HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 326, April 9, 1934No. Pave 5;26
Proceedings of THF_BUARU City of Paducah IS—;TU %rC ' April 21b,
, 1 n -
At a regular mectLng of tha• Board of Conniaolonor:,, h<_16 In
the Comm isstoners' Chamber at tue C.Lty Hall, Paduca?1, Kentuc•<y on the ati,
day of April, 1964, at 2:00 o'clock Y.M. Mayor Scott presided and upon
call of the roll thr following answered to their names: Commissioners Baker,
Bradshaw, Ripley,Washburn and Mayor Scott (5).
Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read.
Mayor Scott offered the follorin3 motion: Whereas, the Board of
.'Education of the City of Paducah has presented a cotmaunicatLon bearing data of
April 6th, 1960, together alth a resolution attached thereto but u. ., and
by the terms of which a levy is made upon all taxable property, to—i. ior wLth an
additional levy to be made with the consent of the Board of Commis:: ,:Drs of the
city of Paducah of ten (100) cents, both of said levies being for :... ;,urpose
of mainta in.ing public schools in the city of Paducah less the eat t :: t.rl sutil to
be received from the State Common School Fungi, and it appe^ring that said levy
of One (::L.00) Dollar upon each One Hundred (.';100.00) Dollars of assessed vatao
of taxable property for school purposes is authorized, and said levy is not
^abject to any further action by the Board of Com:nissLon.a's, but is further
.;gearing that the additional levy of ten (10;) cents can only become effective
upon the approval of the Board of CommLss:ioners, I now move that said
,,ommunicstion and resolution be received and filed, and the resolution recorded
in the minutes; but that action on said levy of ten (lot) cents on each One
hundred ($100.00) Dollar valuation o_" real, personal and other property In ti:r
city of Paducah, subject to tax for school purposes, for the year 10:4 be
tcferred until the further pleasure of this Board. and that said levy of One
(`1.00) Dollar upon each One Hundred (::.100.00) Dollars of taxable pronerty for
:school purposes, together :•:ith the .levy of fifteen (lbs') cont: for sin' --.Ing fond
urpoaos :,s heretofore authorized by reso0ition, as adopted by said Board of
cX Lducation ani heretofore reportrxl to the Board of Commissioners, be embraced
•.n•t included in the ta,; bills for ti,d year 1:do4 for the city of Pnuuenh for
C400L fl_u'josca and for shikLng fund purpose:: for a:cho_l bonds. And that the
uvy o forty (40y+.) cents on each One Hunared (Ltltl',. ,+;) Dollars of bed: ..tock
anted to the tax bills for the use and beuttf Lt of tae Loa'- of
i of the City of Paducah for the slp.,ort of .,.tblLc school.a n., -'rornaaid.
The Resolution is " folLors:
r., the undersigned, Presldent, :1cnbcrz an:t Secretary of t t'to,r-7
;oa of the City of Prxiucah, Kentuc':y, do h,_'reby certify �c•,: +
n nL,t•r l•.n adopted by unani-jo,la vui:e rf all member:: of ' .L+:
i:1e City of Paducah, Kentun y, at .. scotin;; h�,Li
. �,.'... 1.::., li09, :ind t::a': i':. a Wtrt of the
n t u, 11 rum 1 s:
# tC be r...
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"I. '. !l F' h;:; ll0 1:7:7 :!'Lir
NO. _._
Proceedings Or. ':-:i:_. City ofPadacah-Z..4'•1ViQ1•Y _ A.pr J-2-h,_.19�'^ ---
the state per enpit% apportionment usually received each ycnr by this Board
as a p -rt of the income to be used for the support of said school during
t curr^nt year has been cut until it is necessary ctthcr that a larger
roa.rtlnn of the total income of t'.iis Board for this year be obtained
through the levy above referred to, or that the amount to be expended In
tnd for the support and maintenance of the Paducah Public Schools in 1954
hbe reduced by a corresponding amount; and,
WHEREAS, any further retrenchment would result, in handi.cnp.-ing
Loth the schools and the chilctren of our City; and,
:I}RNA3, this Board has fixed its budget at the lovrest amount
the schools can be economincally and efficiently operated; and,
WHEREAS, in order to provide the total estimated sum necessary
to be raised to support and maintain the public schools of Paiucah, lea:;
the esti.nated sum to be received from the State Common School Fund for
the year 1934, the follo:ring tax rate is necessary;
NOVI, T:MR! FORE, BE IT RPSOVIED BY the Board of Erucation of
Paducah, Kentucky, that there be and there is hereby levied and imposed an
ad valorem tax of One (.;1.00) Dollar, and as and if the Honorable ?Mayor and
Board of Com:sissioners of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, do consent, an
ad valorem tax of Ten (10¢) cents on each One Hundred (3103.00) Dollars
valuation of real, personal an,i other property, (being in all an ad valorem
tax of One and 10/100 (E,1.10) Dollars on each One Hundred (;3100.00) Dollars
valuation of real, personal and other property) of the City of Paducah,
Y.e:itucky, subject to taxation for the year 1954, the same bean; necessary
in the opinion of the Board of Education of Paducah, Kentucky, to produce
for the said year 1934, the total estimated sum necessary to be raised to
support and maintain the public schools of the City of Paducah, Kentucky,
le --s the estimated sum to be received from the State Common Scir,ol Fund; ::no,
:E IT F[P.;THER RESOLVE;, that tills Bwrd does not certify to the
Honorable :!ayor nod Board of Commisstoncrs of Paducah, Kentucky, the fact
a it hes extenc7-:ely and carefully Investigated and cun::ldorrei :;aid
orobiem, :,.n1 finl. t.,,at tl+c sal+'• total ley above iDadc of Onc; ;.nd 10/100
('1.10) DolLnrs ad valore: tax on each One Rundred ('100.'x:) Dol.l.%rr
vnLaa-r.iori of real, por::oaa`. and other property in said Cl'.;, :iunjre. ',n .—Id
t.::x ?.n abs_•lutcLy necc.:xry, essential and required to pror:;p
necessary to mnl%tair, ane sup:%ort the -)ublic schools of t.':,_ Cj:y,
estlma'.zec su: to i;n receive:: from the State Common School Fu::i, ra L: ,
yt tine coc:virl ,)n rf this Boar,! r„•u; 1,( ,evy 1 m c:c 1 : u•, and
€aid tax ipso c^, the pu+.'. . ..,. Liis City o;' .u• n:..:;;,
'0111. be --urio.tsly id !,: r. 'r,.,
reaUes' :nu iiororcult ?i.yor wi(i uonri: W
consent to "aid levy Il: ..:1d ilmount.
M IT Fi%s'.'t?i'Yt itF. -O—r 1J , tbz t: tax of Forty (41t wj
Fis92atr9d (�14?. r?) uollara !!k€:::}. c tc: i. c.^.•: i :;on c.; _. ,ur. —Jil
t 'amble by thio Po..... , r1d
i.. Aprli
Proceedings of— 0 _ _..— _ City of Paducah
and Resolution
from Board of
received and
Attest ,nd Seal Attached:
Ethel ii. Rice — ;'!. F. ".•fctf,rrr�Tr.___ _
Secretary President
E. Barrcor
J. F;. I3tILLv__.-..
J. nossett
S:ember Dos
We, the undersigned, President and Secretary of the Board of
Education of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, do hereby certLfy that the Soliosl ;
resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of all members of said Board of
Education of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, at a meeting held under date of
:larch 31st, 1954, and that same appears as a part of the minutes of said me:-tb?�:
WHEREAS, it is Incumbent upon this Board to levy a tax sufficient
to maintain a sinking fund for the purpose of payln> herds of the City of
Paducah, Kentucky, issued for school purposes, from time to time, yet outstandin,
and for the purpose of paying lntcrest on said bonds when and as due;
THEREXORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of Paducah,
Kentucky, that there be ani there now is imposed an ad valorem tax upon all the
real and personal property in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, subject to taxation
for the year 1034 of not exceeding Fifteen (15) Cents upon the f.1U0.00 vnluation
of said property, name being necessary to create a sinkin; fun:l for oayaent of
bonds of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, issued for school purposes dated
January 15, 920, and January 15, 19w6, and Arcadia bonds isr;ucd January 1, 1924,
and October 1, 1986, and for the purpose of paying the interest on said bends
Nihon and as due.
Attest and Seal Attached:
-le Wiurry Jr.
-S, pauer-
Anogt-5 on coli of tho roll: Yens; Commissioners Baker, :;rr:dshr.ti^, RlpLcy,
an! u_y:. scout (n,). ffr;ys; Crimmiss.lorers Mashburn (1).
Carm9l,si.n• r Baker offered motion that I-- r:. i• :.r of ,A..-.: Mi SL<or
,. of the $ 5,09 he raid for an yutomoolle lir. q: •
t be . he was not nubject to pay said I -.i r rug
'.y .n. .tet the City Tre,,:,ur
P-6opte- •,>.i cr,Ll of roll.:
_. y, :urn
NO. - —.__ ' 1.
Proceedings of - ;TIS E aD OF (a�,_'[.;_i%t_:_4"i:i_ City of Paducah— iilm.UCU. ,__April 9thx 1fl8d.- ._--
Comminsionor Ripley offered motion that a license to permit the
retailing of beer and Light nines be granted to the following applicant uuon
.._.... rt of the Proper aaount to the City Treasurer:
John Bolen, 700 S. Frd Street
v :.dopted on cell of the roll: Yeas; Co:11eissioners Baker, Bradshaw, Ripl°y, ':.-::}.hnrn
--yor Scott (5).
S Mayor Scott offered motion that applications for licenses for onle
of intoxicating liquors ac, follows, be approved when bonds as required have been
co -r,lcted.
Adolph Y:oil, 608 Broadway By Drink
Irvin Cobb Hotel 6th & Broadway By Package
6' Ritz Drug Store, 2201 Broadway By Package
Freidman-Keiler & Company 1018 Jefferson Wholesale
Ochschlaeger Drug Coripany 1201 Broadway By Package
Kolb Brothers Drug Co. 119 Horth 3rd St. Wholesale
e Leo F. Keiler, 429 Broadway By Package
PaL,aer Hotel Company, 112 North 5th St. By Drink
M. E. Sutherland, 900 Broadway By Package.
.dopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Bradshaw, Ripley,
. ::1ib,irn and Mayor Scott (5).
On motion the meeting adjourned.
— .tayor
Ctt Clerk