HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 16, February 15, 1932NO. :E Proceedings of -,I 1 n ... r', ­ 1n: }orer�, -- City ofPaducah x':.-' (.''Y, J'•'11•�'r, 1f ,.__.__ ..t a regular meeting of the Board of Co•cionerz held in the y icnerst C'.u,mber In the City Voll 13u11ca,tr in the City of "aduc^h, i'entncicy a ^! t 2:50 'sloe'.: , on the 15tbday of i'cbrunry, 1.932, Mayor Scott presided end upon call of the roll the tbllowi.ng rnswered to their ramex: Commissionors Black, Fr,-dshaw, Hold, R'leke and !'.ayor Scott (5). ?,1natca of the previous neetings aero adopted as read. i ComAssioner Rieke offered notion that the report of collections and disbursements for the month of Jnnuary, 1932, be received and filed. P.dopted yu on call of the roll: Yeas; Cwmniscioncrs Block, Bradshavr, Holt, Bioko and ,dayor Scott Coma:iccioner Rieke offered motion thnt the Commissienor of Public ?innrco be authorized to draw n check on the General Fund for the amount of Check for the pl.rpose of taking up a chock for a like amount drawn on the Citizens Savings on genen- el ""n" Bank by Er. A. Y. Martin, which :gas accepted in payment of General Taxes, for 4:60.10 ^nd Saecial 2moroverrent P.sness;::ents for {'97.42. But as aerie ins not honored by the b^nk ^nd if not t^ken up will be charged back to the General Pund account, a ::h—ld be drain to cover the amount and chrr£,ed to "Cold. Check" account. ..:opted on call of the roll: Yeas, Conaaissionors Block, Brndshn:r, Folt, Rielce and 1 +iayor Scott. Commissioner Holt offered motion that tlho office of Utility Captain c; in the Fire Department be abolished. :adopted on call of the• roll: Yeas, Co.1nis- of Utility- .. ciorers Bloo'c, Brndsh4.w, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott. Co,wAssionor Block offered motion that the deed to ?.'is. Elnora Iriffin, dated Sept. 23d, 1929, for Lot 31, Block 5, and ratified by Board of Commissioners and recorded, be carcolled upon prescntCtion and in lieu thereof the City Clerk be nuth.crized to execute deed for Lot 35, Block 5, In Onlc Grove Ce:retry new addition and inform the sexton of Onk Grove of this transfer when -..rde. Thin is -nn exrhnnto of lot in the sn,no coction and name aricc of cal; Grove In or'er to carrcct an error. Rev. Grlffln is buried on Trot ,'•5, Block 5, :rh Ich 'An Y^irs cl.^'• , "•cir doed cells ['or Leat 31, Mee,, 5. Adopted on call of the rel? : Y,,z. Loner:: I I c^b, . '•.}..,,!, i'olt, Rio!te end rnyor "Cott. r. L, for the rdoption of a r•osolatien on- Rcaol l- titled "f. ' 10fi fi :0!JL11i :,'_TTNGS OF ME WALL ti,:n to change C?T.I. 1'0 "LDiir.81%A?." date of c 0 O'CLOCiP. ' greeting Adeptel ca cnll of ..-..c ro'.1: Yec,s, Cc;:.:issionors Block, 3roWsh^•a, rclt., r'i.e`re Fuger• '.Cott. Co": ssl�ncr ' olt cf£oreri :n>tion for t+�o adoot1:11 of rocolutlon at ' . • n A': 10TH JO..: . of -ire tq- 1:::;pt.ai cs'11 of tIon A t•c rnl':. i a, wr ct. .. ..,_ ., A 10 I* Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion that the Fidelity E:1.oposit ur' Cor.ipany of t,'^.ryl.nd, on the bond of "., M. Coulson, plumber, Navin rciiucstod y that they be released from further linbllity on said Gond, i mcve that snid r requect be grrrtcd and t -at said !fidelity and Doposit Comp•my be released on _mid bond from this day on. Adonted on caller the roll: Xeca, Corraianicnor ;loci;, brndshrri, Holt, Rieke and i.:ayor Scott. ADOP`IT. -�3-19 -3 Q,ilTx,GI—', APraour Mayor. NO,_P490 _1? ... -- --Cit ofPadacah TT7"�"ifIY Fba3fi'r1'Y 15th. 1938Proceedinga Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion that the Fidelity E:1.oposit ur' Cor.ipany of t,'^.ryl.nd, on the bond of "., M. Coulson, plumber, Navin rciiucstod y that they be released from further linbllity on said Gond, i mcve that snid r requect be grrrtcd and t -at said !fidelity and Doposit Comp•my be released on _mid bond from this day on. Adonted on caller the roll: Xeca, Corraianicnor ;loci;, brndshrri, Holt, Rieke and i.:ayor Scott. ADOP`IT. -�3-19 -3 Q,ilTx,GI—', APraour Mayor.