HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 385, October 29, 19341 No. C'�t85
Proceedingsof iM-,T',Q,M CityofPadacah 1'L1;4C'.^1 Oct.ota'r 11
On -iotirn tine aieet:ing adjourna:9.
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A. za re;ular meetin^ of the Board of Co,vaiss:ioners held in the
Comnission.%rs' Chrmber at the City Ball, Paducah, Ifentur_ky on the 7)th day of
October, 1939, Mayor Scott )resided and upon call of th,-- roll t:i:e follo'win;-
nnsweyed to their names:- Commiss toners Baker, Bradsha•,.,, Ripley, ". un in:jrn
end ':ayor Scott (5).
Mnutes of the ?revious meeting were adopted as r.ad.
Bond of ',,i'..ie
:iayor Scott offered the following motion: The Paducah C000cr— r
Dur ii n •ntch.an
at Pe�iucal:
Co.:iix:ny Nay.ng heretofore re uested the Board of Commissioners of the C.:.:. of
Coopera a Co.,
Par.ucnh to grant Police Powers to Willie Dunn as guard and watchman ::nd t7..
Doard of ComMission rs having granted said Police Powers uyon condition that the
e^_aloyer to -wit; The Padicah Cooperage Company, furnisia Gond as re.airod by
ordinance and the said bond hav utl; been executed with THE FIDELITY AND CA:1'iLt::'1
CO 1'hNY, of Hew York and'tae said employer, The Paducah Coopar:. - Co, r ny or , _,.
requested that said Police Powers be cancelled and its bond r:t�:ecd, L nor:
move that the bond of said V,illie Funn ns guard ane:ti:atci.nan as the Paducah
Cooperage Cor_pany be cancelled as of this date and that the Surety on such band
be released from all liability thereon. Adopted on call of t'i.e roll: Yeas;
Concissioners Baker, Bradshaat, Ripley, Mashburn and Hayor Scott (5).
Deed in Oa'c Grove
Cov;issioner Baker offered motion that a deed ;rrnted to 9. E. ::oodson
,,ranted to
H. F. S.00dson
for lot V43, in block s,5 in Oak Grove Cemetery u;)on pny!ient of C 30.00 to the
City Tre,^surer be approved. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners
Ba'•er, Bradsha:,, Ripley, Vashburn and Mayor Scott (5).
ars. Grace Ric. s
COm:a'CS:Jlol:er Bak
Baker offered mot_on t'tat a dead ,,ranted to
fir:: raed
•'e_1 .In Oak Grove
:1rs. T•iarace Ric'cs for ::est alf of Lot ;.3 .,: bi.ock 50, in Oak Grove, Cemetery
Ce -eters.
u n nayr,ent of , 30.00 to the City Treasurer be annroved. Adopte3 on ca;l of
the roll: ica::; Coar:issiotiers Baker, Brad --has, Ripley, ,,, hia:un r•nd *layor Qcott (G)
On -iotirn tine aieet:ing adjourna:9.
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