HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 205, June 19, 1933Proceedings of.—_.City of Paducah___:��- Sunc-19.t
At n regri:inr rmc ting of the bonrd of Covnissionern held in the
-Isnicners' 0;o),lr in the Cit;; itall, Paducnh, Kontucky of 2;00 o'clock P.V.
on the 19th dny of June, 1933, Ynyor pro tert'.radsharr presided and anon call of the
follo^:ins^ n.rs:•�ered to their names: Cownisaieners Block, Rieke and Mayos pro tem
Bridsharr, (3).
Minutes of the previous meetin„ were sdopted as rend.
Co:m^.issioncr Rieke offered motion that the Reconstruction Finance
�llvred Corpornticr. orders issued to
rJ. T, Csrter, amount 14.00
);rs. John :Ohmidt, amount 31.55
. • nllo:ed for rent on land, and that ti,e Corminsi.o-.er of Public Finance he
,:oriy-ed to nay same and chsrge to Kiscellaneous Charity in the department of
Public Safety. Ado-kacl on call of the roll: Yeas: Commissioners Plock, Rieke
F and lCnror pro tem Bradshaar. (3).
One hund-
red tax
to retail
and article
sale ::e,r
Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the Commissioner of Puulic
Finance be authorized to refund to one hundred taxpayers the amount of y 2.00 each
which was charged on their tax bills as an advertising penalty, and ;vas wrongfully
collected because the delinquent tax list was not properly advertised according to
P ccurt 6:cision. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commianionera Block, Rieke
and Kayor pro tem Bradshaw (3).
,,Comnrisnfioner Rieke -offered notion that the annlicntion from the
Sinnott Cafe, F•arie i°•rooks, Prop., /,'201 P.roadway for e. license to permit the
retnilinz of beer and light wines and,
That the annlicntion from the Cook Goldblume Company, C. P. Cree(Ile,
?rep., -835 Clay Ft., for n license to permit the wholeaaiing or beer and ).firl•t
:^.fines i;e granted u,on po.-ment of the proper amounts to the Commissioner of Public
yirvnce. ?-dopted on all of the roll: Yeas: Co-missioners Block, Rieke and
Ysycr aro te:^. Brr,_ahaw (3). .
Crr-issioner Rieke offered motion thnt the, amount of .. 25.00 be
stle�e•7 fcr r.lvert_21n;c the Cor. ercinl Resources of the City of Paducah in
cotnectl, •n :•tit}- tl.e. 'punish-Americnn Volunteers' Convention to be 1•r1•i in the Cit,
fr'r June 101.11' tc 2:nd, es; r'. t _ Comdsnioner of Public F.lnnnce be nuthorired
to s'rnw a c .erk • ¢ G r C=r: r,. ... r,o the or,;er of:Stewart Jo)•nson, Shahan, ^or
salt) r:r, ,r,t ,.n,7 c'^a r ,e Conti.rrent F;:n i. Adopted an c� :1
t'.r :•oil:
'_'ass; -i ani? -re 51 e.. r+n'' F,, -•cr pro tem N•rnrtshaw (3).
C;r. ssinnet 1-.1!kn _•:t.i• a ll nt. the Claire for ' -,,nil, of
WAY 1633, to allowed, in 'fe nn,,unt. .. and ti'st the
°asioner r.,e
rutile F!ranee be aut'.orl!'ea to nn7 sf:-r nn' c'.nrV to 'che vnricas : rnnrtment.s.
Adeple?<;r. :all of ti-,^ ro7.?: veas; Ccusissltners '•Look, Pie— and payor pro Tera
Nadal,** (:5).
NO. Page 205
Proceedings I0HER:-City of Paducah ' June 19tl. 1.
certein catty Com•nissioner Rieke offered motion that the Commissioner of
br.nds retired
thr.-atg'-. Public Finance be authorised to negotiate for the retirement of cerL-ain city
fur -ds, v ��
M bonds t.?-reugb the proper Sin]rir.0 Funds, as the batiks are "at par alloying
interest on checkin^ dnnosits, ndontedon call of the roll: Yeas;
Cotnsioners dock, Rieke and Payor pro tem Bradshwn (3).
A 25,O0O.00 Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the Co,—..issioner of
slle'ved Citizen.'
bank in nn;^:cnt iublic Finance be authorizad to pay the n.otc for amount of 25,000.00 executed
of note uy
executed Feb. 6 by the City of Paducah to the Citi±:ens Savings Lank on February 23, 1933,
,✓ and clue June 23, 1933. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Com^l1331.0nere
Block, Rieke and kayor pro tem Brndshavr (3).
Auditor's Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the Auditor's report for
report Ter
.- nth of Kay collections and disbursements for the month of tiny 1933, be received and filed.
1033. ✓
Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Block, Rieke and Payer pro tem
Bradshnvi (3).
Payrolls for Commissioner Rieke offered mction that the na�molls for the
first 1 nlf of
Jane ❑'le^'e<?. first half of June. 1938, be allowed. in the amount of n 5485.83 and test the
Connissioner of Public Finance be authori:cd to pay snore by checks for amount o."
n 2839.63 ane? to pati the remainder of 2646.00 vitl-, Pauucah Industries
Booster Certificates. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas: Commissioners iTlac::,
Rieke and VoJor pro tom :'.rr-dshae. (3).
Beed Crnnted Comr'insioner Block offered motion thnt: a docd be Lronto�' to
to Artis >annor�
in Oak Crove Artie Panner for Lot ;j45, Block ;:4, in Oak Grove Cemetery, upon payment of
(' 30.00 to the Co=issioner of Public Finance. Adopted on call of t''o roll:
'j ''cas; Co-.nisaioners block, Riek-e and k:ayor pro tem Bradshaw (3),
Le^.d Ernnted y Comr.issionar Block offered motion that a deed be granted to
to Eva Over-
street In Cal. I Eva Overstreet for Lot //40, Block #5 in Oak Grove Cem_^-tery, upon pa: -rent of
';rcvc Ce etory
j i! " 30.00 to tle Corr.ianioner of Public Finance. Adopted on call of t?'e roll:
Yens; Cor"lssioners Flock, Rlekc an? 1'"yor pro tom BrivIshaw (3).
On motion Lha meting adjourned.