HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 500, February 24, 1936NO. ._`_J___. Proeeedinga of COF.RD OF CC : IJ, -IQ .__ City of Paducah _"!_ T'JCKY, F£•Bt UAiiY 24,- L966 At a ngular rreting of the Board o1' Co.z l,.:ip:a;rs held in the CoraurL:alor..r Cha:.ber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at ^:JJ o'clock '.?.1., on the 24th day of y.February, 19€6, '.Iayor Washburn presided and u;;on c:: LI of the rola the To'1'Lov.=irg ganswered to their i:aLes: Co Ussioners Han:.1n, Lockwood, '.:clton, Pulliam and :Sayor la.shburr. (5). 'Jirutes of the previous meetings were a opted as read: pit Commisuioner Hanni:z offered the 1'olionL+.z� :notion: The Soil Conservation. Co%ser- vation- Vice, by August E. :u' --ler, RrL[Lo::aL :Iursery.ran, having p tltioned th City for an water pair: o;: Lon of enter ::ain cor.�lsting of a 611 main on Yeiser Avenue from Bethel Street to Yeiser St. the City Liaits, approximately 274 feet, and agrees to use a 311 .peter for one (1) year j for a m'_i:l:aL" bill of $15.JU per month, which i- equal to or Ereater than the required .Laimum for property owurrs along such extension of the main, and has agreed to take said water for said period of time, I now move that the Commissioners of Water Works be authorized, empowered and instructed to extend said water main by the use of a 6+' main on Yeiser Avenue from Bethel street to the City Ll.nits, approxL:..ately £74 feet, and I further move that said proposal and agreement of the Soil Conservation Service i :be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Comuissiorers Hannin, 6 "y Loc'rrrood, eltor., Pulliam and Ilayor Washburn (5). Commissioner :Zelton offered the following :notion: That a deed granted to 'ltchell & Ellen Polk for Lot 5131, in Block P5, in Oak Grove Cemetery upon payment of a4.J0 to the City Treasurer be approved. of Auopted of call of the roll: Yeas; 0"` ° Co- ' is::lo..ers Ha,^.pin,ockti;ood, _:elton, Pu1lia;n and ',isyor Washburn (5) . -ayor Washbur:. o--f4red the following emotion: In view of the e:a;;y co:7- -:v-:- :.idc !._1'ets that have come to the Board of Co:aalssLo::. rs is regard to t'r:c : arage.aent of :';oap+Lt<r Live side Hospital, I �o.=e that the Board of Co-i-1:;_io.:..rs meet at such time and place °O as the ::ayor Cay fix for the urpose of hearing co:aplalnts, and that said hearing to continue until co: feted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Com:nissiohers Hannin, ':oc::wood, ':elton, Pulliam and 'layor Washburn (5). Commis:;ioner Weltor offered the following motion: That a license to ocr..Lt the retaiLir7 of beer and light wires be granted to the following applicants upon ::ayr.:nt o: th-> ,,'roper amount to the City Treasurer be approved: C. F. Ha^.,•s It -UJ 8th Lt, :;Cott Fe:guson 7J1 --elc Abe• of' t}:e ro-'.: Year; Cosi::slore:s Hanaln, Lockwood, .._!ton, Pult.ia:.^., to... r the foUowin�, :eotion: 1 :.os t...,, the City o: .o Leo be ?:.etructtd to a.force the prov".Io..s of ttic Llc«arse a.na ro:.:uct retail. egt�:l.'. i:.:..._.o_ 'a �:ac.-s of ,, - than. . . . .. .. .. C:L., e'. the .... . ....... ... roll: [ . 0 .u,l, Ti,. r . - o:' Co ..... L o .. .led to --- Proceeding, of_ BOARD OF, CO, _.:_ [0,;:.riu City of Padacah�Mt, CY.Y l Gregory Avenue changed to Afton Avenue Charity- ordinance definiri, ell ibles 18th street charged to Bob ::oble Drive ordirnnce. ^do,)ted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co,nmia::Lon rs Hannin, �,ockvjood, i ltoa, Yuliia:n and Mayor Washburn (5). 5 Com:r,l:::iorer Lockwood offered the following caotion: I move the adopt Lon of an or:-1_nance entitled, "AN ORDI iAIICE CHA;iGISdG TSC, NA -X' OF GREGORY U AVLNUE I,V AFTO2' HEIGHTS TO AFTON AVISNUE." Adopted on ca!L of the roLl: Yeas; Comm Iszioners Hannin, Lockwood, :.:elton, Pulliam and :dayor Washburn: (5). Commission,r ::�,lton offared the foLlowing motion: I move that a resolution entitled, "A RESOLUTION DEFINING ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS FOR CSSAHITABTE ASSISTA::CE IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, ?Z.,TUCRY " be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Cotmnissiosa_rs Hannin, Lockwood, Melton, Pulliam and liayor V;ashburn (5). :£ayor Washburn offered the following motion: I :Hove the adoption of an. ordinance e:altled, "AN OSiSILANCE CHARGIi:G THE NASD OF TVIE'.dTY-Er-GHTH STREET TO BOB .M:,E DRIVE." Adooted on call of the roil: Yeas; Coami ;.ion rs llnnuLn, Lockwood, Lcltor, Pulliam and :Layor Washburn (5). On :notion meeting adjourned. v ADOPTED�_�m�- '�,',�•,1958 APPRO!-'-�e .',ayor _ City`Cler�