundred (500) feet
of the General Fir(; Hose: Company's safe Guard brand
douolf': j�.c et trr,nt�id holo from 11ank li, rrtwere Comr.any,
:d five Y:.u".tred (500) fcct of H. F. Goodrich Company's
Jupiter Lrand t":;tcd 110::(, t'roxi F41r-Better Su ply
Cozpany. Loth to have tlev-L-Lug dual I;rip couplings.
Your.-. very tri;.y,
J.wt. 1Uil,,uter,
the r::ca::::;_n:arlen.: of the: Fire Chlc!f in the purcha e of
Your:, v"ry truly,
L-V.:1,:41n, pity 19atwger."
f.. os tk,e ro11: 3ca:; Co:.missicraes Ha:nln, Loc;aoo,?, Velton, fulliau
NO. -- 56k_
Proceedingsof SOARP OF CO_+, itSz.TO:.` City of Paducah,_-i� 7TUCiCY,_ JUI7E 15x_1938
`?ayor Washburn offered the following Notion: I move that a copy of the
Jail- Letter to Mr. L. V. Bean, City Llanager, dated June 15, 1936, written to him by the
letter ::ayor and Commissioners Hannin and Lockwood, in regard to the condition of the City
to City
"gr Jail, be received, filed and spread upon the minutes:
"June 15th, 1926
Mr. L. V. Bean,
City Yanager,
City of Paducah,
Dear Mr. Bean:
Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood and myself made an inspection of
the City Jail today and find the following conditions to exist:
That the Burlap bunks have been removed, and there are certain
ragged filthy mattresses in the womensT ward and in one section
of the jail set aside for men. General appearance of the Jail
presents a very unsanitary condition.
Many complaints have been made by prisoners as to the unsanitary
cond'_iion, and the Planks that they are required to sleep on.
Judge Corneilson has expressed his opinion that because of the
existing condition, he dislikes very much to commit prisoners
to the jail.
As the Jail is under your direction, the three members above
? named request that you give attention to this matt,_r.
NYours very truly,
Edgar T. Washburn
f;eoree A. Hannin
_Tuttle Lockwood
Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, Melton, Pulliam and
%'Yayor Washburn (5).
Ord'_ -
Mayor Washburn offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance
to pur-'
chase gFIRE DEP1.RT_'EHT, AND PROVIDING FOR PAY+.1Ei1T-THE'REOF," be adopted. Adopted on call of
'nose the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, 6ielton, Pulliam and Mayor Lashburn (5).
On ::otlon meeting adjourned.
itty C�lcrk