HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 383, October 22, 1934I/
:E;17: L•smi U A.
;.:r tr, :a i. City of Paducah_`"" "''` Octiober ,
Proceedings of__ __ _ _ __
w,_r ..in^ _ the, L•oc.rd of Corials:aoners held in t.::o
:r. _,.... ,n •^rt C> : ... r C ii. :.. '.1., Paducah, itcntucl y on Lhe f... ,1:- of
0::'-c:: , � , .. ,.- , at :::OU otcloc:c P.[:I. :1%yor Scott hrcaided anu upon c�. 11 o:
roll the following answered to their names: Cou:aissioiiers Ba or, bride
._sauuru and :layor Scott (5).
"mutes of the trevious meetings :.ere adontod ss rand.
:!ayor Scott offered the follo,::inr moti.cn:
vilEREAS the County Judgc and Board of County Cofuilsslonors `cave
under consideration at this time plans for the construction of n(_: iail hounc
at a very substant'al estimated cost, acid
l7iLRFAS the City of Paducah hes a very antiruatod ani in: c
i_.il facility, and,
'LS nary other considerations, smon, thea, convenience to the
lic and to the bar, su-,;art the viisdom of adjacent city and co.nty
u.;lldlr s v;':ere jo'nt econo:aics, Lecludim, the advanta^es of a joint jail, c^oL
accoa'lished, and,
,rIERLAS the city of Paducah has title to ample dorm tousn nropert.,'
o accomodate such a progressive idea of county -vide ;)larriing, and,
.;IIEREi.S the people of L!cCracken county are entitled to the nrotcress
that is involveu in a public auditorluin ;,3:ere large scale functions and ceremonies
;:,iic interest may he comfortably and suitably held, and
EI1EAS by a relocation'of county ::dministrati..n off ices ti_ c•.";
authorities viol d be in position to release to the people of
nresent ^ourt house and grotnds which nre admirable suited for :,u1Llc ::..._.,.
nurpos_:., rnd
"T -REAS, the Federal Government is t.tr,rtn, local overnmento to
e sound -niblic wor:'s projecta at t'-ils t'_rae, offcr`.ng substantial subs! 1 ..
i _ ,._ <,t Paduc'. n,i cr,r• c :en co.:nu7 rr
:;rojccts as onilined woula res,,At: !n euro:"^m.!: 1
P.duced; end Llecracken coun7,7,
ore, 'i"',t u',t t :Savor be n. -r^ .
Cc .: ; J:i% ; i r _L Court for I, confer,nee at a eonver_lnrt i iee and A: a;
o forc,,oi_,;. Adopted on ca.t! of the roll: Yea:;;
i•',d:;: ., Rlpkl y, i,ashburn and -ny ,r Ocoti
_T r ,:.urn offore.t :otic.n t!:;. tc;n trnffic tirht b6
.. J: ..
Proceedings of - - � -- -� — - � � , , � : -. City of Paducah— .
FORT, be adopted. Auouted
or, draosbuT, Hipicy, !'., slfluvn :.nd juy
0:; -, lon the . ujj;: : journed.
City tlerk