HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 310, February 12, 1934NO?'eRe 510
Proceedings of_'fil <a=D ofCOUP: UJ.Qlf 0dt-S — City of Paducah February 12t h 19G4.
nof,r d of
nllowt'd rro-
-ata, of tax
'or 'nr.car:
Comminclon.:r Bnker offered motion that the City Troasurcr be
authoriz:r: t:; draw n ch.:ck .,n th,: General Fund to the First Naticnol Rank,
1:eyfl+1L1, :•ntucky, :rcasur,:r, for Lha Pnducah Board of lduentlon, for
;%t of v 106.10, in ceLtl a•:ont of th., amount due the Board of "; lcutlon
on th- :'rar.sia::: r, n': ':,,n,:ra1 '1•ar coi'_act'.-,n:: for th•• -:,nth
4. ..dont::. -;n call r)f the roll: Year, crWniacton rs
:iS;lt>>, ...,!;burn wnd Mayor Scott (5).
At a regular meeting of the Board of Comrnissicners held in
h the Colmniesieners' Chamber in the City Hell, Paducah, Yentucky at 2:00
11clock P.L: on the 12th day of February , 1934, gayer ::cots presided and
upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners
II Baker, Ripley, Bradshaw, 'de shburn and L:ayor Scott (5).
Minutes of the previous meetings rare adopted as read.
Various claims
Commissioner Baker offered the following motion:
allowed for
The following claims having been duly approved for ollos,anec and payment:
Drs. Stewart & Jackson, Professional Services to Mrs YcL'.anus 5.00
Dr. Palmer Read - Health Department -Car ;ixpense 10.00
B. H. Smither - Hay for Street Department 26.72
C. G. 'Warner - Health Department, Car expense 25.00
Total 66.72
I move the claims be allowed, and that the City Treasurer be authorized to
pay same and charge to the proper fund. Adopted on call of the roll:
itYeas; Commissioners Baker, Bradshaw, Ripley, .iashburn and W.ayor Scott (5)•
Truck Driversi1
Commissioner Baker offered motion that the Truck Drivers and
and Teamsters
i Teamsters payrolls for C.W.A. Projects 75-3 and 75-20 for amount of
for C.17.A.
allowed and
3193.11, and that the amount of v 35.00 for supplies purchased in the month
;35.00 for
supplies to
of Janucry by'C. Melvin Luigs, Assistant Reemployment Manager, total amount
v 228.11, be allowed, and that the City Treasurer be authorized,to pay same
and chnrue to the Civil 77orks Administration Fund, in the Department of
Public Works. . Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker,
Bradshaw, Ripley, ;iashburn and L!ayor Scott (5).
H.N. Rector
Commissioner Baker offored motion that H: H. Hector be
from pennitiesi
exonerated from the assessment of penalties and interest for amount of
on certain
tax bills,
g ^� 8.05 on Improvement Bills ;167390-91 - JJ82710-11 and ,197868-69 for the
years 1931, 1932 and 1933, an ownership of the property was not properly
recorded until this year, and fur this reason the owner could not be held
liable for the accrued charges, and that the City rreasurer be authorized
to draw a chech on the General. Fund for the amount of + 6.05 for credits
on the Improvement Bilis, and chr_rpe same to the Tax Refund account.
Adopter, on call of the roll: Yeas; Commiscioners Baker, Bradshaw, Ripley,
Washburn and L:ayor ::cote (5).
nof,r d of
nllowt'd rro-
-ata, of tax
'or 'nr.car:
Comminclon.:r Bnker offered motion that the City Troasurcr be
authoriz:r: t:; draw n ch.:ck .,n th,: General Fund to the First Naticnol Rank,
1:eyfl+1L1, :•ntucky, :rcasur,:r, for Lha Pnducah Board of lduentlon, for
;%t of v 106.10, in ceLtl a•:ont of th., amount due the Board of "; lcutlon
on th- :'rar.sia::: r, n': ':,,n,:ra1 '1•ar coi'_act'.-,n:: for th•• -:,nth
4. ..dont::. -;n call r)f the roll: Year, crWniacton rs
:iS;lt>>, ...,!;burn wnd Mayor Scott (5).
NO -Face 311
Praaeediags of THE B0,0D OF CO1?;IS3IO1J"M5 _ City of Padaeah Pebruary 12th 9'•4
B.B.Akers Commissioner Baker offered motion that B. B. Akers, listed on
$9.46 the Fire Department payroll of February 5th, for $ 9.96, be allowed v 9.48 for
for extra!
time. additional time served, but which throuf*h error was omitted from the payroll, and
that the City Treasurer be authorized to pay same and charge to the Fire
Denartmant Fund. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker,
Bradshaw, Ripley, ';iashburn and Mayor Scott (5).
$25.00 Commissioner Baker offered motion that J. Ries Trathen be
to J. refunded the amount of , 25.00 paid for Insurance Agent's City License ff455,
Trethen which amount would not have been collected by the City had he disclosed the fact
that he was the owner of State License !,`'4954, dated September 29th 1933, expirinc,
March'lst, 1934, which license, according to Section x/681 of Kentucky Statutes, is
In lieu of nil other licenses, and that the City Treasurer be authorized to make
refund, and charge to the proper fund. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas;
Commissioners Baker, Bradshaw, Ripley, ,'Iasbhurn and P.iayor Scott (5).
Beer u Commissioner Ripley offered motion that a license to permit the
arantedV retailing of beer and light Brines be granted to the following applicants upon
to four G .
ar,pli I payment of the proper amount to the City Treasurer:
Sutherland Drug Store by I% B. Sutherland, 9th & Broadway
{ Northside Pharmacy, by 16. E. Sutherland 7th & Clay Street
Ritz Hotel by C. 0. ZurSchmiede, 22tn & Broadway
a '
L'arket Lunch Room, by M. H. Kuykendall, 125 Kentucky Ave.
Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Baker, Bradshaw, Ripley,
7Jashburn and. Mayor Scott (5).
Motion hl Commissioner Washburn offered the following motion: The City
Sinking National Bank having heretofore been designated as one of the City's depositors
Fund in
City on February 14th, 1928 and said bank having executed a bond in the penal sum of
National v
Bonk. y x:225,000.00 on the 11th day of April, 1928, which bond was duly approved by the
'� City of Paducah and it further appearing that at the time the City National Bank
went into the hands of a Receiver, that the City of Paducah had the sum of
$66,391.57 on deposit in various sinktne fund accounts, I move that W. V. Eaton,
Cor.,oratlon Counsel be instructed to call upon the Guarantors of said deposit or
V!,e rcnresontotives of the estates of those that have died since the mskinf of said
bsnd,, rn,l demand Immediate payment to the City of Paducah of the sum of
7 end if' rai : sum is not satisfied in ten days that Corporation Counsel
.tructnd to file ;wit to recover against the makers of said Bond. Lost on
of the roll: Nays; hrkor, Br.nshaw, itinley, and Mayor Scott (4). Yeas;
:icner Lurn (1).
y 100.CC j layer �c::tt off::•::: ration that an ordlnance entitled AN
anprc! ^:
ated f, . , ' C - :.5LL3:.:, FGIt '.11.. '
ztamr ^ .. .. :I!aM: tJ
- ..........
NO. Pace 312
Proceedings of-IIi.B.QAB4_OF G01]}"iS�70Nitlle.___ CityofPaducah February Lath,._ 1934.
to selling
fruits, etc.
Repairs on
Fire Truck
s'llis Brot
Mayor Scott offered motion that an ordinance entitled
mo,)'CTs FROI.i TRUCKS CR OTFUH LSHICLES," be adopted. Adopted on call of
the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Bradshaw, Ripley, .Sashburn and
Mayor Scott (5).
Commissioner Uashburn offered motion that the bill of
Ellis Brothers for repair to Fire Truck as shown by itemized account, iti
the sum of $ 217.71 be allowed. Adopted on call of the roll; Yeas;
Commissioners Baker, Bradshaw, Ripley, 17ashburn and L:ayor Zcoat (5).
On motion the meeting adjourned.
ADO?TKDri',Q3, 1q�``1934.
`City Clerk