HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 265, November 4, 1933Proceedings of .' _ . .` � •mrr ^:1 er t a3 'rp� (•`.- CO"LQi' .City of Padaeah' —4i�-. 0 w. 250.00 Commissioner Rieke offered motion .:L a call meeting of the Board of Co,iiissionnra held In the Public interest Ccs:� lssioners Chamber 1n the City Hall, Paduenh, rentucky at 11.00 o'clnek Finance be authcrized to pay the Peoples . on the 4th day of November, 1933, Mayor Scott presided and noon cell of e :so.0o '✓allowed Peoples of the roll the following answered to their names: Comaiasioner•s ),lock, Ennk r Bradshaw, Rieke and Moyer Scott (4). to sniri bank on October 27th, 1933, and charge some to Mayor Scott stated the reason for call to -reit: For the puroose of PuLl.ic Finance. Adopted on call of the of allowing the nayroll for the Inst hnlf of October. Flock, p O.C.Dyson � Commissioner Rieke offered motion that O.C. Dyson 1/620 ',7111.1e ;'treat, exonerated on tax bill be exonerated for an overnssessment of % 315.00 filed by the Deputy ."1427 amount v9.44 Assessor, on a musical instrument, merchandise stock and fixtures on 'Csa ryr Dill 1'11427 for the year 1933, the tax on acme amounting to r' £3.44. r Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas: Connissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke and Mayor Scott (4). Fire Rlug Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the claim of the Paducah inter Rentals for I. month of .Yorks•for Fire Plug Rentals for the month of October 1933, smountin, to October . _• allowed. 3791.05, be allowed, and that the Commissioner of 'ublic Finance be { authorized to pay same and charge to '•Yater Rentsla in the Department of it Public Affairs. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, I! Bradshaw, Rieke and Mayor Scott (4). iN !� 425,000 note ! Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the L+ayor and Commissioner of executed to +� the Peoples I Public Finance be authorized to execute a sixty (60) day note dated Rational Pank. October 27th, 1033, for the City of Paducah to the Peoolen Nntional Bank for a loan of ! 25,000.00. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Com-issioners Block, Brsishaw, Rieke and 'nyor Scott (4). f 0 w. 250.00 Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the Co:rmissioner of Public interest Finance be authcrized to pay the Peoples National Panl; the smount of e :so.0o '✓allowed Peoples Ennk for 60 days interest on the . 25,000.00 note executed by the City to sniri bank on October 27th, 1933, and charge some to Interest Fund in the Dep^rtment of PuLl.ic Finance. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens: Commissioners Flock, p Fradshaw, Rielre nail Mayor Scott (4). Note .^org co=ineiorer Rieke offorad motion 'hat tbo Cor^rnissloner of Public ;1"0;0.'0 4r pale', tt:s Finance Le authorized to pay the note for r,,ourt of v 25,000.00 exemated Ly „ir,lznns Fan;:+ *' e City cf `c to the Citizens S-avinSs Look an July l2th, 1933, and due r !' A.0optc•i on cnll of the roll: Yeas., Comrissioners % lock, .. ;�. ia• !!Cott (4). etroit ` ':r.'er•.rir.r.t . - ffered motion that the amount of ' 2.50 be nllowwd ,. e lasgnr, .-.-.e-. :. , ,�., ^Pii•.•:-o, i111•',1r, apervtnt �. orr.•:r• .�u n:;r, rrr W.1•; r. ,. ... , .. 'i< cf r ....... -..�7 ' t' 11c^nam and _ea t• n yen: of 1', ami tt•.. .e 1 ..:r ..._.,.: :'tnnnem Le r.., _:.r,:? rr.f:::. ., ._ fir. to tax ar,. licer,ao refunds in the ;mpsrtzent of ??ULlir, flr:ance. .,. cn :a'; n' tine roll: Yeas; lxvt :r:rrs , ✓'ck, .­%,-/, .... .Fri (4). ':g. Its '. .n cc iie7ralr'.s i.e c.,r.onet^ te? for F g+4'E.1 for the. year 133;., ns i:i 1G'1'3, year 19.'•.,, ,..,,•cL, cn.zslr,¢, a Proceedings of-f17,`.n=rn„- City of v% era C 7 state of Irene v; Gnrdncr exoner- ated on rax 1111 1799 Las Sarah 7 / meanders exonera4 ted on tax _111 Y4C76 ^ITJCKY November :8th, 1933, double ossoaement. dopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Plock, Dradsl:aw, Rieke and ?'ayor Scott (4). Commissioner Rieke offered motion that Chia. Viett be exonerated for n Doll tax ns,eesment of , 1.50 on tax bill ,2352 for tha your of 1933, as 1-e is a non-resident. Adopted on callof the, roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Brsdshnrr, Rieke nn,', Veyor Scott (4). Commissioner Rieke offored motion that the Irene Gardner 73ststo Ice exonerated for a reduction of ', 30900.00 on real estate assessments on tax bill :1799 for the year 1933, -a. compliance with '1cCracken .'unrterly Court Order of c.fr -7 17ti, 1933s the total toy, on same amounting to 283.79. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co%9!1isslencrs Block, 3radshaw, Rieke and Ygyor Scott (4). Commissioner Rieke offered motion ghat Diss Sarah Sanders be exonerated for n reduction of ;;. 2305.00, on real estate assessment at 501 Kentucky Avenue on tax bill #4076 for the year 1933 in compliance with McCracken Ruarterly Court Order of date April 19th, 1933, the tax on same amaanting to $ 30.86. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block., Bradshaw, Rieke and Mayor Scott (4). Payrolls: ComTissioner Rieke offered motion that the navrolls for the last / for lnct. IW half of. half of October 1937, be alloyed in the amount of ;`• 8190.02, and tbst the October h Commissioner of Public finance be authorized to nay same by checks for amount of 4226.02, and to pay the remainder of $ 3964.00, with Paducah Industries Certificates, Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas: Coma,issioners Llack, Brndxhna, Rieke and Mayor Scott (4). On motion the meeting adjourned. A PPPOVr , ayor a erk i