HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 416, March 25, 1935State:hent and Resolution of Board of Education for 1995. iI 0 NO. Proceedings of: '- 01 City of Paducah K' .:ect' : of the Board of Cox:aissl::ncr:: Loll in Iho o Ls,io.: .,I ao c z, th;: Cit;; Hn111 Paducah, Kcnsuc!ty on the . .)Lii C-_ o'"' L:35 at ?:00 o1clock P. Scott presided and ti -on cll of tl:c :•ol.'. roll.avrt:r- z.n_..:ered to -choir namea: Ca:: is Ba'c:r, r:.dc'rav, R'i �i::; or Scott (4). Co=.c:ricsioner i..,shburn b(.in:; abacnt. Minutes of the prcvlous mceting r;ere adoptcA na read. .Rlyor Scott offered motion that taro Stat:mcnt of the Board of Education of its anticipated revenues and cxpenditurcm for the year 1935, together .,Ath cc y of a resolation paased by the Board of ducvtion on March 19th, 1955, all of which was presenter) to the ?la -or on ML -ch :.,,-, 1D55, be received and filed and that said resolut'_on bc snrcad a on '",c: !.nut,: of this meetin3. ' The following resolutions are a part of the rainuter of the safert meeting of the Board of Education held Tuesday ni at `.;arch 'Lyth, 1925. "BE 1T RESOL'!ED by the Board of Education of Paducah, Kentucky, that there be and there now is im;:osed and levied an ad valorem t :: of ninety cents (90r) on each J 100.00 valuation of real and personLi property of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, subject to ta.,:ation for the year '. `5, the same be -in necessary in the opinlon of tl.e Board of Education of Pc.:,ucnh, Kentuc'y, to pro,]uce for said year of 1OZ5 the total estimated sum necessary to be rai--ed to support anis maintain the public schools of the City of Paducah, Kentuccy, less, the I est.ziated su-i to be received from the State Cos:non £chool Fund." BE 1T Fip.THER RESOLVED by the Board of Education of Pn inc-!, ;,.,,:.;c ; that there be and there no,.,; is imposed an ad valo.—,d tax ucon nji i person property in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, subject to t, tL - n .o.• t . 1335, of not exceeding seventeen cents (17r) upon the ,100.00 valuatior, o- b property, same beim, necessary to create a c:inkin^ fund for ony'.rent n 1. nil:. - of the City of Padacah, Kentuc%y, issued for school purposes, dated J: ::n ry 1C., X l3.`.0 and January 15, 1:126, Arcadia Graded Echool Bonds dcted January 1, and October 1, 1926, and for the oirpoac of paying the intcre.t on eai.<; coluis Wica and 1ue." ire tits uudcrs:land, i.. r , pre r. i nt of thr Board of i>ducc:tl.on, =•-•n, .. .,::,acky, and Ethel :... Rice, _.. r;, ctu .;reby ccrt.ify t.:ct tl;c ons xc duly adopt, i,e 30 ',ucr a of 1 a;cr , tin; held Tu ni - , i:.uroby of .. C'.11t;i : n. i?OIS. . You ni1'L I;y la'.: r., : sto:: taxable by this :, ... NO.- C�Noc,.di,W yoauc.__ -Ed `rz. Beulah Grubbs of C.,, i­_Ic, -i off�,n tho foLLo'.v.:r�, .�Otlon: ::c n, ucly, 'iav L. , irc<:cntol', to the Bo,,; -..i of 1--r decd to t.10 or, the East -Ldc of '_Illlk.r Avenue, GD of. Lot .;o. Bloc':i 0. 7n' Strc t in Oak Grove Cemetery, :,,hlch deed 1:nz. duly i;:,, :Icorgic Alice Radford, T.Iinnle Levis ;Ind Roy L. il%iley, 1 c,.,, to t 4:.ic; -o,4vk-;,ance of said burial lot as aforesaid be approved, ,,.nl thnt thw cc cicry records be corrected to show --aid conveyance. Adopted on call of th, roll: Yez.s; Co-..cissioncrs Balser, :radshew, Finley and '.IIyor Scott (,I) Com,-,issioner Baker offered the followngmotion: :Ir. Lee Potter and vUc 1'rnnie Potter of Paducah, Kentucky, having presented to the Board of Cor.missioncrs iielr dee,! to the Eaz:t or Front side of Lot Uo. 106 in Block 1711 page K of the _cjctory records of Oak Grove Cemetery In Paducah, which decd *.,.,as duly exectitcj ;nd ly cluowledged by 1. 11. Johnson and wife Winnie Johnson, I move that the conveyance of sald burial lot , s aforesaid be approved and that the cemetery records be correctos to �;:Ocs Id conveyer.ce. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Con-alssioncrs and "ayor Scott (A). Co:. a.-_ioner Ripley offered motion that a license to nermIt the retailingQ;is rrj_ of beer and li ..t wines be granted the following a7)pLlcants upon pa y,,i(.,nt of the propel ,Ca to &Tount to the CT-:- -`e usurer be approved: Tho_,as Matson 10th & Harrison Known as 1,7atsonya Ja:xz- Holland 7r8 South -rd St. " Roy's Lunch George Lynn 1701 bridge St. 11 Lynn's Grocery Adopted on cnU of the roll: Yeas; Co;_:iss loners Bradchar, Ripley -.nd !.,.nyor Scott (4). yor Scott ofrereo motion that this weetLn_ be now a.,,IjDurncd untlI 2*.0'j o'clock or, ":,edncsdL7 ','arch 1.'7th, 1.Df5, to be reconvened as an rdjourned re^,xl%r .:cettr__:. L�1-07)ted 0:' Call of the roll. Yeas; Co-ITIssioners Ba::er, Bradoh,,-.7. RiPLey Scott (4). day