HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 502, March 2, 1936CH 11 19156
P..di.m. city of Paducah-!— 12 -
At a reLular of the Board of Cc, . 1:. ton rs 1w. -Id In the
Co.. r-' Clu-b:-r Li the City Hall, Pa:.ucah, Kcaltucky, of 2:00 o'clock P. or:
D.- 'oh, 10Z6, -'ayoi, Wnshburn. prez;Vc6 and u.;on call of 1:!;, roll the
0 � oi. Z1,- C rc [I to t1w: ir ri-"T-es; Coirn;:s.1on4:,s Hqnnin, Lockv;oodj :;Elton,
3 -or Mashburn (5).
.1inutes of the previous meeting wore adoptee as road.
Paducah Dr. Pulliam offered the'following motion: I present to the B and of
Jr -Col- Comml c-, toncrs a petition signed by 2792 legal voters of the city of Paducah, and being
:Ore than 255' of the total votes cast for both candidates for ',layor at the last
r-;ular election for :Jayor, giving the residence of each signer, and sworn to by one
or :,:ore persons as to the si7natures and residnce, and request the Board of Com-
missloners to pass an ordinance as set forth In said oct'-tion, - tIAN ORDLIANCE
C : CO:;' -&OL OF SAID COLLEGE B! Tfi2 CITY OD PADUCAH, AND Til' 1111,1101) OF
.2.1::TALMIG SAM11, V;fi1CH '..AS ADO1171,;; BY THE BOARD OF OF
And I
CITY 01 PJIMCkH 01" THE 27TH DAY JANWM, 1936.11 now move that said
Ition and ordinance lie over to the next regular nectin.S for coiiCideration.
--opted on call of the roll: Yeas; Conmls<Lon-r., 11annin, Loc'7.c.006, Uclton, Pulliam and
:.ayor V,ashburn (5).
Commissioner Lockwood offered the follov.,ing motion: That a license to
permit the retailing of beer and light wines be granted the following applicant
upon prop— pay.-atnt to tic City Treasurer be approved:
Horned Bros. 238 Lovelaccville Road
;,,opted on call of the roll: Year; Com:aiLziDncrs Hannin, Loc�c,ocd, --:,-Iton, Pulliam
&nr) ::,.yor 7.ashburn (5).
—e Co;;,.z1s.-,.1on---r Lockwood offered the foLlw-inL; motion: �iit a license to
.. r
:"-cclLse le
of beer and light vvines be granted to the foLlowilit; zpplicn.nt u,)o
to the City Treasurer be approved:
Cooks Goldblojne Co., by C.P. Crc•edle, 835 Clay
1:. of the "OLI: Yeas; Co -.1.,", lonors 11,nnin, Locky;ood, 71Eitoll, Pulliam
folloe:ljj,; j.jotjcj.: !,-,y0 0r
Payrollsi - I f
-4 in the amount of
checks for the "our.t. of ,7857.1--,
Ray Industries Certificates. 01,
the roll: YCo. 7
...ockwood, Pulli.,!n
W21 ",VAS, I* is
wl- J, ,id ch city I.. now
-nt of the 1
eriod o.1
Proceedings of -OAi;D Ot Co _^.IO:J ;C - _ City ofPoducah.a__�_�-1-<:KY ,..ECH 2, 1936
Ordinance cr•.ating
new, rule of proced-
ure for Board of
Co.cnis. loners
Ordinance accepting
deed to easement
from Ken'.uctry Util-
Riverside Ho:•oital-
Board declares Its
confidence in
masa :fent
mind a:: to the attitude of this Board to -ward him - -
I move that it is the fronsc oi' 'this Roz.rd that City Manager L.V.
Bean and his employment be approved by this Boz:rd and tht theBocrd pledge
him its support in the cxccutlon of hi:; duties a. city mans-;; r. Loat on call
of the roll: Yeas; Commis ioncrs Melton and Pulliam (2). flays; Comnls:.ones
Hannin, Lockwood and Mayor Washburn (3).
Comms :ions Hannin offered the f'ollo•tng motion: I move that an
BOARD OF CO2MISS10Ih;hS," be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas;
Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, Ideltoa, Pulliam and :5ayor Itiashburn (5).
Commissioner Melton offered the fol.lovrLng motion: I move the
'adoption of an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING DEED TO EASIM70T FROU
yTHE KLJTUCKY UTILITIES COL.ANY.l' Adopted on call of the troll: Yeas; Commicaloners
lHannin, Loclneood, Melton, Pulliam and Mayor Washburn (5).
Commissioner Hannin offered the following motion; The Bonrd of
Commi:,loners having at its regular meeting on :londay, February 24th last,
approved a motion providing that the Board of CommissL nor meet at such time and
place as the mayor may fix, for the hearing of complaints in regard to the managemcit
of Riverside Hospital, and the Board of Commi:;:;ion=rs havin; had said matter under
consideration since the adoption of said motion, and being satisfied that the
hospital management is entitled to the confidence and sup.,ort of the Board of
Commission:rs and of the public of Paducah, - I now move that the: action of the
Board of CommisL�lon rs in so adopting said motion providing for the hearing
of complaints against the management of Riverside Hospital, be now reconsidered and
rescinded and that this Board declare its confidence in the ho.:,ital Ll:nagement.
Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commis_loners Hann Ln, Lockwood, '.telton and
Pulliam (4). Nays; Mayor Washburn (1).
On motion m,et.Ln; adjourned.
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