HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 291, December 30, 1933NO._Fngp
Proceedinga of—THE _ BOARD_ OF_CO?"ISS GHERSCity of Paducah n-Un1CKX
d At an ndjourned meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the
Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky at 3:30 P.M. on
the 30th day of December, 1933, Mayor Scott presided and upon call of the roll
the following a m veered to their names: Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke
Washburn and Mayor Scott (5).
,$,22,926.77 Cormissioner Rieke offered motion that the Co^missioner of Public
allowed Board it
of Education. Finance be authorized to draw i cehek on the General Fund to the First National
Pro -rata amount
due from I.C. ; Bank, Mayfield, Kentucky, Treasurer, for the Paducah Board of Education for
Franchise taxes
the amount of $$ 22,926.77 in settlement of the pro -rata amount due on the
Illinois Central R. R. Company Fraxchise collections for year 1933, and that he
also be authorized to pay the balance due the Board of Eduention from General
Tax and Franchise collections for the month of December 1933, no soon no the
proper amount may be computed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Cosraissioners
Block, Bradshaw, Rieke, !Mashburn and Mayor Scott (5).
• Amounts Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the Commissioner of Public Finance
from General be authorized to transfer from the General Fund to the various School Boal
Fund to var-
ious School Sinking Funds the amounts due from the Illinois Central Railroad Company
Bond sinking
Funds Franchise collections for year 1933, and also the balance of the amount due from
General Tax and ranchise collections for the month of December 1933, as soon
as the proper amount may be computed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas;
Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke, Washburn and Mayor Scott (5).
Claim of Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the bill of the Federal
Federal Water
ials Compnny Materials Company for amount of $ 4.06 for supplies to the Street Department
allowed for
S 4.06 be allowed, some having been duly approved for allowance and payment, and that
the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay same and chnrge to the
I?epartment of Public '.corks. Adopted on call of the roll; Yeas: Commissioners
Block, Bradshaw, Rieke, t?ashburn and Mayor Scott (5).
Dr. C.G.':worner Commissioner Rieke offered motion that Dr. C. G. warner be allowed the
allowed :25.00 11
for use of amount of 25.00 for use of his auto and supplies for the month of December
his auto and
sucolles. l.?33, same having been duly approved for nllavnnce and payment, and that the
Co-nissioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay snme and charge to Health
:^-r,-- trent in the Department of Public Affairs. Adopted on call of the roll:
Y-san; Com-nissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke, ':Washburn and Mayor 6cott (5).
Extz noes o1' Commissioner Rieke offered motion that n Cash Order advanced to
J. '.Boyd,
C.w,A.Project Jnees 'w, i+oyd, C.'7.A.Project Officer, to defray the expense of an official
nrclerr, to
Lorlevllle Lusine trin to Lr+.xl.eville, Kentucky, be nllowe;l for an amount not to exceed
alloyed from -
C.xI.A. Fano. 12.90, and that the (:orn•,iaaioner of Public Finance Le reimbursed by check
drawn on the Civil '.9orka A,lmtnlstrntion Fund In the Donartment of Public Works.
Adoptee' an call of the roll: Yeas: Block, Bradshaw, Rieke,
"achburn ars'. Vayor :`nott (5).
F.yrell• far ? Cc ^isnl.nrer P.ieke ofcere^ motion that the payrolls for the laa• half
?fiat 1:s 1' of of :.eceut:er i53;% to 0110-we11 in rhe amount. of % 887'1.59, and that the
$Wiper. 1 aaic:sr of .xbli Finance Le authorized to pay same t.y checks fox, n*„unt
If g 4417.`5 ®:wd to pay the rexainder of 4r30.00 with: Paducah Industries
Certificates. A":aryteq on call. of h»na roll: Yeaa• Cond3sionera Dlxk,
NO. raga -292_
Praeeediags of 'rnr an�r.�OF G0:'I:I.S:.i.c'.3] �.R::- City of Paducah__M%'TUOYY__ - _Do.eombon-30.th_193A.,—_
Bradshaw, Rieke, Washburn and Mayor Scott (5).
List of Commissioner Washburn offered motion that a list of the personnel of the
the oer-
Donnel of Police and Fire Departments, said lists showing the age and years of service by
Police and
Fire De- which their seniority is established be received and filed. Adopted on call of the
received roll: Yeas: Co=issioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke, %7ashburn and Mayor Scott (F).
and filed.
On motion the meeting, adjourned.
may or
ADOPZED` v,.,, _ gg Zk-- 9.3 JV.
City C16 rcx - .