HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 202, June 12, 1933Proceedings of -77" _ ""._ :: - - ' ___City of Poducrth_June 1 a tt• , 197" Findings of Board of Co—Issioners u^on investi- gation of charges pre- ferred evninsi John V _ Slaufhter, re ulsr --4 7-- 0" the Doerd of ^..oc ^^issionr rn h^1,' in the CoTrlissionernr Cnnmi=er in thr "1t^ ":-11., on�uc�!-, '%ent..unt•v at 2:CC o'clock P.M. on the l^th 6e7 of Ju^e, 1�Y==;, D:ayer Scott nr„sic],,,; and unnn call or the roll the follrr;7- ars-ered to their names: (:1)-1!n Kirin-r:i "lnck, �:rnrlaha;:, Fieke and Ynyor °cote (;). Minutes of the previous mectings mere adopted is rand. Payor Scott off -rod the following rnntion: I hereby submit the find.tn s of the Board of Cormiaaioners upon the lnvest-i;ntion into the charges preferred n_ainst John M. Slaughter, Cilie of the Fire nepnrtment and move thnt same be received, filed nn,, recorded an directed by le.7. Gdooted on enll of the roll: Yeas; Comrissioners Block, Drodshnw, Rieke unci Ynyor rco:,r.-.. • 1'cyor Scott offered the follo^rine motion: ,"fr•,i^., charges have heretofore been filed nentrint John 17, 'Inugh.`er, Chief of the 171re _r,epnrtmcnt which nre in words and figures as follows to -grit: ii "".'heroas, information hes co•rr to me of tlir issunl of a warrant of arrest from the Court or Charles Flack, V-,Cistrete of i!crracken County, Kentucky, for John Slaughter, defendant, eborginc him :•rith the crime of ij fornication, conritted on the 28th dny of Vey, 1933, on a public highway in McCracken County, Kentucky end i:hereas, i- rullty this is a violnt:ion of the lar:, ns defir. d In Section 3138-4 of the Kentucky Stntutes, and, :.'herers, under thin scale Statute it is mnndntory unnn rhe to .I have such matter investiiated and makes it my duty to present snme to thn Honrd- of Co Tnissloners or the City of Paducah, I i,o-r, Lherofore, for the. nurposo of getting the :r.,tter before the BoarO for tb_eir co,•siderntion, investi.�+ntion nrnl conrlusirn, as it 1s my duty to do, -.refer snld chnrCc r,rnlnst. snit' John rIna-`',trr rr?o ii the Chief or the r>ire nem rtrrent of the City o^ Pa^ucnh, and ^uch con=1uct, if true, is thnt chnrncter of misconduct ecntecniated b' CPVtioil and is k also n vio]aticn of tl,e low, and mould bring- the •1eDnrtren1-, of •Thiel, he is the i:ca•R, into r]lsrenate and subject it to severe criticism. It Is th^reforo requonte•'ntat dirocted that this !In 1. t:9 ^nrd tAfnrc the 7o,trd or Co tssioners, ns rcn,,ir•ed L'.,r1nw, !tl Tb Is June 8th, 193:5." :.n<: anon ihlcl: chsrge+r. -_ ..... issiorers -^t cn tiie lfrtp :'n_ . Jur_ t JZZ nnj Yhenrd said r i :. r •,st:e=3 nnl s f FRS, said i cn7•d has .n:. ' incl+: n fo]lo: s: i a;ftereas, the undersicned, rc t' , 4npor of the City of , •;rt,e :'lt:ak, !>a:naey i'rn=isl,aa, nti=i :'l;,:rles C, ' i.•ke., Ce•-is^icr.nrs, trip lax in au.eh cases matte and l+rovi•in •1 lerr, re = t!rc i to a 1 t n:-rr ..,,rn M. .^1:::7.,}; - -!rano ani! r+vi^p eve.r.•v r;s9.i- „1 t, .P =utlt:? of fy" an'! sc; ftrd ana declare _ , s i •> i c c,zr ta'rrnnt . I innt the b°,q;,r or r -.e atv of i•aducnh .tireete,a torge ss;.'; „vas V in1APhter f n11 connection -.5th the Fire ,-epartment, inol,altny Ghief trerael. Ada tr' t:n ^o.l of Lire NO.._ Proceedings of-_ -__ _ _.________- ' _ City of Paducah June IMI,1983. _ roll: Yens: Co 'is:-ieners Flock, Bradshnr:, Rieke snJ r`ayor ::Cott ('I). �.rc. Ysyor Scott offered notion dint the report of the Jnilnr for V,n r!-.tl, Rif -r ."- -. 19:8 les received and filed,Adopted on r.r7.l. of the roll: Yens;. 'lock, Rradshsrr, Fieke and 6lnyor Scott (4). 1lcenses rran teal to wrc1e- Ealt beer 2wo.00 i red%ctte 1n •Asel Tentcf prapert- of F.C. e:lr.inv- `j a I Vnyor `cot -t o.M ra:l notlon that the renort of the Police Departmnnt "or tre 7ont1h of Vn y, 1933, be received arxi filed. Adopted on cellof the roll: ..ens; Co,r^-jssinners Block, Brndsha:••, F.ieke and Mnyor Scott (4). Co•-mis^inner Rieke offered motion that the. Reconstruction Finance ornorntion ills for supplies nrci garden pinnts nurchnsed on orders J^rom . .`ohnstone, County ',gent, and renu—tin^ onyment of snore for tre total ni of .'.` ^9.00 tie slimed a, follars: Jeff H, Hool•-er, Pece.ivcr, Cit? Rat:tonnl Brnl, `., 2.50 Y000 Peed fo:,nary 9.90 F.Olb Brothers Druz, Conpany 4.25 liagle Packing. Cov)any 6.35 'ichsel Hardwsre Company 6.00 same itn*sir.^ been duly epprovedi for allorhnee and nnyment, and that the Cc missiorer of Public Finance `e authorized to pay same and charge to the Viscelleenous Charity Fund in the Department of Public Safety. Adoptef1 on call of the roll: Yeas; Co.^^rissi-•hers Bloels, Brsdshaw, Riel.e and Mayor Scott (4). Connissioner Rieke offered the following motion: "liereas, the Horne of Vie Friendless was apportioned the. amount of 160.00 per month for tre rear 1933, and 'hereas, it listing the names and amounts to be allowed for Public e-lfnre for tre .�onth of '.'ay 1933, the Home or the FYiendlenc t.hro%igh error ^as on", listen -nl unused trr, nmonnt of 130.00 instead of :? 1£0.00, I .move -ant t:ne nmcant of w• 20.00 balance due be illaaed, and the Ccc-^.lssicrer of Public Finenee be authorized to pay same to the Home of the Prier.%�l.A-^ en -a ccrrr"e to the C'utlic ile.lfnro Fund :In the Department of Public 'fai=rs, t.dnted on call of the roll- Year; Coni issioners block., l=,ra<ishnw, Rieke _. t•n.-•-r Scott (4). r,;, -!.i -loner Rieke offered motion that the I;wo (2) o:„licnti-,ns for 13^e•n•E reeeivra for n-rnits to-holesnIo beer and IjZht •rine, ns r-er fist of noees , r. It a..:1.-1 tt;ed, 'ne £;rnni,e^ u.00n nnyment of the nroner n-^o'..tint,z to the r•:f 'ubll: Finnr,et: ^r—ticn PArlrr, J. "crNtll trop. 129 .^,outh .'r "r. AdooteA on call of t*e roll: Yess• rr--.iAefoners block, Sinds",r, Rieke n.ra', Wader .''eot,: (4). C;c sic +r !?JeRe of"ere9 -�,m,;n Oat r, a :n3!'fftfa, .'•19 Pouth 4th `t.., tt E11oee4 s reIucti.x: of 2C✓_r0 '0 nn in c*mphanee with a Court order e Anrit 18th, 16:1•3, l;hr.ratty redlicing his tnx W111 #22tb• for June Ulf J,28.e1 aryl Octot:er halt 5'0.82, a total tf 1>apte•'. en _ .. cf • .• r..J; Yes*; ^.assriasir':ars Elc^h, :;rn3aFavr, Ci•'r� in S:rsor cet_t (.. 01 NO.Pa Pe 204 Proceedings of__ 1'' .' ('l'' ocl._LaIrx2U1' _ CityofPaducoh Jure 1201 7.9.'._3 ■ t2.^.14 deducts Cor-:lasioner Rieke,- offered motion that an error of P26.00 ed frnr: tax Lill of for oversasessmant on the 1933 Tax Bill %211-8 against G. L% Pamilton, ;;'230 S. G.%*.Rnmilton sccount of :th Street, be corrected, acid error having been mnde by the BonrO of Equalizers error. 11 in making a change in the amounts of nsnesament on the 'house and lot sepn.rntely, -nd that the tax overcharge of 11.07 on the June hnlf and .11.0? on the i half a totnl of i2P.14 be nllorrorl awl deducted from his tax bill. I ^doptr;� on call of the roll: Yeas; Corrmis:,lonern Plock, Prads',e•^, Rieke nn', ! h'a-ror Scott (4). Tax payers exonerated from payin" Doll tax. M Commissioner Rieke offered motion hat the follcwin_c trx m yerr. be exonerated from paying tto e 1.50 poll rnx charged on their tax bills for t1,e year 1933, on account of either being non-residents, or lining exceeded the sn, 1L^it or are neer deceased, in the same order as listed below: John 7'. Pickens, lion resident Tax Pill ,;'4128 Joe -Rome " " " " "4574 Louis '.7lllinms " ° " ° ri5894 De Eruhl, Age Timit, " " #1239' L.P..',7ast;tngton s a n u #5704 G. T. Durnham Deceased " 1/1419 Louisa Mitcherson Husband Deceased ° ° f`f.580 ,Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Com^iasioners Block, Br=dahar., Fiel:e and Mayor Scott (4). Deed granted Commissioner Plock offered motion that a deed be granted to to Ardena G Green in Oak a Ardens Green for East one half of Lot #51, Block :.15 in Oak Grove Cemetery, upon Grove Cemeter,i payment of :' 15.00 to Com-,Is^inner of Pul:lic Finance. Adopted on call of t`�c roll: Yeas: Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke and 1.:aiyor Scott (4). Report of Commissioner Block offore-A motion that the report of Rivcraide ^1^£rslde :::capital for Rospital for the month of L:ny, 1933, be received and filed. Adopted on call of month of Pny 1933. I� the roll: Yeas; Co:smiosioncrs Block, P.rodshrua, Rieke ani Ynyor ;coat (4). 30.r0 ^1 leti+e3 Commissioner P.iel.e offered *:otlon that the Reconstruction '!r 1nr%,� Finance Cerporntton Order issued to Lonnie Kin- for :-cork done by "0 Jones nor? team for amount nr . 30,00 be, allowed, and that •trn Co�m._•.issicner of Public / Finance be out'horized to nny same and charge to h'.Isce]lnenons rhnrity in the ant of Public "'sfety. Adopted on call or th- roll: Yeas: Cn•-Misn' -1,3 trs,'sh^w, Rieke. and Mayor Scott (4). Cn motion the meeting --d,)ourned.