HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 256, October 16, 1933_ Proceeding of "' BO"P_? OF CC T F Z T;?_ _ _City of Paducah KFTIStrcKY___Octohcr 16th___7„9;;3`_ At a regular mooting of the Board of Co,cmSesloners hold in the Co:-^eissio:,c•rr ^..r+•;tc^r in tho rity Ball, Paducah, Kc,ntucky at 2:00 o'clock P.M. on the litl of October, 1933, Payor Scott presided and upon call of the roll the fo'_lowina answered to their names: Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke and I'nyor Scott (4). kinutes of the previous meeting were adopted as rend. I11 ...':.int Cormissioner Rieke offered motion that T. L. Ewing, No. 1922 Sacksc Street, be exonerated for an erroneous assessment, of Cw 25.00 for musical instruments �.1 .. on Tax Sill ;1550, for the year 1933, the tax on s?me, smognting to sixty seven cents (67e). Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Com,rissioners Block, P.rodshav, nicks and YYor Scott (4). Co^missioner Rieke offered the following motion: 71hereas, the tax bills of year 1933, 1,16129 assessed to Eddit T. Bennett, Route ,'2, and JIG714 :.c Cc .:r:t assessed to C. r,. Rowlett on 3-3/4 acres on Levin Ave., prove:, to be a double Assessment, I move that Eddie T. Bennett be exonerated from payin„ the amount of :;;20.18 for taxes on the property and also the " 1.50 poll tax charged on the same bill, as ToTTie Bennett is also charged with a poll tax on tax bill 1/6132, and 'n -tie Bennett and Eddit T. Sennett are the same person, which has caused a double nncersment for null tax. Adopted on call of the roll; Yeas; Commissioners Block, `rndshaei, Riche and Payor Scott (4). Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the claims for the r,onth y c - of September 1933, be-1loi:ed in the amount of S. 4677.21, and that the C.o,nmissioner of Public rinartce be authorized to pay so -e and charge to the various donartments. .r'opte•' on call of the roll: Yens; Comrissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke and "ayor :'Cott (4). Comrissioner Rieke, offered motion that the Auditor's report of _c;lectinns an^ disbursements for the ,,onth of September 1933, be received and filed. ed on call of the roll: Yens; Coa•issioners Block, Bradshrnw, Rieke and yor Scott (4). Fr, r! Costt:iseiorer rraosinw offered the follov,ing motion: ° Clarence F. Gentry, ?-.upt., of hfcOrscken County schools, for the McCracken County ' is nn". %;cs•9 of F^.ucctic:: nn' tt.e Petrone of Farley school hnvin, requested the Paducnii i ,tater risks •.o r;rant ,^Rrni rai^.s ''.o con ect a two inch (2") water -d.pe to tine t:'ro nn"i inch (21") water lire cer.P by Mr. Felward Hancock and otherc, so— to be :.? +`� ^arn-sh venter to i'srley school on the Benton Poad, I ^ove t,^at .. .. ,•,rLy ,rnr.t-4 t�: t�.e. , :rr_.,F '�•tF,r ^'nrks to e.ten! sni^' :mater service .. .''c tenror..roa+, ...., brks Le authurt7a7l to ..,• exte:tr' sari selv'a. r,., ic, f,,r Itko service. witbint..r, e tty... ._. - ;,r - r -vice ,o ,. i.evn,::j tY;e city or icr:-�,...-.. _.y aai-' Po+lucel: in+:er :orks. A:lopted cn call of Year; as_ r.; , brarlAhax, PL r ,cot: (4). NO. Page 2W Proceedings oi_11'.i- City of Paducah bl-NIUCKY october 1Gth. 1933. Penort of Riverside •✓ P.ospital for month of I.eptember 1938. Cor.nisoloner Block offered motion Lhat the, report of Riverside Bospitnl for the month of september 1933 be received nod. filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Comedssioners Block, Bradsha•n, Rieke and Ynyor "-cott (4) on motion the mecting adjourned. Cit y APPPoV-r,- .'a�r or