HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 193, May 22, 1933Proceedings of_ __:__-' .. C'__-_,;_', :L-li.T._-..-- City of Paducah At a reZular mcsting of the S+onrd of Coilmissionera held in :Isslorers' Chamber in the City tall Fuildin3 in the City of Paducah, _.ntucky at 3:00 o'clock ?.7. on the 22nd day or May, 1:933, Mayor :cott presided ,nd upon call of the roll the follosing onswcred to their names: Commissioners , Prsdsl:sr., ricke and Ynyor `cote (4). (Minutes o: tho nrovious meeting were adopted as rend. 5 Covmissioher Risks offered motion that the amount of '; 833.33 be .•a.h19 ..scall- allowed from the Genernl Fund to pay the fifth monthly installment due Y.ay 1st, 19333 on the amount of 10,000.00 appropriated by resolution for the nrrposc of sue advertlsinE the ?rade, Manufacture and Cormorcial Resources of the, City of Paducah, end that the Cmrmissioner of Public Finance be authorized to draw a check for 833.33, payable to the Paducah Board of Trade, said amount to be expended under the direction of the Mayor, Commissioner of Public Finance, and the Secrotnry of acucak Bonrd of Trade. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Fradshaw, Rieke and ?7�yor Scott (4). Licenses `, Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the three (3) ❑'ications for licenses received for normits to retail beer and lielat,wines, nnd* also the one (1) anolicntion for license to wholesale beer and light wines, as - _ per list of names here•aith submitted, be granted upon naymert of the proper nmcuntn t.o the Commissioner of Public Finance: PLTA IIIERS T,,,. BO': LI, 8th & Ellis Strccts, R. B. "ELLS 120 North Second Stre•t, B. F. HOOK (For Hook Amusement Co.) 1600 Horth 8th Street `.'F?CLT :A LFR tP�"S T+I TRi!rJ'IIi:O C^"PA7?Y 121 Slashington Street :-ripted on call of ti,e roll: Yeas; Commissloners Block, Bradshaw, Ricl-e and tsyor Cott (4). CoY.,dssloncr Rieke offered motion that the Corrilsciorer of ^ l'U"lle Finance `.e nuthorized to nay the Charity Orders issued by ti;e Fsmily Service !? '.',y fell ttr. ".^ntF of l,ril 193 , to the A. Switzer l'ro,'uco Corzrnny for amount :or :-.• Lt of 730.E-8, teing half tln toga' .mount of of A—L! nil the orders ian.te7, same .a•.:rc leen it - da1.y an,srover for cllansncr air', nn -,;rent, and cliarge to the R3lscellnnanus ^hnrity „us•° in {]--e l;opsrtrnnt of public, Yafety.' Aiopted on call of Vroll: "ess; .pis-irr.er•s P•loc:r, Rrr.dshaw, Pie.... and ! nyor Scott (4). f CoFzlssicner Fieke offcr•e+ codon hat ollowar.ce be mn•ie prop, the :n•1 nnA t.},.• rr;..,,assicner of 7:L) la Finance Le authorized to pay the six (f:) •:,•,"ectir•n c'r.c,re,> cr. tha following bond issue . _ for total f :ri,nr,G, gc, 't. f.asls S ?aPucoh (,.h, 1'70'0.0^ i on caarge a of i" 4.38 ota7 1754.:tR to o the nl tx I M' n eq 11, of the roll: Yeas- NO. PA9 194 —_ Proeeedingsof 7it_:_Ftt) ^T_O_' Q1_T^Tn:'1j1_-_-City of Paducah K1,11^7rrFy F`ny 22nd. 1933, Srror in co•••missione'r Rieke offered the'follo;•ring motion: bill of F'id Continent '.'herons, the bill of the Mid -Continent Petroleum Coroornticn was dlowed to the Petroleum corrected. amount of t; 251.44 on May 15, 1933 for suonlies furnished ttc City Police ji Dcpnrtment for the month of April in error as to the amount: And, whereas after a careful check of this bill, it vrns discovered that the oT.eunt: should be $; 249.52 I move that the action of the Board of Commissioners in al.lo-xing the erroneous amount be rescinded by allowing the correct amount of r;. 249.52 and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be nuthorizod to pay some and cborge to the Police Department in the Depnrtment of Public Safety. Adopters on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke and Cinyor Scott (4). Riverside i Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the Riverside Hospital allowed ;10.50 Hospital be allowed the amount of s'. 10.50 for Neo treatments to charity patients for TTeo treatments on permits issued by Dr. Palmer H. Recd, and that the Comw'-ss:loner of ruttlic to charity pntidnts. Finance be authorized to pay came and chsrge to the Health Deos.rtmcnt in the Department of Public Affairs. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas: Col­11.33irners Block, Bradsah:v, Rieke and Mayor Scott (4). Claim of Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the bill of Putherlami � Drug Company Sutherland Drug Company for amount of t. 5.90 be allowed, same having been duly allowed. approved for allowance and payment and that t1 -c Cotsvissioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay some and charge to the Health Department Fund in the Department of Public Affairs. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke and Mayor Scott (4). Ordinance Mayor Scott offered motion that on ordinance entitled reEulating perking " AN ORDINANCE AFTNL'ITTr -'CTIOTTS 27, 29 AND 30 OF AN OPPTUAIICF ENTITT.ED and traffic adopted. 'AN ORDINAITCE P.FGITLATIT!G TRAIn AND TRAF'F'IC - TRF. TISF Or STRFFTT` R^.- Vr71TrT.T-F, STFFFT CARS AND PRDFrTRTATIF, CRFATTTIG A CENTRAL TRAFFTC AND BUSINESS 1.T"71�:Y. F:'"iAPTTSITING ROUTTVARDF., SAFETY 7011'F: , AVD AU7GOFT7TNG TIP' }'ARKT"C C" '1'07" :ALM." OP A"*{ ?t'°:f. ITP.7'ITT PPOVIDFD `:P' AIF TNF "P^CTI^•• ^^ "Tc':^ r'1" "T^"'T}•: 1"' A!D DF.°CRIBIN(: TM, F.TF7 'Ts T;R POT""T(^ O?: 7 -,IF rI':- .�.•^ •..,, AM) Ti"' V,AT!'F1' (IF Ifl'II,TZTIT(: ^c•m F r r• _ , Ti; '�ITF CTT.v 0 PATJC- Ii, FFr 11!r A PF.TIAT;IT FOR ANY VIOUTICC 'Il'TI'OF t ADOI'T9D PY THY, ^IT ^P:hYER 14TH, 1925, FO TTTAT ^AP.'. .`.r:r^Ii1t:S 27, 29 ArD 30 OF T'?'. TFAD AS HF.Rl:TTlAF71P ?ROVIDED," be adopted. Adopted on p f i.�c roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, crorlshaw, Ricke anil Nnyor Scott (4). Parkir^ Ord- Mayor Scott offered moticn thnt nei or�'I%nnce entttlel Inane- , -•i FUF[ FP T'SGNT,A.T7?'IT r,`. Pnr!r. C?' C' -7i IF�._.'iA} .JP!.•.clp .. p�t;mtt 571' t* T �I• .. .. , TTIvY Alai TF: FFCF, to nr'•<. .., P.:4o•te•i on ca11 of the roll: Yens; Core-'laelcnnrs Blick, F.rsds'r:aw, Iaeke err' Ynyor .Coto (4). Proceedings ofV tOA! City of Paducah-Al2- pin -2 d. .rdlnnr- !,'nyor Scott offered motion that an ordInancP entitled rrcviding for 7 - 77G AND FROVTPUIG FOR 111" ISSUANCE OF $50,000.00 OF RT-WIME arce of . V OF F -UM-Z FOE T11T-- COC, -7 ci IJC.AH, KENTUCKY ME E`VIDFNCF OFA LOA , of F'evc-n- -R.P.TTEE OF :'h ID CITY PFFECRIUJIM THF FOR?.'. OFSAID "OTFs, note,' ,TA i'7 ;'--OP Tli!FFC[TRIj,1G Or TAP PAYMENT Or SAID TICTES BY MORTGAGE OF THE T,.Pro,7- VTnm, AND Tfir PM)GING Or WTP!COM7 THFREFR014," be Introduced and t, -t it remain on file one week in Its completed form before lein,- put upon Its final rnsasge. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas: Commissioners Block, Brn6shaw, Rieke and M.ayor Scott (4). On motion the meeting adjourned. APPROVED or ADOPTT' 1933