HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 53, May 16, 1932NO. Pa@,O LSV .
Proceedings of " i -r,. - �Tf'�rnc Cily of Paducah �{'�t1T'1CI!Y 1Lny 1Gth, 1932.
I -
At a rogular meeting of the Board of Commissionorn held In the
Ct—insioners' Chamber in the City hall Building in the City of Poducnh, Kentucky
at 3:00 o'clock P.S:. on the 16thIclay of I. -lay, 1932, I.'.ayor"Sbott presided and upon
call of the roll the following answered to their names: Comminnionera, block,
Holt, Bradshaw, and V.ayor Scott. (4) Comr7l3aioner Rieke being absent.
Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as road.
Poll Tax Mayor Scott offered the follpw ing motion: n'hereas George '3. Greif
to George 1428 Broadway has said his tax bill jf 1729 for year 1932, including poll tax,
C1. Greif.
less 3; discount, but as he is exempted from poll tax on nceount of hnvinc
passed the age limit, I move that the Commissioner of Public Finance be
authorized to refund him the amount of :.j 1.45 paid for •loll, and charge sn+ro to
the proper fund. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Cor,-issionera Block,, bolt,
Bradshaw, and Mayor Scott (4).
Cash Orders Mayor Scott offered motion that the Cash Orders in the amount of
allo'.ved In
amount of 1,109.05 be allowed and the Commissioner of Public Finance be reimbursed by
u 109.05
check on the General Fund for said amount, same to be charged to the proper fund.
Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bolt, Bradshaw and
Mayor Scott (4).
Claims for N Mayor Scott offered motion that the claims for the month of April
month of
April be allowed in the amount of s1 7571.10, and the Commissioner of Public Finance be
allowed. i
authorized to pay same. Adopted on call of the roll: Yoas; Commissioners Block
Holt, Bradshaw and Mayor Scott (4).
Auditor's tl Mayor Scott offered motion that the Auditor's report for colloc-
report for i
cdll..ctions,! tions and disbursements for the month of April be received and Mod. Adopted
and dis-
burs,-rents on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Volt, Bradshaw and Ynyor Scott. 4
and filed
Com-nissioner Block offered motion that a certain docd of
.'rnncfer conveyance dated Pay 12th, 1932 from Mrs. Allis RiEgs to ?rs. Hnzel Pang Ri4r2
of lot
In ccneteryl conveying a portion of Lot ir' 28 in Block 'l Mausolcum edition in Oak Grove
9 Cot:etory be ap?rovod. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens Com:aissio::en:Klock, Bolt,
Broda;,aw and !Inyor Icott (4).
Lecd of Co-:.iiasioner block offered motion tlmt: a certain decd of convoycuice
ConveyaneC f,
from Ken R dated April 7th, 1932 from Ben R. Harris, Paducah, Kcntucly to John :, 711111am3,
Hsrris, to
Jcbn A. Pn1uc!7h, Kent-zairy conveying a portion of Lot /; 336 '.:lock 21 in Oak Grove
''1111 isrs .
Oak Grove I Cometery be approved, Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas: Co'.aia'alonera l;lock
Holt, hrndshaw and.Mnyor Scott (4).