HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 196, May 29, 1933NO. Pace i il¢ Proceedings oF__:C'" .. • T) : 1' City of Paducah -1=21- t7rli'f orh 19"+:5 ::t a regular meatlnE of the Ronrvl of Cor..missloners held In the Ccn•.-.issionersi Chnmber in the City Rnil. building in the City of PROuenh, Kentucky at 2;00 o'clock P.M. on the 29th day of kny, 1933, Mayor ::eott pre-ided and upon call of the roll the follo•,,Ing nna:-rr.red to rhPir mines; C, ,,=Issloners Block, 73radahnn, Rieke and 11n;,or Scott (4). it ?linutes of the •mrvicus meeting dere sdo-ted no read. Payroll for four Commissioner Rieke offereal motion that the Fpecial Police onyroll extra policemen for May 24, 25, for four extra patrolmen employed for four days, hny 24, 25, 26 & 27 at 26 & 27th sllowed 2.00 nor day, amounting to �,: 32.00 be alloried, same having been duly approved for allowance and payment, and that the. Commissioner of Public Finnnce be authorized to pay same and charge to the proper fund. Adopted an enll of the roll: Yeas; Co-riasioners [clock, Brndshaa, Rieke and. Pnyor Scott (4). ;5000.00 ndvance Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the Commissioner of Public payment to Board of Education on Finance be authorized to draw a check on the Genernl Fund to the First- llntf.onnl pro -rata part due fres General Bank, Hayfield, Kentucky, Treasurer, for th Paducah Board of Education for Tax collections. amount of v 5000.00 as an advance payment on the oro -rata part due from the 9 General Tax collections in order to enable. the Board of Education to pay the school tenchers' nalrries, which rill become dice before a complete statement can be rendered of the collections made since the last settlement. Adapted on j call of the roll: Yess: Commissioners Plock, Brndshnv.,, Rieke nn' `:nyor Fcott (4). F200.r0 allowed Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the amount of 200.00 be Boy 1colt3, I or year 1933. allowed the. Boy Scouts, the amount fixed by the apportionment Ordinance for the current yenr, and that the Com:'issioner of Public Finance be nut'^.orl::,ed to any same, and charge to the Boy Scouts Fundin the Department of Public Affairs. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Com issicners L+lock, Bradshaw, Rieke and i Mayor Scott (4). Beer licenses Cormisstoner Rieke offered motion that the two (2) aonlleations for granted to tro anplicnnts. q licenses received for permits to retntl beer and light wines, no ner list of i. n111ffe3 herewith submitted, be granted anon payment of d o proper m•ountn to thr.. Co—nissiorer of "uulic Finance. . L. 1-mery fridge & eroad :'treats, r,. F. Scott 121 South 2nd St. i on cal?- rf the. roll; Yens; Com>-issfoners sleek, i+rsdshnr, r?Ir'.re and ?racer'Prtt (4). Call; or'lers 1j:1v-Pe In amount of , cr.(;2 Ripl!e offered motion t.}'.£.t t''P 043:1 (i r.'1P 1.3 in t11r Om Gl;nt V 4 of �2.�'r. ..e allo:md Anti tho Com7lo: ionrr of Pur lie Finance be reirs:ursecl Ly c*.ecr ±)n ti:•. is,l 1 ,rn•l for Said fmoilnt, sn^a to : n c4•a rr^.e l :Sri Che prnper f.,n40 Si: .�:1•.... de�.:�rt:,,;rar,s. kdcpted on call of %r rcr l: Yens; Tissic. ... S SSS '•, .,G 3;•.9, Make t,W sinyor ,^Cott (4). or" -r- utinn that the l>Ill of ti.a <:u1C i'efinlnu, S„oMpsIz1i.,.,•,! •Ity ..once 1Uennrt,srnt for 'h o ?- 1-7 3 , , r:r �3 Stnn el' of ?gbItc ... ,r- _ .. , .. .. - gni ,...aroe to qp. . en• rt-":, 1n the _ .. _. i i . .. . • z. ,. .. .. fall ,,. � ; o� Inas: ro4Tiaslsera Proceedings of--'-' '_�.'- '... f: T C -'.�_ _ City of Paducah E-Trr7i� :7 _ 1'`••n V 7� t:}?n, 7 •'_�._ �... _ Pi.onh, Crn�lnhe:•:, Rlelre nn -9 ldnyor Scott (-7)• conrilssioner Block offered motion ""t t:he trnnafer of Lot #338 ct ?lock 22 frotr Albert Suflot to Henry Beyer by Sneclal Deed dated the 27th dny of `from r Ceirmisalonere Block, I All art :sy, 1932, be efproved. Adopted on call o. the roll: Yees• DuSlot tc Berry Rr,r•dshaw, and t'nyor Scott (3). Commissioner Rieke voting Nay. Eeyer in Cak Grovf Final Mayor Scott offeredmotion that an ordinance entitled "AN ORBr1A^C- passage of Crdi- ... _'r L':G AND PR OV I}`I11G FOR TN''. ISSUAT:CL• OF 50,000.00 OF RP'VI:NIt i' tTO T!'S OF 'UM nnrce orovidin- CITY OF PAC'CATT, is 'IY AS FVIDFT!CE OFA LOAF OF FUTTi:S FOR THFTi'?P07P'1'FFT OF for Issu- ance of ""FTAIC: PROPFFTPL", CT SCID CITY, FR7SCHIP..TIM TNF. FCR I OF SAID N(TF.S", AfID PROVTDIP.G SO,COC of F.even:e POR "T? SF.0 Tn?IT.0 OF TRF PA YLTIIT OF :"ID ;TOT'S B T•'.ORTGAGF OF T'E5'. PROPERTY ACID Notes soo IbTFp SET, AND T?T PLFs'GT??G CF TTTF. r1rO"R TT{vRFFP.OM", having been introduced 'ityPnducah. at the last regTzler meeting of the Ponrd of Commissioners, on tday 22nd, 1933, and { ordered to remsin on file for one week in its completed form, and snid orc9lnance I havinv remained on file one week in its completed form I now move the ndoption 9 of said ordinance. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Corm13nioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke and Mayor Scott (A). On motion the meeting adjourned. APPRO7"D g ;n yor N AiDOFTF.D civ! �•se���—�