HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 319, March 12, 1934Proceedings of<<E S9Afr, (IF CO""ISS?OirRl_ City of Paducah `arch 12th 1934. Board of E7,ualization e�iven e -,tensa 8f time. V Ordinance regarding Finance Offic Ordinance regulating payment of texes in partial payments. CIO in of Anna B. Jones for ;;ravel allowed. Peer licensoz i;ra:ntei to A . L. i3 e •.i::.:.n Cart -s for Nove^ivar rod L'ece-ber aIleved. i At n regular meoting of the Hoard of Cnmmiss7r7ners held in the CoralssL•.ners' Cha,ber In the City 117111, Paducah, Kentucky at 2:00 o'clock P.:. rrn the L• th day of I'arch, 1934, '.!ayor Scott presided and u -:on call of the roll the following answered to their names: CommLssioners baker, 6radshaw, Ripley, Mashburn and ,`.ayor Scott (5). i7.Lnutes of the orevLous meetings were adopted as read. Mayor Scott offered the following motion: It appenring that the Board of Equalization will be unable to complete its labors by `.:arch 15th, 1934, I :;ove that an extension of ten days, or until :Barth 25th, 1934, be granted thein in which to complete their work. Adopted on cell of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Bradshaw, Ripley, ;7ashburn and ''ayor Scott (5). "ayor Scott offered notion that an ordinance entitled '- ORDINANCE FURTHlt REGULATING THE DEPARTI:ENT OF PUBLIC FINANCE, PROVIDIAC, FOR THE ';ORE EXPEDITIOUS FANDLI:!G AND PAY:?ENT OF CLAIf?S, AND THE AUDITING .'.i1D REPORT -:`!G THEREOF TO THEi BOARD OF CO:.CIISSIOILRS," be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co_nmissLoners Baker, Bradshaw, Ripley, and _ayor Scott (4). Nays; ComwaLssioner Washburn (1). 'Payor Scott offered -motion that an ordinanec entitled Aif ORDINANCE FURTHER REGULATING TIE IIETHODS OF PAYING TAXES SII THE CITY OF PADUCAH, i[ENTUCKY, PROVIDING FOR PARTIAL PAY-T;NTS THEREOF, AND EXTENDING THE TI'.E FOR PAYING TILE SECOND HALF YE" -RIS TAXES UNDER SAID PARTIAL PA.Y':ENT PLANS," be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Conalosioncrs Baker, Bradshaw,, Ripley, Washburn and ;.!ayor Scott (5). Commissioner Baker offered motion that the bill of Anna B. Jones for amount of 8 391.16, for gravel furnished during December, 1633, and January and February 1934, for C.W.A. projects be allowed, same hcving been duly approved for allo:rance r.nd prynor:t, rnd that the City Trev.r.urer be autborised to ply ;:anc and charge to the C.P..A. Fund Lr. the Dep71rt."ent of PublLc Corks. Adopted on call of the roll.: Yeas; Commissioners na'rcr, Bra,i:=.h;a:, Ripley, Uashburn and "ayor Scott (5) . Cor.,;Iszloncr Baker offorcd motL n that D llcenr.i to permit the retallir3 of beer 4nd light wines be C.rantcd to the followl.n� anplLcant upon nry:-.ent of the proper amount to the City Treasurer: FranptE Sncnccr, by A. L. Redreon, 81:. 'f. :���_.:,-�n ;L. :.c'.optcd on call of the roll: Yeas; Com;issioners E„kcr, .;;, igrnic-y, .n.,,hbLirn Unrt t-ayor Scott C<, 1—i'.!- 'urn. offered ,toticn. that rel of the rer.alnir:;; un .i3 pas nuc City L311.. frP :.0 ii,:., ....ttsvl in the r;t ... of ffnvenr ,-.r „• r i:,:_. , ❑,: 1 .. cn l' ,: "ii.4B, iso the 6111 oi' the Paducah 4al.er-4oz-ks for ti;e uorti; (if Nove_1Lk; i for r• chat of C. 3,701.05 be allowed, sayr• having been _'sty at; o: rr, : , i l lr• .n; Cr orgl pay ,--nt, art3 -,;j .y <asurer ue aut u,rizod :;r f, : n.l t; .. :o _ : _.. : p•;d. A ' ;r^.F.. U : .... - .. ti'._ T01.1 : 'Cr G: ; C No-, . L P...di.jr. of7 -C()10' 11 City Of Pd .. h -&]',Nj UM' 0.: t irn tl.e co!: LrZ APPROVED ity lork