HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 160, February 13, 1933No.
Proceedings City of Paducah i:r rr,^•Y ed•r,rer� 1Sth, 1�n'''-�
Rccnort of Fire
ilc r.
Pc"rt of 1'ol ice
cosrtment for
�,,rth of Jame-r;r
received nn,' filed,
Report of City
Jailor for eonth
of January 1933
received end f llcd.
Claim of Thomas
Service Connany
for 158.15
J. I. e
5 n i•t' ro.ca.
c� %•r r � o rr.
nrjt • � r ,
At r. regiilnr m^.ctinc of the ltonrd of r,•n -Inni,mera. held in the
1. .tonorn Chn•-�bcr in the City pall. dln.11ding to the City of Pa-iueah, Enntucky,,
nton the 13th rdny of February, 1933, i''+yor Frott. ^resided
and upon cnll of the roll the follor+irr.; nunvt!recd to i le i.r names: Commiss d.onern
Bloch, Bradshaw, Rioj• end !'n;;or Fcott (4).
The minutes of the nrevious moetinr 'rare alonted an renrt.
Mayor Scott offered motion thnt the renort of the Fire Department
for the month of January, 1935, be received and filed. Adonted on cull of the
roll: Ycss: ComRissionors Bloc):, Brocdahaa, Ricko and !Layor Scott 9).
i`wor Scott offered motion thnt the renort of Chinr 'rynnt
fo.r the 'ol ice Dopn rtment for the month of January 1933 be rec�1•r ' -n"1.1r•'.
Adopted on call of the roll: Yonsc Comr,isnioners clock, br^lr�, "i•,i:� �-,'
Mayor ;'coat (4).
7n70r Scott offered motion that,tic renort of the City Jailer for tto
month of January, 197,7, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll:
Yens: Cor:missioners Block, Brsdsharr, Rieke. anr' L'nyor Scott (4).
Co•nr,iesioncr Riel;e offered :^,(,tion that the clai;: of the Thomas
Service Company for the amount of 158.15, for reccnditionIng t'le motor cycle
of the ?olice Department which •a -(,reeked in an accident be a'lo^recd, safe
having been duly annrovod for allowance and payment, and that the Comminsioner
of Public Pinnnce be authorized to pap satx and chnrre to the Police Dopnrtmont
in the Department of Public Safety. Adonted on ca.l.lof the roll: Yenn;
Cor'^icsinners Block, Bradshn,t, Rieke and 6lnyor Scott (4).
Comminsioner Rieke offers•1 motion that the clnim of Yrs. . J. Mise,
Groccr>, rill & "cycrs .^Ste., for nmount of 11.50 for furnlabinc lunchoF and
correr, to members of the ".ire 1,1Pnnrtmcnt nt the .a'ucah T,umber and "rg. 00^•nnn.7
fire on ':111 °trcet be nllo:rod, r,nmo hnving been duly nonroved for n11nnnce
ntd nny.ent: nnrt that the Co-m,isnioner of i'ublic "t.nnnce bc. a ithori: , . ..c nqy
8 .rn rro1 '•e to t`:o Fire Dopnrtmont• in the , tn,,,,.1-.- . , :r, �:i,. '•c C,r.
A, n c•'1 of tic roll: Yona; Com•rierdnnorn Bloc,!, i3rn,dsha::, ]+ic' ani
i::aycr :cott (4).
'J s:lon t Ric%c offoraP •,otion s.in ti, n .c.;nt of 1--7P..,):,
lova t crr
rat of 5 .. ,uth Interestt on n ter,r-:.a? ,t c, to the Cll.i..cnn
Pate' nbt carr 10t:1: for nmount. _ '0.00 and t*nt t1"
r„ be n„t:,rr1. le and cbnrr:• Tat rc.t
Proceedings olS:i.�B�:_. _'— �'__.---..- .. City of Paducah_
- - Co'.Jzinrcr !;iok, off<.red ^otion t.hel- tic Com-iesinrer of
:'ublia Flmnce be authorirod to orm, n check on the Gonnra.l FurN1 to the First
fiat Lcrnl . en`c, yrApbl, nentucYy, Trees, for the Pnduosh Ronr•? of Fducn.f.ion,
^or nnount or 704.43 in settlement of the rinunt duo ttie Eoard or Fducntien
_orr^rl Fun,' on tr,c rhnnchiso ••nr, Genorel Tax col.loctions "or thr •-n[h n^ :r•,n„n,^
. -':ed on cell 0” trr roll: Yens: Com•-lsr.lonera Block, t;i.nrr�^..,,, :.te'•r .
cott (4).
tion. 8S
"oter p7p, Connissioner Rieho offered motion that the cl.ni.m of ti,c
anter `'orksfor the Fire Plug Fentals for the m^nth of January, 1933, nm-unt'in� to
• 7:0.83 be apexed and the r..om'-_isoloner of Public Finnnec be authorized to
rnmP nnf3 chnrvo to 'rater Rentals in the Lepsrtment of Public Affdirs. Adonted.
cI a-1 l of tho roll: Yoas; Cor.r„issioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke and 'ayor Scott (4).
• Co:2missioner Rieke offered motion I:hat, A. J. "alker „'314 Flnys
.. , ,:-n•-.r^i:o9 free the .1.50 Poll Tax, chargod on the tnx bill of A.J. &
• - - ' -� :•, .i` 4841 for •the year 1932, on seconnt of hnving reached the ago
on caul of the roll: Yeas; Ca—Issloners Plock, Rr�rlshn:•r, Ric1-c
":nl :'oyer `cote (4).
CoM-issioner Block offered moti,,n Chat the annual reoort of
--ide TIonpitol as of January 1st, 19-3, be received and filed. 11�ooted on
1^11 of the roll: Yens; Commisnioners Bloc';, Brndsharr, Rieke and 1•?ayol^ Scott (4.).
Commiseicner Block offered motion that the Inventory of property
rei by t'ne City .of ?aducnh at P.iverside Hospital be received and filed. Adopted
r•- on call of the roll: Yeas; Cn^r�iss one,rs Block, L'radshacr, Rieke anti Payor Scott (4).
. i•nl•• �"� F