HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 47, May 2, 1932NO. Pa,,,o 47 Proceedings o£_:'Q• Pl Cr_CQ'' 'S ".SC:' City ofPaducah "T t mUrlY 'aY J932. At a regular mcotihC of the Board of Commissioners held in the coimr.iosloners' Chnmber in the City Ball Building in the city of Paducah, Kentucky at 2:00 o'clock P.M. on the 2nd day of 1'ay, 1932 Bnyor Scott nresidod and upon call of the roll the followino answered to their nnrnes: Co•rminslonors Dlock, Bradshaw, Volt, Rieke nod Mayor Scott (5). 11inutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read. Refund of poll Commissioner Ricke offered the following motion. The taxpnyors no taxes to percoys• exempt from here:•.-ith listed, have passed or reached the sae limit usuich oxerpts them fro - such taxes poll taxes, and having paid their tax bills for year 1932, inrludinn noll Lax, loss 3/ discount, I move that the Commissioner of Public Finance be nuthortzed tt�110refund the 4 1.45 not amount paid as follows: ocsy VV.. 140.1 Q.3n....-o 4..+--- +�y{ � "'/4 3'+ John d�R3ht11~eff 527 North 4th St. 'Pax bil ' 3830'for7r .1632 F. ':;. Neuman, 842 South 4th St. Tax bill ; 3292 for year 1932 F. 11. Noble 2000 Jeff. Street Tax bill ii 3317 for year 1932. Ed. Singleton (Ed.Thurman) lax bill # 5868 for year 1932 J. I. Travis 1129 Boyd St. Tax bill ,;' 4668 for year 1932 and charge same to the Tax Refund. in his department. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Bolt, Rieke and LSayor Scott (5). Claim of Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the claim of Frani O;rena, Frank. 0:.,e:as , C1erk,Court ofl Clark, Court of Appeals for court costs in the case of C. 9. Gregory vs. C by of Appeals allowe Paducah for amount of a 23.40 be allowod, and the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay same Rad charge to Judgments and Costs Fund in the Depart- ment of Public Affairs. Adopted on call of the roll: Yoos; Commissioners Block, Brndshaw, Holt, Ficke and Mayor Scott (5). .ater rentals Commissioner Pieke offered motion that the clnim of the Paducah for month of Lpril allowed. :later forks for Fire Plug Rcntnls for the month of April smounting to 3790.83 bo ollozed and the Coimnisnionpr of Public Finance be authorized to pay same and charge to "inter Rentals in the -Ceunrtment of Public Affairs. donted on enll of the roll: Yeas; Comenissioners block, Bradcha.l, holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5). Cnnh or,:erg Co—issionor Rieke off0red motion that tbo Co-r,lssioner of Public allcwefl. Finance be nllo.red too amount of :,j 106.50 to reimburse til; cashier's fund for nay-ont of cosh orders no follows: Voyni, '.cctt's trip Cc Chicago is 47.00 Sxtrn Finnnee Cffice help 59.50 Total 106.50 ari tent :-.e be authorized to draw a clued: on the Goneral F'unj in nettlement nr.? c'`:nrAr• nnro to the nroner funds. Adooterl nn cq'1 of the roll.: Yana; C^v -+�-7. •,n f: r. ::]oc.�, i:.rn hmv, Felt, Rialto and ;'n,; 0r Fcott R000rt of Cr_•-^Inni0aer Fiekc offered motion that the re0ort of the t:oa 1ssi0ner Coarassioner of Finance of Public Jnnnce for ';"Y '•nt of enrh .,)r0,r.n for , ,,nt.;, of April 193:' be rncelvod for month of 1vr11 recelve'lane' filed. A+opte-' to ^,1'I of tho roll: 70:113; ;o::isni,,ners Mock, Bladslar, Ho1.r., Rieke oral R'ny0r ' entr, {S), .i u 2nd, 1932. City of Paducah._ . _.___.-`-.--__--- Commissioner Rioke offered motion thnt the Citi., -ons 2avinca Bank to allowed 4.73 for Registration, Poatngo & Insuranco on 70,000,00 City of ... Pauucnh Bonds sent to the Continental. Illinois Bnnl( and Trust Co`7onny and the Co:-•'.:issicner of Public Finance to authorised to pay same and, charge to the proper rand. Aei,nted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, holt, Rieke and Ymyor Scott (5). P ._ Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the claim of Bunter 11. 1'nrtin an;.• for the month of April printing, amounting, to ;; 94.75 Ue allaaed and tho of Public Finance be authorized to pny znr-e and charge to the proper fund. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas: Co-c-,iscioners Block, Bradshaw, Tlolt, Rieke and Payor Scott (5). Interentl Corminsioner Kielce offered motion that the amount of f' 300.CO for due Peoples one month's interest due Aoril 30, 193?., on 60;000.00 City of Paducah notes Yanl: snored � extended to the Peoples Nntional Banc be allowed, and the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to nny same and charge to Interest Fund. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Com•-issioners Block, Eradshaw, Felt" Rieke and l:iayor Scott (5). Claims Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the claims for the month of for s Ilarch be allowed in the amount of ;e 7043.92 and the Commissioner of Puclic Finance month ofd March allowed " be authorized to pay same. Adopted on call of' the roll: Yeas; Cornrinsioners I Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5). 8 Fenort Commissioner ITolt offered motion that the report of the Grief of of Chief � Police E. Bryant for the month of April 1932 be received and filed. Adopted on l,r;�rnt receive< call of t`:e roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, !felt, Rieke and rsayor Scott (5)i and riled Report Corrissioner Felt offered motion that; the report of the City Sniler of Jailer ) for t -e month of April 1932 be received and filo(]. Adopted on call of the roll: receive, and Yens; nlscicnera Bloc::, Brndshor:, Iiolt, Rieke and +%yor Scott (5). fil,.',. On rotion the meeting adjourned. _lCriC3r� 1.932 APPP OV M / -�-- %—T'ay or