HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 272, November 22, 1933Proceedings of_... -. City of Paduca6__`�._2:-=-i-- At nn uijaur•ned rr,tin-­ of fre Sonrd of ro, tr.r%.ioners 1•eld in the ro- issicners' Ch.mter in the City Till, Pnduc�ll, Kentrtcky, rt ^:QO o'clock P.". Oil 11•o .^^n' ace.a,r^r 1932, '!nyor fcott urcnided and upon cell of the roll al.r .lo-Irgr sna-erect to :heir names: Corm-wiasioners Block, Arndchilw, Tielee, ..•,-•^rn ❑n--.. .yor :Cott (3). minutes of the nrovious meetings wore adopted as rend, r Co.-. issioner Rieke offered iot-ion that the Coir-ir sioner of Public JFinnrce be authorized to pay Fred Acker, ?oaL-master, the amount of .v 120.00 for the envelopes. purchase of 6000 envelopes and ci•ar;;e n n•cc to Pri .tint;, Postn;_c end Sunnilas fund In the Darx,rtrent of Iablic Finance. Adopted on ca11 of the roll: Yeas; Cca-dssioners Block, 8rndshaw, Rieke, tYsshburn and ?,nyor Scott (5). C:•.nrity Com..-Ussioner RioLc oM;rcC. -.-otion that tt:e Com i nioncr of Public orders for month of Pinan-c he althori.ed to pay the charity orders issued bn the Femily Service Society li October a110 --e6. for tl-r• ::,cath of October 193-7, ns follows: "nni 7. .ons ^ 19.00 J. U. Fouler 136,50 J. S. `token 29.50 I.. G. Sears 18.25 A. Zstubbleficld 102.00 ^lie 1`orgnn 12.00 3'a•�e s 4.50 ley r'nClinh 42.00 -:,:end Frick 7.50 B. sinknrd 46.75 E. :'ooley 25.50 hoof Brothers 31.25 dam Temple 7.00 Total $8I:7T— Leine half the total amount of all the orders issued, snr,.e havint; Leen duly nnproved fcr allo'a+ nce and •m-rment, and charge same to miscellaneous charity fund in the Departaert of Public Snfety. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Co7.missinners i Block, Brwlshacr, Rieke, Tlashburn and Mayor Scott (5). Cor.:r^issioner Rieke offered motion that nll.oaance be mnde from the General Fund, and the Coe"-irsloner of Public Finnnce be nutr'orized to nay the sin ( ) "'^'r.•erest rnl cnnlc collection charge an the fol leywin. t.nrd issue for total 1,754.38 due on DeceTber 1st, 1933. acA o, U. logia nOucoh r,.?'. 5' 1750.00 col?e'tic. _ r'e of t^ 4.38 Total-I7rF38— • ._.. *Y.rou�''. t'c �iti:rns ..•vtr+� 1?:+n', rencr•sl :. Sn1•i .. run-, • n trio =P_ .n4:, Ve•., , Doc:CmLcr 1st, 19:+3. lueote;1 1:t on 11 of `.h + _. - r:.... .. , �ai. L^rn, !•a<d.< nn-' ,. oi' .nett (u). `OC Cti De: IC.00.00 75or, , c0 ecoo.^n Proceedings of. <` _. —_; `'"-- _ City of Paducah N 1 .'T3 alio:^od .f,..Jok•ns t one C:;urty AEent a/ for exoenses to Frankfort. Mrs. John Woelpert nl :105.00 for `" 6 months lnterest on Park. Board. Auditor's report of collections and disturse- ments for month of October. Fie!. , i:.. ...._ -;;or tcott (5). _. .. ,Tn::r c_7•e, Co,t^.', _ens', sir .-::o;1rr., of .. _. ,. .. , i' ... _. -_...art, on., „r< -- 9r �.:: '.c• .. .n rr , .. r:c _. ... ,. .:: Ya- . , n,., . �•1•' 1.• .. (` . :? county, cc 1.10,xC, ra i •:nd i...,i tip Cor:r!laciocer of 'ublie Finance be authorized to nay snme and charge to the Contingent Fund. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke, Washburn a -d tiayor Scott (5). Cor—issioner Ricko offered motion. Lis, t'•._ rn I F'rnnee be anthori ed to ?rny ?sra. John :Tnt,�ro;:t due: fro- tl.e ._,c 9onrd on noroe beer • "proved for nn,rent, e ^nr'e ._. . in tic ':.�^rt••r:n` of "�tc7i:: '.ff•,i.ra. ..'ontod on C111. of " rnll• i::::i.,•; era Block, Bradshaw, Rieke, t"nshburn and Mayor Scott (5). Commissioner Rieke offered motion hat the Auditor's report of collections and disbursements for the ^onth of October 1933, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Comm.issicners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke P;ashburn and Llayor Scott (5). Platoon system] Commissioner ':Tashburn offered the following motion: The Fireman's ordinance q and election • Ccmnittee having presented to the Commissioner of Public Safety, a certified returns filed for record copy of the election returns and the City Ordinance for the platooninr., of the Fire Deportment, I nor; -move that said certified copy hereto attached be filed for record. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas: Con•',issioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke, 17nshburn and Mayor Scott (5). Platoon Comminaioner "/aahburn offered the follpminn !emotion; In vin- of the syztem to bcccro y mandate of the neopl.e reruirf^,^ the nlntooninrt of the Fire re nnrtnent I offer ri offec*.ive 7ic'rer_ter 28rd a notion thnt the nlatooni.^,:, of nnid. Fire repnrtment become effective 1933. tororraw, Tlovember 23rd, 1933. Adnnted on call of Che roll: Yens; Co-insioners Block, Brw'shaw, Rieke, 7n3hburn and F.Iavor Scott (5). Mayor Scott offered motion that a resolution entitled: " A FL: !'i'. Tt' :;'r.CLAR111n A'.' ITICUAL A*1T ICIPr,TrL FTWEITTM. TC TI'A; "'-.t1 P(177 ::nr., 1'F ACTIC;i A"D APPROPRIATING FRO'.' 'UCH AT,: ITTC"h7. 1,7 ':T-"T;F. ?" .. .. ^Y TO BE USFD BY iFF CITY FOF T1",' "'FPO." CF i.? ITIG" Tf!!•i i' OF 7'111; UNTIEr SThTrc -.'0 P'Y"CP TAPOF' UPON I'i'OJF;Tt. UPoll Fes/ 'i EF CITY OF PADUCAT! MAY BF F" A }'L Fo AF; 9,0 RRTI5VF 1TIFT T " "," be adopted. Adonted on ^,ail of il,e roll: Yeas; ^.e• ,.., Iacck, Fr-r',ahav, Rieke, '7a3.l ib!rrn aneT Thsyor/F.00t:t s a vor