HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 529, April 27, 1936No.— -529 -- --- Proceedings af.- BOARD OF C01:1ISSIOHERS City of Paducah, KEI7TUCKY,_APRIL 27, 1938 ^__ At a regular meeting of the Board of Commi sionors held in the Commissioners' Chamber at the City Hall in Paducah, Kentucky at 2:00 o'clock P. M., on the 27th day of April, 1936, Mayor Washburn presided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commisf.ion rs Hannin, Lockwood, Melton, Pulliam and Mayor Washburn (5). Minutes oS the previous meetings were adopted as read. ViAter mains not to Commisslon.r Hannin offered the following motion: Rumerous be extended outside. city limits persons residing outside of the limits of the City of Paducah having h+:retofore petitioned for extension of pr vate water lines, so as to connect the municipally owned waterworks system and private lines extending beyond the City Limits, and it being the judgment of the Board of Comml 1on_rs that this is detrimental to the public water service in the City of Paducah, and to tho City itself, and the City having derived no profit or benefit shat oever from such extraordinary service, - I move that the Commissioners of hater Works be instructed that it is the judgment of the Board of Commissioners, that in the future applications for extensions of water service beyond the limits of the City of Paducah be discouraged and not allowed, and that a copy of this motion be furnished to the Commis_ioners of Water :Yorks. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, Melton, Pulliam and Mayor 1Yashburn (5). Anticipated Revenues Commissioner Lockwood offered the following motion: I move that for 1346 the statem,mt of anticipated revenues and Income of the City of Paducah, for the year 1936, as prepared by the City lianiger, be received, filed and spread upon the Unutes of this Board: ANTICIPATED RLVF;1LJE GENERAI. TAXES Current Year, Real & Personal x•18,000,000.00 g ;;1.38 less 17% Prior Years, Real & Personal Franchises Polls Bavk Shares Penalties, Irt & Advertising Tobacco F.TC Occupational Licenses Auto & Truck � Lo? ++ ;Sr:rka:t aoune Iterts P(vnaltiea - Licerises Bulldlne i'cr:clts $206,17:;.00 35,000.00 59,614.00 3,2'00.00 550.00 8,000.00 3B0_.90 71,666.00 46,000.00 1,j 530.00 1,230.00 :'i, 000.00 1,200.00 1221.00 69,0:0.00 6,+)-;0.00 :10.00 <6,030.00 1,;:.00.03 2, OOJ. ()0 5')0.00 8.10.00 6;10.30 40,775.00 eol`.ct 00urt PhAus $ cost hive rcidE! HoL,,ILaI Cak Grove CCaetr,ry Lor, r" r, r Burir,l P�:ratts Street_ 1.ept. Collectlors t pts & Refund-- efunds_ter -terCoile:ctior.s $206,17:;.00 35,000.00 59,614.00 3,2'00.00 550.00 8,000.00 3B0_.90 71,666.00 46,000.00 1,j 530.00 1,230.00 :'i, 000.00 1,200.00 1221.00 69,0:0.00 6,+)-;0.00 :10.00 <6,030.00 1,;:.00.03 2, OOJ. ()0 5')0.00 8.10.00 6;10.30 40,775.00 NO. ---!30 - _ _— Proceedings of _.B0ARD OF COQ=ISSIONERS i�NTOCRY APRIL 27, 1936 City of Paducah. _---_.---_--- Board of Commissioner Melton offered the following motion: I move that the Educat- ion Resolution of the Board of Education of the City of Paducah, bearing date of March 20t 11 tax levy for 1936 1936, specifying the rate of taxation necessary to produce an adequate amount for the support and maintenance of public schools for the year 1936, together with a like resolution adopted by said Board of Education on April 25th, 1936, and both of which resolutions together with the statement of the budget of said Board of Education for said year be received and filed, and that the resolution of April 25th, 1936 above referred to be spread upon the minutes of this meeting: "Paducah, Kentucky March 20th, 1936. The following resolutions are a part of the minutes of the called meeting of the Board of Education held Thursday night March 19, 1936. "BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of Paducah, Kentucky, that there be imposed and levied by the tax levying authority of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, an ad valorem tax of ninety cents (90¢) on each $100.00 valuation of real and personal property of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, subject to taxation for the year 1936, the same being necessary in the opinion of the Board df the Board of Education of Paducah, Kentucky to produce for said year of 1936 the total estimated sum necessary to $e raised to support and maintain the public schools of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, less the estimated sum to be received from the State Common School Fund." "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Board of Education of Paducah, Kentucky, that there be imposed and levied by the tax levying authority of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, an ad valorem tax upon all the real and personal property in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, subject to taxation for the year 1936, of not exceeding fifteen cents (15¢) upon the $100.00 valuation of said property, same being necessary to create a sinking fund for payment of bonds of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, issued for school purposes, dated January 15, 1920 and January 15, 1926; Arcadia Graded School Bonds dated January 1, 1924 and October 1, 1926, and for the purpose of paying interest on said bonds when and as due." "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Board of Education of Paducah, Kentucky, that there be imposed and levied by the tax levying authority of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, an ad valorem tax of three cents (3¢) on each $100.00 valuation of real and personal property in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, subject to taxation for the year 1936, the same being necessary in the opinion of the Board of Education of Paducah, Kentucky, to produce for the said year of 1936 an estimated sum equal to the contribution of the teachers of the City of Paducah, for the support and maintenance of the Teacher Retirement Jystem, the same being in accordance with the Kentucky law enacted in 1934." You will also please'levy the maximum rate allowed by law on bank stock taxable by this boars. E. S. Barger, President Attest: BOARD OF LDUCAT:ON Ethel M. Rice, Secretary d BOARD OF' EDUCATION "RESOLUTION OF' THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY { OF PADUCAH ADOPTED AT A :SUING CALLED AND HELD APRIL 25, 1936. GHL'1:cAS, the Board of bducation of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, at a _eeting held ou the lath day of 'Murch, 1936, adopted a resolution finding, specifying and certifying to the City Manager, the Honorable Mayor and Bo:+rd o: Co ai::cicr.:rs of the City of Paducah that a tax levy of 330 o:; each £103.00 valuatiozi of property taxuble for school ;::Irpo'es with the City of Paducah was ncce'srry to produce thu amount of coney nf:eded for current expense, Gebt service, capital outlay and other necessary ex;,eases of the schools of the City of Paducah durli.g the fiscal year beginning January 1st, 19L61 and, 9IUERRAS, at the sarse tine in accordance with the provision.. of Chapttr 65, Article 5, Section L6 of the Act:: oi' the General Assembly of Kentucky of ;834, the sc^ool budget for 111,6 was i:lopted nul filed with the proper of:ficial o. the City of Paducuh, Kentucky, oaiO Ludget having !leer, ap;iroved as i'.. requtrpd 'cy law; uud, No. 531 — Proceedings of BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS City of Paducah,_1iLNTUCKY.,_AERIL_2.7,U38 PiHEREAS, an appeal has been made to this Board by the City Manager; the Honorable Ltayor and the Commissioners of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, requesting that said Board of Education reconsider its specifications as hereinafter set out so as to reduce, if possible, the amount of the levy, rbich it is the duty of the Mayor and Commis loners of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, to make, for school purposes this year, and WHEREAS, this Board has re-examined its budget and rinds that the amount of money necessary to be raised for school pu.poses for the current year as therein stated is correct and that the schools cannot be operated, without serious impairment, if said amount of money is not raised; but, WHEREAS, after the resolution above referred to, of March 1.9, 1936, was adopted, a judgment was recovered by this Board against the City of Paducah, Kentucky, wh reby it was directed that the City pay to this Board the sum of $16,541.15 and said sum has been paid and the amount of said recovery, less the expense incident thereto, to -wit the sum of $1,654.11, is now in the hands of the Board of Education and same was not anticipated as revenue within this fiscal year at the time said budget was adopted and for that reason the income to be raised by tax may be reduced in an amount equal to the net amount of said recovery; and, 7HEREAS, this Board desires to continue to operate the schools at the lowest rate possible and to give to the tax -payers of the City of Paducah all the reduction that may be had without impairment of the educational system of.the City; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the amount of money needed for surrent expense, debt service, capital outlay and other necessary expenses of the schools during this fiscal year of 1936 is, as set out in the budget hereinbefore referred to; that the estimated total amount that will be received from the common school fund is as stated in said budget; that the amount to be received under the heading of "Income not Anticipated in the Budget" is now set at $14,885.04 and the amount that will be needed to be raised by tax levy on all property subject to taxation for school purposes in theCity of Paducah, Kentucky, is reduced by said amount. It is now certified, declared and specified that the rate of levy on all property subject to school taxation in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, necessary to raise such amount is 84 on each $100.00 valuation of such taxable property, instead of and in lieu of the 90¢ levy set out in the resolution of March 19, 1936. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, therefore, that the resolution of !arch 19, 1936 be abd it is now amended so as to have stricken from said resolution the 90¢ levy and inserted in lieu and in place thereo., in each place where the 90¢ levy appears, and 83¢ levy on each $100.00 valuation of property taxable for school purposes in the City of Paducah Kentucky, for the current year, and provided that such an amendment shalt not change the levy of 30 on each $100.00 valuation of property subject to such taxation for the teacher's retirement fund, as set out in the reqolution of March 19, 1936, and that said resolution, as hereinbefore amended, is now reaffirmed and readopted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that since Chapter 65, of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1934 clearly places upon the local taxing authority of the City of Paducah the obligation of maintaining the sinking fund for all bonded indebtedness of said city, including bonds voted for school purposes and since this Beard has heretofore recommended to said tc,xing authority the amount of tax levy necessary to produce the sum of money required to maintain the interest and sinking fund on the bonds of this City heretofore issued for school purposes, and this Board now resommends that the City Commissioners levy whatever rate for this purpose that they, in their judgment, find necessary tharefor. E. S. Barger President BOARD OF EDULTION Ethel M. Rice, Secretary BOARD OF uDUCATION The above resolution upon motion by L. B. Phipps and seconded by R.R. Houston was adopted by a unanimous vote of the Board of Education .In ses5Lon April H5, 1946. Ethol U. Ricco Secretary BOARD OF EDUCATION" Adopted on call o: the roll: Yeas; Commis+,Lon.ra Hannan, Lockwood, ;dalton, Pullla= a:d Aayor Walshburr. (5). NO.— 53£ _.. ____ Proeeedinga of BOARD. OF COM?62SSIONLRS CiiyofPaducah , Kb,JTUCKY,_APRIL 27,_1986 Commissioner Hannin o:fered the following motion: I move that an Apportion. ment Ord. ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE FIXING T;iE APPORTIONMENT OF THE PUBLIC FUNDS OF for 1935 THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, FOR THE YEAR 1936, AND AP?ROPRIATIIlG THE PUBLIC REVENUE AND INCOME OF SAID CITY TO SUCH PUHPOSES" be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, Melton, Pulliam and Mayor Washbutn (5). Commission:r Hannin offered the follo,ang motion: I move that an Tax Levy ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE LEVIES AND RATES OF TAXATION OP! ALL Ordi- nance PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, SUBJECT TO TAXATION FOR MUNICIPAL for 1936 PURPOSES AND FOR SCHOOL PURPOSES FOR THE Yl•.AR 1936, AND THE RATE OF POLL TAX WITH THE .'URPOSE 01; SAID LLVY TH_!,EUNDER DEFINED," be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, Melton, Pulliam and Mayor Washburn (5). Mayor Washburn offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING, REVISING, EXTENDING AND RE -ORDAINING SECTIONS 11 Motor Buss AND 12 OF ARTICLE 1 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED 'AN ORDINANCE DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER Fran- chise OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY TO SELL A FRANCHISE AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASER TO Ord. amended MAINTAIN AND OPF�RATE MOTOR PASSENGER BUSSES OVER AND UPON THE STREETS, AVENUES AND PUBLIC WAYS IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH AND FIXING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE EXERCISE OF SAID GRANTI, WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSION RS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH ON THE 6TH DAY OF APRIL, 1936" be adopted. Adgpted on call of the roll; Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, =Melton, Pulliam and Mayor Washburn (5). fotor Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that a Bus Fran- resolution entitled, "A RESOLUTION FIXING THE DATE OF SALE OF MOTOR BUS FRANCHISE chise- date of AS Aiac.rDED" be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commission rs Hannin, sale Lockwood, kaelton, Pulliam and Mayor Washburn (5). On motion meting adjourned. AUOiTED \frn - - ,1936 r, City, Clerk �7 APPROVEDD�' iayo u I