HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 55, May 23, 1932NO.—Pogo -5' -- IProceedings ofLS18C_ 0P t 0" _T T F,R . _ City of Paducah _IQ TITLIr N av ^3, 1932. Poll 'Fax re- furxled to At a regular meeting of the Board of Comnisslonora held in tho „_: �ir�n1�•: ur R1c3:0 offered the fo11C'::In�' c.,ticn: CommissibnersI Chamber in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, any & Gua Bates Kentucky at 3:00 o'clock P.14. on the 23rd day of 11ay, 1932, I.:ayor Scott presided 437 for t... %;:.r fuss „t{r. ::r:c:i !uL, t yo^.y .. "Un c:otos , and upon call of the roll the foilowing anlraored to their names: Com,niasicnors 1 Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rielce and Mayor.Scott (5). errcnao.zal; .,_? r.e:,, a 11011 tax of -'0 Vor each pemcon, The minutes of the previous mectinae were adopted as read, • Report of Mayor Scott offered motion that the report of the Paducah ':.7atcr Paducah '7st- er Company ';forks (municipally owned) for the month of April, 1932, be received and filed. received and filed for Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and month of Aor11. I.;.nyor Scott (5). Charity Commissioner Rieke offered motion that thoCovunissioner of Public ' claims for tO refund same ani' to the praysr month Finance be authorized to pay the charity claims for the month of April, 1932 of April - ... Scan; .;�-.1_sy�,n•,rr .,1,-,. ,.,d.?:as, felt, 1.�1,11.re 1932 as follows: allowed. 1, Switzer n 777.54 J. U. Houser 64.89 Temple & Son 1.00 and charge same to miscellaneous charity account, in the department of Public Safety. Same having boon properly verified by the Commissioner of Public Safety. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bled-, Bradshaw, ryI ;I Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5). Clair of J Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the Comanissicner of Public back tax i collector Pinanee be authorized to pay Brady L:, Stewart, Hack Tax Collector, for Ceif_,nIssiOn allowed for f month of due on bnalr tax collections for the sonth of April 1932, amounting to 152.43 April jand charge same to the proper fund as customary. Adopted on call of the roll: i Yoas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rolt, Moke and I':ayor Scott (5). Allowance 11 Co,mnissionor Rieke. offered motion that al.lo,:ance be made from the r..ade from genercl find General Fund and the Commisslonor of Public Finance be. n,ti:orized to nay t1,o `,. intdrect On bc;nd issue; nix (6) ronths interest and bank collection charge on V,o folloaing bond issuo 4i ico,�o St. Louis ani for total. ac.ount of ..', 1754.38 due on June 1., 1932.. P, ucel, 70,0',0.00 C 1caSo, St. Louis & Paducah R.T.t, 5�' ;, 1750.00 C'ank collection charge of 11' 4,; 8 Total 1754,38 Payment to L•e rade ti•rourh the Citizens Savin s Pnni:, cnornl Simone bund, to tbo liatiennl City :ank, .,_.. :%orlt, New York, before June 1, 1J e, Adopteel on call Of tt.o roll: Y.saa; - tr inners Block, Bradsha:v, Holt, it 111111 and lieyor Poll 'Fax re- furxled to r „_: �ir�n1�•: ur R1c3:0 offered the fo11C'::In�' c.,ticn: :i:oi•es,s,Ci,e tnx any & Gua Bates till d 437 for t... %;:.r fuss „t{r. ::r:c:i !uL, t yo^.y .. "Un c:otos , 107 auth 2nd s Street, errcnao.zal; .,_? r.e:,, a 11011 tax of -'0 Vor each pemcon, ,ir.� a8e•u11 not have beer .^telt, as ':any is :,ut: a naUtr!.l1:;,e9 ci.ti::en, a,n,i Cna is c, non-res- Wer_t, _.: r:: •:_<.: tax bill wan ^:71•' 1r: ft1.I less 11scount, I !cov,, t -o net awount c: 1,1 for polls be allowed r,,,: ii,b tCO`-issionar of kublic it`s'7He tO refund same ani' to the praysr total. Mopted on .. - - ... Scan; .;�-.1_sy�,n•,rr .,1,-,. ,.,d.?:as, felt, 1.�1,11.re nn.i NO. City of Paducah. 1__i`CitCnY .1!?n Y-2: x_1332, Comminsioner Rlc;;o offered the follo;iinC; motion: 17horens, the tax till 1993 for the genr 1932, ncsossed against J. !, Rnrrison Inc., Room 14, 'eille -�rrir.on. Building, orreneously included a poll tax of ( 1.50, said J. H. Harrison living in Louisville, Kentucky, and thoreforo a non-resident, and as said tox bill was paid in full, I t.ove the rmount of. 1'e 1.50 paid for poll be allowed, and the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to refund samo and charge to the proper fund. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Co•,missioners Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and :Mayor Scott (5). P011 tax Commissioner Rieke offered tho following motion: 7hereas, the tax refunded Eulis bill 4775 for the year 1932 assessed agsinst R. & Eulis Vaughn, 610 South Vaughn. 4th Street, erroneously included a poll tar, of :j 1.50 for R. -J. Vaughn who has been dead three years, and was the hsuband of Eullr Vaughn, and as said tax bill was paid in full, I move the amount of ( 1.50 paid for poll be allowed, and the Co=issioner of Public Finance be authorized to refund saxne and charge to the oroper futul. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshmu, polt, F.ie'ce and Ynvor Scott (5). Claim of Comminsioner Rieke offered motion that the bill of Frances Allen, Frances Allen Circuit Court Clerk for transcribing the Circuit Court record in the case of alloyed in case Ji::: :li;ita and others against '3. A. Gardner and others, :;) 118.40 be approved and that of Jim };ite etc'. the Co r-issioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay same out of'tho general fund to be charged to Costs and Suits in the Department of Public Affairs. Adopted on call of tho roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and ..ayor Scott (5). er: nrant+ Commissioner Block offered motion that a deed be granted to dnto,a11.1 ..cr' Mrs. "'alter G. Sanders Lot 33-1/2 Block 2 in Mausoleum Edition in Onk Grove .,�ar.Cers Cemetery uoon payment of y'160.00 to Commissioner of in Ca? Public Finance. Adopted on Grave ^.err- call of the roll: Yeas; ConvAss loners Block, Rradshnw, Folt, Rieke and ;`ayor Scott (5)• otery. w ,rd r r,„t= Cor_-:issioner Block offered motion that a dead be granted to c'!,t`' ,.w:ertor. Poen r.nd erifc .for Lot 33 Block 5 in Onk Grave Cemetery upon payment of c`. C.:--.ttscloner of Public Finance. Adopted on cnll of tho roll: Yeas; rr” C17-1eai.:ne•ra Blcck, Brsda:a;r, Holt, Rickc and Payor Scott (5). Co .:--•.1s lon-:r i-•.ie--zc offered motion that ^rheroas, file tax bill ,`�4G0 for F,. r ?'.... s.,,.. ,R, Jones P: "'.'1. Johnson, C26 12th tr-ot, r"'. :n 1 tin tax bill u123543 for the year 19talso includod son Jr ,. .. •.r. .- > > t, x, thorohy enus.ing v m double J:n;L, and as C"Int, I move tisat t'.:o r:et r.... .nt of „1.97 tFe Co::-asaloner of Public .^-innncc l:o Dr,r fn•t,j. A:?opto? on mall Of, t}:o p...ao, ... , r .. R",+•ir, nn ^• r•ti. (>,)' � G1f