HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 275, November 27, 1933No. —Png, 75 —
Proceedings of'--" T City of Paducah ic?!"'r'17Y tlov. 2,11,11, 1033`—__ -
ht a regular rr_stin�. of the Board of Cwr,Insinners In the
Co-missieners' Chnmber in the cit, (Tall, Pnducah, Kentucky nt 2:00 o'clock
P.r. on tho 27th day of November, 193', ?'nyor Scott oresidel a.nd uaon call
I; of the roll the following anawt,rad to their names: Gommisnl(;ners B1ocY.,
,� rrsdahew, Rieke, 'aashburn and 7ayor Scott (5).
Minutes of the previous r`ectings wore adopt( -1 as rend.
:ntional Sure Ly Mayor Scott offered motion that the Nfitionnl Curety Lc,;pany,bc
a/ Ca--pnny release
fret, Lord of released from liability as surety on the bond of Yr. S. J. Paxton commissioner
J. .^axton.
of Paducah '7ntcr 'forks as of Hovomber 6th, 1933 at ,,hich ti,rn n bond for
1.?r. Paxton issued by the Fidelity and ..naualty Comnany of New York was
substituted. Adopted on call of tho roll: Yeas; Com,•:iasioncrs Block,
Rrad.sha•::, Rickc, ",las>'•l:urn and Mayor Scott (5).
1'.aryland and t'ayor Scott offered notion that the wnrylnnrl Casualty Comonny be
Casualty Co.,
rclensed fro, released from liability as Surety on the bonds of lir. Ad„lnh "nil and
^' liability on
bonds of ".'r. F. T. Hubbard Commissionnrs of Paducah ':neer--'orks as of tTo ember 6th,
Mr. -,eil and
L;r. Eublard. 1933 at which time ne•rr bonds on Yr. ieil and 1.'r. ''ubbard Yrritten by ''.he
Fidelity and Casualty Company of Neer York ::ere suLstituted for the I'aryland
bonds. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co:rmissionors Block, Bradshaw,
ryry� Rieke, l7a3}hbxrn and T'ayor Scott (5).
Report of J ilayor Scott offered motion that tho lcport or the Pnducah '.'atcr
Penucah 7ntcr
forks .^or 'forks (Municipally o:•rnod for the, •(nth of OctoLer, 1033 Lc received nml file('.
recoivcd and h Adopted on call of the roll: Ycas; Co•- dsaioners Block, Aradahnr,, Hicks,
p-lashburn and Hayor Scott (5).
Note for �) Com-issioner Rieke offered notion that t'.c 00, Laainner of ltbllr,
fy?.;000.CO ,
rene;Yed at einance be autl-ol•ised to roll( :•: t' c • oto ,...v-cut.d by : r -isslrn,r
H Citizens ^nnlc ...
of Public ".a"noe to the Citizens ^avinLs nank, (,n :.i :: ^"t.h, 7.'.':' fcr to -..e
ar.:r•;r.t S,000.CO duo `?ovcPjber 2Ftl, ^n en71 ,., tl:e roll:
leas; ^ . crs F ]oc1c, I`•ra(ishav:, Rieke, "n.i:btrn snd 'Inyor Fcott (5).
Cor' •icsioncr Riekc offered -oticn that tt,e Co-,issioner of ')ibl is
Certs':: funds Finance be authorized to transfer fro••i tl,c Gcneml, ^un•'. to ti:e
fro!” tl.e "Peoplea Nat:ioml Da. -u( General Sirkln6 Fand"
OenAral Pvtrs!
1 to vert 3 F,- •:rsi.le "ospital Bonds AlG.6G
r 6. F,(.
'enGtreet ?c:pi•cve:-.ent Bor.'s of 1029 C60D.00
Total 3333 .:1
the a"l,nt due tr, " set aslue rev• the ).e:i,' si:: ::ntt-n of the your to r•etlr•e
bonds nt atturtty. Adopted rm cull or t'l:n rill: 'lens; ^cr-asslonors hlacic,
E;rs• si.sm, Rieke, and Mayor 'cott (5).
Cc:. -+.:.-..',..x offeree' wca.1s-: •:.�! t• ,.ILI to
n c.s. ,snip Terberly
,.t.aeat ttlie n.?Peirs. ,l e-,
Proceedings of ' - ______...___._.__... City of Paducah._. -._':.f:
.. c;e Co _.n::ionor R1eko offered otl n that the Cnsh Orders in tho
cr.nt of y' 77.61, be nllo:.c%-, »nl fIuit the CO; 1:.❑tenor of Public Finance be
ror _.; L.: , int, anmo to le ch-rLcd t:n '. •c
r fun,la :In ti,c v Irl - u: -, _ ,...%nLa. Adoptcu rr; call of the roll: ions;
-:ars `lock, Lr;:_.:',;ra, !;ici;c, .lashturn and T•oyor Scott (5).
Cor•-issioner Jllock offered notion tient a docd bn granted to
-.; r.le^son, for Lot ;"8 Section 49, in Oak Crove Carr -tory anon payment of
i:: (,.: 7 - '_ Co, ,!d sioner of Public Finance. Adopted on call of the roll:
9r; .
-✓. _ 'dock, 3radshma, Rieke and "nyor Scott (5).
Fesez!icn .n.^or Scott offeredmotion that a resolution entitled "A PTT(ITITIMT
Junior ....Y'.I' "::.'; J'Ji7I0R'70UANI8 CTUB FOR SrRVICFS RttIDT•PF_'•'-0 TFT' CITY."
Club. / be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw,
Rieke, '.7ashburn and Mayor Scott (5).
Co;. issioner Rieke offered motion that Frances Allen, Circuit
Ccurt Clark, be allowed the amount of y 50.05 for court costs in the cane of
Shnrdy Benberry V', . City of Paducah the claim having been duly approved by the
City Solicitor, '7. P. Berry, for allowance and payment, and that tlto Commissioner of
:1ablic Finance be aut%orizod to pay :nno ar& charge to Suits and Costs, in the
cpirtment of niblic Affairs. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Cm--.-issioners
bloc,, Bradshaw, Rieke, :':nshbarn and Vnyor Scott (5).
On motion the w.eting adjourned.
!, r rro•; r�