HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 333, April 23, 1934NO... ProceedingaoF___:_" °Ot.i_D OF C_ .. CityofPaducah Karlua!:y !.arLI. 2_.:r'i!i a r. -,:.!I i ; oi' the Board of Co+mniss Loners, held In the ,:�iorcrs� Ch, Tl- a:• ::' . City Hall, Paducah, Kenrucky on the 25rd day of April, 't ^.:00 ofelock P.'.!. or Scott precidod and upon call of the roil the ;s s:ere.i to their :duos: Commissioners Baker, Bradshnw, RLplcy, 7.aohirirn t7cott (5). "i it?s of the ?rcvLoiis siseting"s were adopted as read. -,yor Scott offered motion that the statcient of anticipated reveaucs and co o: the City of Paducah, for the year 7934, as prepared by the CLt-y ''ona;;er, 1•eccive::, films a.:d sp;::•.:i -.co-. i]ln_ :-_:utes of this Board. Adonted on, call of 1 -e rol,: Yens; Co : -:Iss Lor':ers ll::!ccr, Brc:dsharr, Ripley, tashbur:: and 4ayor Scott (5) . ANTICIPATED REVESMES FOR YEAR 1934. General Taxes Riverside Hospital 24 000.00 tl Current Year City Scales 400.00 9 Heal Estate & Personal 18,217,300.50 l ;' 1.43 260,508.00 Less 10% 26,050.00 234,458.0 Prior Years 300.00 75,3L3.0 Tobacco 62,000.00 7,000.00 Franchises 4,500.00 100.00 Polls 2,500.00 100. d0 Pen-lty, Int. & Adv. 2,500.00 200.00 Banks 750.00 20,056.0 ja I Licenses Ii Int. on Bnn?; Bal. 1,000.00 Gencral,Business <1z Trade 46,000.00 600.00 A•uto::obile 15,000.00 750.00 67,430.00 Dog 1,200.00 Total y' 482,017.00 Sarket House Rents 2,500.00 C4,700.0 er Baker offe ed the rot lo:sl.0:,r.ltio•i: The hoar.! of Rducat.lon ur.a, having mazlr- a Levy of te„ (10p) cent-'; Born i ,ch afrJ. S0 f : weed for taxes am., U+ta j"ct tc, t?u:%i [. l...rr : NO. Page 364 Proceedings of -'LM BOARD O CU':rdISSIONERS _ City of Paducah KENTUCKY April "additional I now move that the Board of Commissioners do consent to and approve said levy of 10p for school additional Levy of ten (100) cents upon each $100.00 of personal and real purpases approved. property situated in the City of Paducah subject to taxation for school purposes for the benefit of said Public Schools in the City of Paducah for the year 1934. And that said additional levy be added to the tax rote and embraced � in the tax bills for said � year. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Bradshaw, Hipley (3). Nays: Mayor Scott- (1). Commissioner 1°ashburn did not vote. Beer licenses Commissioner Ripley offered motion that a permit to retail beer granted to three and light crines be granted to the following applicants upon payment of the proper applicants. amount to the City Treasurer: ' Margie Torrence, by E. :dc Garvy, Torrence Grocery 8th Fe Elis i1t. Broadway Hotel, by Gertrude Watkins, 119 Broadway Dunn+s Restaurant, by 1W. 11. Dunn, Union St. ooposite Union station. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Balser, Bradshaw, hLpley, Washburn and 14ayor Scott (5). Annual budget Commissioner Ripley offered motion that the annual budget for the for year 1934 received City of Paducah for the year 1934, as prepared by the City Manager be received, filed and approved. filed and approved. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Balser, 4/ Bradshaw, and Ripley (3). Nays: Commissioner V:ashburn and Tlayor,6cott (2). Resolution Tlayor Scott offered motion that a Resolution entitled declarirt; Franchise of "A RL'SOLUTIOit DECLARING NULL AND VOID THE FRAi1CHISE WINED BY THE YEINTUCKY Kentucky Utilities UTILITIES CO'1PANY TO ACQUIRE, CONSTRUCT, OPERATE AND LiAI:4TAL11 AN ELECTRIC Co. -i any nu C1 and STRELT RAIU., AY OVER CERTAIM STR:_TS 121 T'HL CITY Of' PADUCAH, AND PHOVE1I:iG 1.01, void v NOTIFYI1TG SAID FRANCHISE HOLDER 'f0 FiL0VIL ITS TRAC1iS, CROSS -TIES, TROLLY WIRES AND TROLLY POLES FRO:: THE STREETS, Alll) DIRECTING Ai1D AUT IORI'?I:IG TiE MAYOR T'0 GIVE 5UC11 NOTLCE TO T"M SAID !TrITUCKY U:'I-LITIIS CO ii':; :Y, AND PAOViDI:if. FOh A HEARING THEHEON." Adopted on call of tt,e roll: Yes; Commissioners Baker, Bradshaw, Ripley, l.ashburn and :Sayar Scott (5). Or6ira.nce Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion that an Ordinance entitled t, 'e ler. ^n '. rr,te " L'I ORD11,ANC'd FIXING THE LEVY AND RAT;, Ob 'ib .ATI1JN ON f.LT. PROPERTY I11 .'IR: CITY of . L,.n OF PADUCAH, 7CL!-UCKY, SUBJECT TO TA7,WION F0! LIUi7ICIPAL P Ti'rOSc', FOR THE YEAR 132,1, AND TTTE Rf TL• OF POLE TAX, V ITH TIa. .'111170.:r. OF :,"I]) LSVY 'I-iwREU1fDER G1F'iSF.D,++ be sdopteci. Adopted on call oit1r roll: Yn:a; Commissioners -ulcer, Bradshaw, Ripley (3). Nays: Com,.i;sloner 1�,'ashburn rand !S•,.yor oeott f.=• ce Comaissionor Baker offered motion t ut an Or:lirs.nc:: on'tltic:d Apportion.aent " IN OisuIuANC:. F:X .:, THE APPOHT101111ENT 01'-'JBL1C i JNOS Oi T!ffi c j%i Or of Puolie Funds of the FOR THE Y"AH 1l+..4" br; tidcptr:d. Adoptsd on call of the roll. Yons; City of Pzicuc ah. Co-lnissioners Baker, Rrad;haw, •nci ltlpLey (8). Nays; y rc: �;esi•bnrn and H:;yor Scott 00. NO.__ - Proceeding. of._- '_O":U)"' ASCity of Paducah Anrll :?iird. 1984, CotamL•;cio_: a -ns _&burn offered the foLlov:ini; :notion: It appearing that Swinney :as on the 10th day of April, 1384, issued a .license to handle �:corgia Crystals, etc., for the period of ti:!c from the 10th day of Aua 1x54, to i'or license a the 31st day of recember, 1254, and for wh'ch License he paid to the City Trcrsurcr ^e sum of 18.75, and it further a?pearing that an the 17th day of Aprit, 19'Z4, I � ;:he United J atcs 'Jarshal for the Western District of 'fontucicy, took charge of and took fro:. C. L. Sivinney all of his stock of Georgia Crystals under a libel from said Federal Court, and the said C. L. Swinney being unable to continue in busineon and :.ein,. unable to avail himself of the use of said license, I now move that he be :•cfunded the saki sum of y`. 18.75, and that the City Treasurer be authorized to issue Lo the said C. L. Swinney a check for $ 18.75 upon the surrender and cancellation .f said license. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Bradshaw, ;Slpley, Tashburn and Mayor Scott (5). On motion the meeting adjourned. APPROVED :.ivy •, ADOPT=4 130 1934. f_ Cl,.y Cleric j 'i i