HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 523, April 20, 1936Proceedings ofi U City of Paducah-,-- At aducah-,_At --_ —'_- —,_—'- -------- ---- a re,ular :cetLtig of the Board of Co.::,.L:,. L�;,.. held in e Co::zi:, toners' Chamber at the City 11:.11 in Paviucah, Kentucky at 3:00 o'clock '1., on the z:Oth day of A:n•il, li)6U, '.,yor i,aahbnrn presided and upon c: -:ll Of ,...o roll the folloran . ansov- cd to t:hcir uamcs: Commissioncro Hannin, Loc :mood, '.. 1'on, Pulliam and Mayor l:ashburn (5). "linutcs of the previous meetings were adopted ss rc. ci. Cora:ni.:sioncr :'eltozr offered the follov:inl Notion: I .ove that Petition - property ' ,_ir. ,>etition sign,.d by property orners residing In the vicinity of Soul:; ; lot o::.ers o.: 3.21st St. r<rset' oil or. •,c,t, asking for treatment of streets .,iti oil, be received and filed rt. ,u .trcct u _e'ter b, ref, :•red to the City Manger for Im.-andiate action. F.doptect o.. of eiac roll: Yeas; Co:nxisslon rs Hannin, Lockr.00d, Melton, Pulliam and layor e._hburn (5). Com.nis-ioner Hanain offered the foLlor.ln-*• moctcn: is. Jz.ck Cole - lot in Oak Grove Ccnetcry '(,Tack) Cole, of Paducah, Kentucxy, havir ; pr sentcd to the Board of Commts:;ione s his deed for six (6) feet o_'f the South part of Lot 518 Section 35 in Oak Grove Cemetery in ?aducah, Ky. ra.lch decd as executed and ac'cno.;led:red by Jamcs r. Treece of Louisville, Ky. I move that the conv y..nce of s id burial lot as aforesaid be approved, and that the cemetery r,cords be corr.,cted to how sr:id conveyance. Adopted on call of' the roll: Yea:,; Co::,nisiion rs Winnin, Loc%woo', ;eiton, Pulliam and :iayor i,ashburr. (5). Comniseioncr -7ei'on offered the folloxin motion: I :: xsr License license to :x.mlt the retailing of beer and 1i;;ht :sines be grant.d 2u _ rb,-'n 1.. ,,applicants upon aayment of the proper amount to the City Treasurer: J. :.:. Perkins' Place, by J.':. Perkins, 27th & :iayfi. 1. : Phillip l,Ile 1034 a. 10th St. 'ia o?:ted oar c: f 1 of the roll yeas; Co:n:.:is lens rs H:nain, lens,. _.,yor l.a,--burn (5). 'i 'a yor 6.ashharn O: fcreci the follor:ls, -iotLoc.: I :ov- , ;:Otor Bus Fr::rc?ace rf_ port of sole ,,_.ort of the s, I..*. of the Fr: -::chile ,:rovlucd lir :'.otor Bus Frunchise Orc'.L:::.cc r:cc'vc-1 & fticd as r- ported !.; t , City :!anager, L. V. fir::::., be r ccAwd and filed, board ..... t Lac to e:,,:c U,-- ._._ ;a; iioi: of ::co ..rl::.; or r,.J<c± , o- !.ids rc. or -.ed th, ruin_, Auopt...r of, c• 1 L 01' '. r, . roLL: Y,,:; C : .;;L. Lei,- rs t - - _.. > ctrir. J. Paxton, __ , .. _'vr n rr.1 ... , u• 1-,ril 16, 1936, in r— .—ted April 15, 19b6, J.; .,,. ..rt, i.e wy c, n.. the. ,u, :;tIon l.Gth 19:,5 NO. Norecdi.gs of -Y, APRIL— 20, 19Z6 TUCK City of Paducah. -L--:-.-'--- 1 1 1 t 1, oo art to,,,aris _ --: j , -. c, - L on P.. fil Judee : z—.: rt, but. c �_ , - - ;,,-. r ._.. ry -,erlous question to the ".-."or" 1;;.*.tC -0 tons, aad a vary --.Ilous :,U:.i Lon 10 Y'.sav cit; w'-- Yn, to finance cv:!.rity -.".0cs. it ': i: t;-01i6ited fact that approxi. Ly seventy p..rccnt of UcCracken Cou:itylo r*,vcziue Co. -acs from the city o! Pti,:uech, and It is an esto-blishcd r.ct t:1at. thc city of Patluc��h his carried the =.jor load for charity _lief. During 1965 charity cases in our city hozp1tal cost the city of Paducah about `11,000. No part of th to zien was paid by the county. The county has a standing contribution of .00 oer month to the Fatally L6ivLce, i;hlch au;�t(ws an annual contribution of ',;2400 per year. The city's contribution to the Family Service Socleyty in 1955 visa In excess of ;400. Ti,is, counted with relief projects, ran the grand. total of L23,000 for charity puroses. Judge Stei,,ort orescnted the question that it is not the county's duty to care for the unfortunates, but the Lc�iLlature of Kentucky thought oth.-rwise and enacted what is now Section 39bb of the Kentucky Statutes, which rends as follows: "IT SHALL be the duty of county courts to provi:;c for th-Q rusport of the paupers in their respective counties". The word "SHALL" h -.s been construed by the courts as a mandatory order and, of course,Illiaer this section the entire responsibility passes to :McCrackenCounty Fiscal Court for the care of these unfortunates. Section 5058-14, Tentuc'zy Statutes, regulating municipal corporations of the second class, to which class Paducah belongs, makes this provision: "To provide for the support, maintenance and confinement of idiots, insane pc --,ons, inebriates and to .:ak.e suitable provision for the maintenance and su:.),)ort of ^oor oc-bonsil. You will notc, that this provision of the Statute coos not use the .,.-ord "SHALL" and the prov1slon, therefore, is within the discretion of the legislative body of the municipality. Judge tc,.,.,art oakes reference to Section 930h-39: "The county budget as ado,;tod by the Fiscal Court shall orovide for all funis to be oxoonded by the coul%ty from the current revenues for the : Iscal year at th:- time the comity budget is aaopted, and any appropriations by the Fiscal Court 4n excess of any budget fund shall be null and void and shall be construed io be a violation of the provisions of this Act by each member of the :1scal Court so voting for said illegal appropriation". The above cuotution Is foll.oxed by a reference to Section 938h-58. which section provides Qen&lties against the officers for a violation of Section 930h-39. The la:, as quoted by Judge Stewart Is correct, but Judge Stewart ovi_r- looks the fact that it is hi:: duty to take counsel of the fact that th-re are hundreds of unfortunates in :IcCracken county who must ba, cared for and it is hip duty to so advise �.1c; comulzLlon, then it becomes the arty of the Fiscal Court t carry out the prov_storit; of Erection 6933 .t,ove quoted and to set up in their budget a sum sufficient to meet the r'',uire,munts of these unfortunates. 2crsonn1ly, fa ago the provisions of Section 'Z958-14 as applies to Q class and to meet the Fiscal Court on a —4't -fifty am not willin for the City of to lo this rest unequit;-.blc proportion, cnd if -..,ith th cat C�,:Irc .l err t 1 Is or � 1 i loll equallye ,y, then T is a o'. 7 kni to the Fisc 1. —rt. 0 h 01 V c(? ?v, a A Io of- co: r., o idy cheeds. The r - L lc T nd -e LIU- 'Gr 4,t oz.v that .lc t on "Al t. its oull'. o:�,irc the bz.L. Ly on a I., it . : . : Z move t'rin't th.; No.__5P5 -_ Proceedings of ,BOARD OF COSL110. IOHEitS . _ _ City of Paducah_, KF.NTOCSY, APRIL 20, 1936 Uayor Washburn offered the following motion: I move that Adjourned Meeting this regalar meeting of the Board of Commissioners adjourn to meet in regular adjourned sesslon at 1:30 o'clock P. M., on the 23rd day of April, 1936. This motion to take effect aft.r this meeting. Adopted on call of tho roll: Yeas; Coaaissionars Hannln, Lockwood, Melton, Pulliam and dayor Washburn (5). AEOPTED GitVCler� k APPROVED Mayor