HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 555, June 1, 1936Proceedings of__ '10ARD OF C01MISEIONFRS City of Podoco6 ,KENTUCKY, J 1. 1936 M. Livingston & Son loading platform on Korth 1st street - referred to City :gr Sirs. L. Pace to T. F Fairleigh - deed to lot in Oak Grove Alley - 2nd st, to 3rd. st - City llgr to investigate open- ing of At a regular meeting of' the Board of Commissioners held in the Com:aiPsioncrs Chamber at the City Hall 1n Paducah, Kentucky, at 2:00 o'clock P.U. on June 1, 1956, ,1ayor 'Washburn presided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commission:rs Hanrin, Lockwood, Melton, Pulliam and :.:,.yor Washburn (5). Minutes of' the previous ca:eting v:. a adopted as read. Comnissloncr Hannin offered the following motion: I move that the communication from 11. Livingston and Compnny in regard to a loacing platform on ,forth 1st street, be received, riled and refeered to the City Manager. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, Melton, Pulliam and Mayor 'Mashburn (5). Commissioner Hannin offered the follonina motion: T. B. Fairleigh of Paducah, Kentucky, having presented to the Board of Commissioners his deed for the east rear half of Lot No. 3051 in Block 20, in Oak Grove Cemetery in Paducah, K.ntucky, which decd is executed and ac.movrledged by Mrs. L. Pace, - I move trtat the conveyance of said burial lot as aforesaid be approved and that the cemotcry records be corrected to show said conveyance. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commis ion rs Hannin, Lockwood, 1.1e'lton, Pulliam and 'layor 'Washburn (5). Commission --r Hannin offered the following motion: I move that the City Manager be requested to investigate the feasibility of securing a sufficient number of feet of ground either from the Taschner property or from the Petter property to afford alley service from Third street to Second street. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commission.:rs Hannin, Lockwooa, :delton, Pulliam and Yayor Washburn (5). Paducah Colored Commissioner Hannin o fered the following motion: I move that Civic League report the report and resolution of the Paducah Colored Civic League be received, & resolution regard ing park filed and spread upon the minutes. Also the letter from the Kentucky Utilities i. 1 Company be received, filed and spread u;on the minutes: "Paducah, Ky. May 312 1936" "The Paducah, Colored Civic League rtet at the Bight Street Baptist Church at 3:00 o'clock. The meeting was opened with prayer by chaplin, Rev. S.C. Devine, with the Pres. Zelmo Rogers presiding. The report of the 'spark committee" .,.,as called for ,.nd the secretary C.I. Loyd ma•ie the following report: (Paducah, Ky. (day 31 1936. To th,e officers and members of the Paducah, Colored Civic Leagut:, and its Auxnllary, the women's department. Le your cos,.ittee on psrk for Colored Citizens of Paducah, wish to submit the following report. "mor :several wonthz we have been .in contact with the city offte ialn of the city of ?,.rrcah, for the purpose of securing a recreation and ploy ground for cGlorcd citizens of the city. Vic have agreed to take fifty-five (5b) acee tract. G: ion ^. >:morn Ev the "post-hou-c •,ro,). rty" about six blocks from the city 11rat, iurt off the fllnklcville Mord, C;e consId,7n- this: t17act the r.Gat. ;ie ir, c'_c lor.,,tion t.1,at: can Lx- had for tS,J.; "ur,ose. Also, th.l.^. sight C! : 'ue a`ev<.lo,f:d at, once. Your com.nittea, ra;ucah, Col. Civic League. Park V. ai,i'ito, ch"Irm!'n, Lora Gains, Hawkins fir ::, }tt,v. J.2d.:'tevrncon, Rev. is vl:.<:, i:lr.dvl t;IUr,;;, C. 1. Boyd, Sec. =n rimer J. 1,. ttidbaway read the f0l1041ne, rusoLution o,,.r o act in grod will of the body in ..-. 1:, .� ,.. ..... Civic Lez,gue. -, ;.ucrks haviclg bckr: rear: and rk for colored citizens 'Vee and ,cmb•.r„ o.' the NO. .::.'E. Proceedings of -B0AUE 0F_C0:S 1LSsaQ�,_"'G _ .._ _. City of Paducah—��''TUCKY, JUNE 1 _ 1936 ____ Be it resolved that the same report be unanl:nously adopted by the League members and citizens of Paducah. Slimmed J. F. Ridgeway It was then moved by L. Monroe Dunlap, that since the League and Auxiallry were .in joint session, that they vote a unanimous approval of the resolution of J. F. idgeway. The motion was seconded by Irvin Ligon. The motion carried .,ithout a descending vote. Signed Zelmo Rodgers, Pres. .'.'omen Auxiallry Chas. E. Boyd, Sec ::rs. L.A.Devire,Cha Paducah Col. Civic League Katie Clark, Sec. "June 1, 1936 K.U. Honorable Edgar T. Washburn, Mayor letter dI City of Paducah, regard- Paducah, Kentucky ing Dear tdr. Washburn:. lights r for Col Park In accordance with your request of Friday I wish to advise that if and when the proposed property is acquired by the i' city for a colored park the Kentucky Utilities Company will extend its service lines to this location for the purpose of electrifying the buildings andgrounds. This will necessitate the construction of six tenths (.6) of a mile of primary line. it As I advised you over the telephone, I am not in a position to say definitely what we can do toward extending bus service to this location. It is my conviction, however, that i can not be done profitably as our experience in running busses to Roble Park and Hooks Park is such that it would appear we could not operate to this location. Very truly yours, R.,V. Green, j District Managern r 4donted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannln, Lockwood, Melton, Pulliam and yMayor Mashburn (5). a Col. Commissioner Hannin offered the following motion: Since the Paducah Colorec Civic j League6Civic League has accepted the offer of the City of Paducah to convert a tract of land Corp- ioAned t the Cit of Paducah :mown as the Coups d y Y , pest house property, into a park; I move that torc-the Cor oration Counsel be instructed to immediate ord� N, p ly prepare an ordinance appropriating Upp -:Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars to start immediate work on said park property; sr.id sun ir I ngZ:t hof Five hundred 0500.00) Dollars to be charged to the Contingent Fund, and that the action of the board of Com.»lzslon:.rs authorizing condemnation proceedings be rescinded, ;and that an oralnarce be drawn setting said pest house property apart f':sr colored gpark purno::cs. Adoptcd on c.11 of the roll: Yeas: Commis.ioners Hannin, Lockwood, Yelton and Mayor 7.'cchburn (4). Commi ciorer Pulliam absent. I Connie, lonor Lockwood offered the following motion: I move t::a• the letter L. V. i eyx; ad reasea to the Mayor n:xi boar:.; of C=ais-,ionu:rs of the city oi' Pnducah, be„ring date lett,.r .o to Bd,f any ':O, 1::i6, from L. V. bear., Cit? Aanagur, be received, filed and spread upon the alr:�tes: ":Say 30, 1336 .0 'Hi: :$YORii0Ai:1: Or C:0's''dL:: 101a.I1 51 - TY Gr rN. "X;&H: turn, 'd;:yor, , and George A. Elafutiin, -u' le :: Heim J: b(;rt .cu'la.oa c:r:d City ICE i;t tne. c• . b . ']j;l. _:y of ycur ho rr. to r:m)vc rsP u., Cita ;:'t:ry_;' r, y,.'s is t fixed Jure 1st as the date of No. 557_.._.— Proceedings of- _ BOARD OF CO iuLo3I0iiERz; _ City of Paducah+ KEBTUCKY, JUPK 2, 1936 removal; later you named June 17th as the date to hear alleged charges against me. The Court, as you 'mow, restrained you in all of this, and held that the charges were insufficient. I understand that your attorneys are to apply to a Judge of the Court of Appeals for a discharge of the innunction. In the meantime, without wdiving any rights secured to me by the ruling of the Judge of the McCracken Circuit Court, but rcoardless of the sufficiency or insuff.ciency of any legal steps you have taken or may take, I wish to express my willingness and desire to meet at public hearing, any written charge sufficiently specific to be understood. I This letter is not intended as an invitation to further cont•ovcrsy, but is written in the interest of good government, as evidence of my purpose to do my full duty, and assume full responsibility for my official acts. u Yours very truly, L. V. Bean, H. City Manager° Adonted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, Melton, Uayor cashburn (4). Commissioner Pulliam absent on roll call. !Mayor Washburn offered the follor:in„ motion: I move that the Market House and Growers request request of Growers and Market House operators b received, filed and referred referred to City ::tanager to the City ilanager for recommendations to the Board of Commissioners. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, ::.elton, and Mayor .,,ashburn (4). Commissioner Pulliam absent on roll call. On motion meeting adjourned. 1L'OPTED -r`a.5 � ,1936 Cit Clerk APPROV' Lfayor -