HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 217, July 17, 1933Proceedings of ''F' _,- 0'=�: -�_ __r_'::'. _T`_'T("1_:a'`_,. Cily of Paducah '7�!TTIC7,Y July. 17t1:. 1933.
Vayor nutborizec
to negotiate
^ith englnecrini
firms rith vie-:
of getting bids
for ^nnicinally
orned light and
ao:^er set un,
T=,tr,,,r Croon
Lir•. Rud
^n Jr
At a regulnr meeting of tho 1•m rel of rcnris^innoTz held in the
Co ^�insioners7 Chamber In the City IInll, Paducah, Rentuciy at; 3:00 o'clock
P.f, on the 17th day of July, 197.7, Vigor Scott nresidod and anon call of the
roll the follo-sinr oncr7nred to their names: Co^"is••.innors klocl-, Rio'•o, Bradahaw
liayor Scott (4).
l'inutes or the orevioun meeting :••ere—Iontoll as re -d.
Ilayor Scott offered tho follo•:-ing motion:
17heress, the Industrial Recovery ?ct recently pnn^ed by Cow men^ nrovided the
onnortunity for cities to construct Utility enterprises of ^11 kinds under the
co^:binatlon grant and loan plan, and,
t.'herens, the contrrot under r:hich the Kentucky Utilities Company is now
supplying light and poiier to the people of Paducah exprioc on Septomtor 15t,
of this year, and
t."heress, it is of vital imnortsnce to the neonle of Pa 111cah to ha VO Sul atnntisl.
relief from the present level of high cost for 11 -ht and narer er•rvice, I,
therefore, move that the 7•gyor be ^uthori,Pd and 8irected to negotiate wits
such comnetent engineering fi.rvn as he may ^ith the view of getting the best
and lowest nronosal for a municipally o,.••ned light ^nd no•er set un in Paducah
and that he report back to this Hoard at the earliest ornctdcabl.e time bis
flndingn toge�ber with his re commends tions. `.douted on o_.,ll of tho roll: Ye•,s;
Co•r--issioners Block, Bradsber:, Rieke and I!nyor Scott (4).
Payor Scott offered motion that the appointment of Luther F.Carson
to fill the vacancy on the Pnrlc h:onrd that :•aa created Ly the death of
Mr. Richard Rudy be anoroved. Adopted on call of the roll: Yoss:
Co^:-!ier.ioners Block, Brad haw, Rieke an•1 Knyor Scott (4).
Corsninsioner Rieke offered notion Vint the foll,:t
Leon (+;1: !nnroved for alln;:;nce and payment:
Hnitc:r_an In:;. Colts ny Ronda of Pmnloycos
F'71rr F' , Jr. City Crnmt Wctot
tl'a Commir.airner
of °uLli� "rr,rco `_
;;• '' ,:7, "mc
_ he pr000r departments:
do -it e9 on
rredshar,•, Rieke
.nr ]!. yor F'cott { 1.
1 n. r»ons exenor-
Co-.iamioner Rieke offered
7sotion thnt the
follo•sing tax payers
'ter, n r
poyinr ..*.1.1 t x.
.,.,. _r ...-
.. .. ;•in= 1;c 1.::0
poll tax charicd on
1r l^i bills far
;3r., fT, r 'S:
7c.+eared or Navin;
:.e• r .,1.•ty asaae»ec,,
a t ., .ist.f-� l,nlo:•i:
^. Y.T•:^.,
... �. r�r_.
'i'a �� 'ill :'17
ert fC': Gr_',
.'f 'ir•c^r:r
^ µ "l'i:"
'.1 or t Ii Y%'a9: C�
pi...:a`n ,,. ,
»l:acr, °,i r'•. ,n..�
8 - , City ` ID's `- JULY l.7th-19:5;.
Proceedings of-.'_ :-^'.::,_ •`___ _' "_ C' of Paducah _
Co-•^tsaioner Rieke offored motion thnt: the nonlieetion from
ji es Dou al ^208 t:rwdriny for a license to oermit the retnll.ln.; of beer end light
:fines tr•-Prntnd unon ni,,nortt of ti -e �ro�cr srio•ltnt to tt,o Co-*ci.ssicner of Public
�Iwlncc. A,'entel on call of tic roll: Yoaa: Corvinnin.ners I-:locic, Lr•asYnv:, Rieke
.. cor Scot, (4),
2,1CA,92:. Co•-iaaioner Riol:e offered motion that the Co^,Innioner of ?'ublie
"1^^'"r -rice cc r•lt.�' ori -ed I;o �'re n chock on the General. "und to the First Tlati.onnl
Treasurer, for the P.Pducnh f!anrd of Fduc^tion for
t c•+' . ^,1FF,92 in nett lcnent of the °ro-rata amount lua on the (lenersl Tnx
rnl r011 cci•:o� *cr the -onth of J„ne 19375.Adonted on enll or i.he. roil: Yana.
—issioners BlocV, Brndsha:-, Rieke and Unyor Scott (4).
- -f Cormi stoner Rieke offered motion `bat the ?lnyor and Con+missionor of
-it. lie Finance be nuthorized to execute a 4 months no!e for the City of PPiuenh to
Citizens Fivin.-c rank for o loan of r 25,000.00. Adonted on call of the
v roll: Yens: Co-Issioner. Block, L'radalisrr, Rieke and i'.eyor Scott (4).
473.51 Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the Commissioner of Public Finance
to authorized to pay the Citizens Savings Bank the amount of i.. 473.51 for 4 months
interest on the '. 75,000.00 note executed by the City to sail bank on the 12th
I/ inst., and charge same to Interest Fund in the Denartment of PuLlic Finance.
Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas: Con^i•siorers Block, Br^dshaw, rieke and
rayor Scott (4).
Con-isnloner Rieke offered motion thnt the Comr•insioner of 'ublic Finance
!:r r,•tr- Le authorized to nurchnce 1000 !'7 envelopes from Fred Acker, Postmnster, and dravi
_ n check on the General Fund for nmount of :^.22.60 in naymcnt of Esme and charge
";o Printir.-, ?osti'Vc F, Sunnlien Fund in the repartment of Public 1"inance. Adopted
-,ll of the roll: Yeos: Comrisnlenern Bloe'.c, Brndshavi, Ride and Payor
cott (4).
Clni^s Cc- ... ...cr `-inks ofrcred motion thrit, U- ct.,i...,. ror -,rth ofJune
?e nllo., ^.punt oC 8641.47 an•' 11::t l't• C. 1'nblic
J .. �. .i .."... ,•.,1. ., io Ali` voriC-duntoci
_..rtoncrc lleer, Pr^dshnrr, Ril" n' 7cr 'cots. (n),
red no':ion +-hPt 1:1'•_ renort or the 1'ivers1,1e
filet. . oon`-cYl on epi �. of Che
J 'i%dae and Gnyor Fcott (4).
1.r-•r.9fer of n Lot .`SS ectinn 1,
nu, L'oore to CT,ailea Block
di'oot.ed on n,at l_ of t?rrt roll: Y(;na: