HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 248, September 25, 1933No.. °AGe_."i6_.�..T
Proceedings of'fFF._P.O�P1) _OA CO"'�Ifsli:?'PS___ City of Padacah___t3TfLC1:'L—SeoUemUer rFi_ r,�t oz�c _
At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the
Coy,.,Assionerau Camber in the City Rall, Paducah, Kentucky at 2:00 o'clock
P.M. on the 25th day of Seotember, 1933 yayor Scott presided and upon call of
the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Block, Bradshaw,
Rieke and Ma;7or Scott (4).
Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read.
Tenth Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the amount of $ 833.33 be allowed
install- i from the General Fund to pay the tenth monthly installment due October 1, 1933,
allowed on the amount of $ 10,000.00 appropriated by resolution for the purpose of adver-
Bcnr:'. of
Trade. tising the Trade, Manufacture and Commercial Resources of the, City of Paducah, and
that the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to draw a check for G 833.33,
payable to the Paducah Board ,of Trade, said amount to be expended under the
direction of the Mayor, Commissioner of Public Finance and the Secretary of Paducah
Board of Trade. Adopted on call of the roll- Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw,
Rieke and Yayor Scott (4).
6 ronths Commissioner Rieke offered,motion that allowance be made from the General
allavel Fund and the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay the six (6)
on Pad.
Tern. & months interest and bank collection charge on the following bond issue for total
P.R. amount of S 1127.81 due on October let, 1933.
Paducnh, Tenn. & Alabama R.R. 0/3 $ 45,000.00
Interest rate 5°
Annual Interest 2,250.00 .
Semi-annual int. due $ 1125.00
Bank collection charge, i of 1% 2.81
Total 1127.81
Poyment to be made through the Citizens Savings Bank General Sinking Fund to the
,r.tional City Bank of flew York City, New York. Adopted on call of the roll:
Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rielre and Mayor Scott (4).
Arcadia Cor,71esioner Rieke offered motion that the Commissioner of Public
n^ c1 ?Insnce to authorized to draw a check on the Arcadia Graded School Bond Sinking
?:.rc for amount of $ 1500.00 to pay Arcadia School Bonds of 1926 which mature on
G'ctoer 13t, 1933, ps,Yntle at the Peoples Notionnl bank. Adopted on call of the
r0.1: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke and Mayor Scott (4).
Cl,- Lnaicner Rieke offered motion that allowance be rade from the General
a ?,-rx1 acd ti'e-cr:isaloner of FuC1ic Finance to authorized to nay the six (6)
Inters!: or, tr:•. follorair,,:•, kcal issue for amount of 1. 144.37 due on October
lac, 193'•.
Arca^!A ;rano-1 Cchool 92 Sonde 0/e. a 6500.00 d
5A;% iN
}.cr,:a'. 'merest ^f8.75
. rP.uai Interest Cue 'k• 1.44.37
'nycer.•. _, -.air t} r�.�r}: :-e+r,7lrc 17,atlor:a; BAr.[ ,^•inking. Fund. Adopted on
of .. .,,;1: .ra;; ., -.. e!Or.era P.lc_..k, Prbdst.A'h, Rlel<e ual Vayor :'cat.t (4).
:at. L'!.7 L-11 1. Gf 1.l Jr, for
r, -,r rat ar:. ,. r.e 1110 ad,
all.er seta e:i «:.
a::a Pain—t. .�., 1 . - F SsalonCr
+a£ P`a `.:: 1 - .. rA • ce to & t. . _ : C,% r, ar ; C S
rF;• .. :i .., '�-.atage and
:In.>lies t;. .:e :artsct cf ....•_Sc :..r.nn--a. Adapted or cn:l i roil; Ye:os;
Proceedings of_1HL LC? PL` OF c ^' ShSl OraFT9 .. City of Paducah 1 P�T�� Seotemt.er 25th, 1933 _
Mayor Scott
offered motion that a petition signed by numerals
author* r:ng
Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke and Mayor Fcott (4).
s Plal.o-n
Com-:issloner Rieke offered motion that the billof the tlniteman
Agency bill
Insurance Agency for rremiurs due on 1:•onda written on city patrolmen amounting
I to ;' 80.00 be allowed, some, having been duly npnroved for nllo•rrnnee and
of cperstirr,a in the
Fire Department by which firemen will be on
payment, and that the Coi^missioncr of Public Finance be authorize.I. to pay same
In Fire
and charge to Contingent Fund. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas: i
Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke and Mayor Scott (4).
of each 24 ic;urs,be receive!. AAopted on
Claim of II
Co•:.missioner Rieke offered motion that Dr. 17. J. :'leston, Asat. City
Dr. 71eston
Physician, be allowed the amount of a 15.00 for use of car from August 15th
to September 15th, 1933, some having been duly approved for allowance and
payment, and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay
some and charge to the Realth Department in the Department of Public Affairs.
Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bloc -1c, Bradshaw, Rieke and
I Mayor Scott (4).
Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the Commissioner of Public
orders issued;,
Finance be authorized to pay the Charity Orders issued by the Family Service
Family Service'
Society for the month of August 1933 as follows:
allowed for
month of
A. Switzer Produce Company $ 304.82
J. U. Rouser 139,59
Total 444.41
being half tFe total amount of all the orders Issued; same having been duly
approved for allowance and payment, and charge same to the Miscellaneous
Charity Fund in the Department of Public Safety. Adopted on call of the roll:
Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke and Mayor Scott (4).
4 120.00 Commissioner Rieke offered -notion that the amount of ', 120.00 be
allowed for
stamped and allowed for the balance due on 6000 stamped and printed envelopes purckased
envelopes, from Fred Acker, Postmaster, and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be
authorized to pay name and charge to Printing, Postage and Sunplies Funrl In
the Depnrtment of Public Finance. Adonted on call of the roll: Yens;
Co=lssloners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke and Mayor :cott (4).
Application Cc=issier Rieke offered motion that the anplicstion from E. D.
for 'eer
license Gverstreet, f'8CO 'Wast,ington Street for a license to rrrmit the retailing of
Y. 7,. Over- 1,eer or iia_ht wines be granted upon payment of the prover amount to the
Jsaioner of Public Finance. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens;
13aicners L'lcr,;;, lzrudohaw, Rieke and ttcyor :cott (4),
Petit :un
Mayor Scott
offered motion that a petition signed by numerals
author* r:ng
s Plal.o-n
c!tlr-res relue ting
pae••r•ge of an ordinnnee snthorizing a platoon
syatee of
of cperstirr,a in the
Fire Department by which firemen will be on
12 hours
In Fire
an.'. off 12 hours cut
of each 24 ic;urs,be receive!. AAopted on
call of the
roll: Yeas; Coffmiasinners
Block, Prsdshew, Flek- mr1 Mayor .coat
Petition Mayor "cat.t offered meta n tt:at a certain petition re•7tuentirg the
at alishabnt c..ar' of Cc:-iasicne:a to al.olish t?ce lav, sgnirnr left, turns at the
of law a.
`eventt: 4. ;r,,,wtwxy -treet9 't_e received. Adoo'.ed on call of
t ::s at
e: .Loa^- _ers; Co-riiasir..rers aleck, :'ra 3has, !°'eke ani Mayor Scett (4).
we -r receive"..
No. .._. _Praia. 20—
Proceedi a City of Padacah—.SQIZt9mCor_2�Yt� .l�:f.3�
On motion the meeting adjourned.
ADOPTED �>Ja7��..�ul _1933.