HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 148, January 23, 1933No.Prae 14£1 Proceedings of_ _ City of Paducah I .10nunrY, 231-1 1 1 153 PCJCrt of for t1i 0 Decem- ber 1.9.•2 reeeiv e:l nn,: filed. rater Pentals for month of fecember M'2 s1lo1:ed. Claim of ""allace Used Cir Fxchsnge n 11 owed . 7"J',A t on r e. hnd tr,r+c 39 ... .,lo., . 7.e..7.P reruL:r r:e+'tsir,r of the 1.o:,r,i ...... 1.:•oirn•.,:::- r plc, in the ^.hnmb-r in the City Nn11 t'ullrlln�- in thr ';t;:v of' P••''•1^'.1:., � ,." n`�ry, a at 2:00 o'clock P,?'. on the. 23rd tiny of .ianunry, 1933, 1::a yor -coat ornailnd. ::nd upon en11 of the roll the following nnn:^ered to their names: Comn+iaaieners :'Lock, `rndshnw, F?.eke and h:ovor Scott (4). `he minutes of' the previous n:eotings corn n•lopted as rend. Mnyor Scott offered motion thot the report of the -"b Ler 'br•ks (?Lunicipally owned) for the month of December 1932,.Le received r,nd filed. Adopted on cnll of the roll: Ycas; Comm,issioners Block, Brndshgv, Riol:e and }iayor Scott (4). Commissioner Fricke offered 'otion that; the ctnln, of tho Paducah 70 ter "'%orks for Fire Plug Pentnla for the month of December 1932, nmountin.v, to f' 3790.83, be s11o•^ed and the Commissioner of Public Fln^nce be nutl'orined to any ssme and charge to "Unpaid Bills of 1932 Fund." Adopted on ea11or tie roll: Yens: Cocc-issicners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke and t•'nyor Scott (4). Com:^.issioner Rieke offered motion that the c?air of the :7allace Used Car F•xchnnge for the balance due Nov. 10th, 1932 on Chevorlet Conch for 225.00 Sec. 12th, 1932 on Chevorlet Coach for 300.00 Total 7zM_X0-- for ase of the Ilcfcty Department be allowed, some 1,nving been duly raynroved for nilc::nnee and nnymont, nod that the Com^;Issioner of Pulblie Finance be nuthori:aed to Pay snore and charge to Unpaid Bills of 1.932 Pend. Adopted on call of tllr roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke and Mnyor Scott (4). Coml1lssionor Rieke offered motion that the 1111nots Central P,.. Co„ freioi•t 1:111 for amount of 39.55 on a cer of crushers stone, ,^rich has been duly nnorovel for nllorrnnco and nnyment be nll.o':rer'., nlrl 40,<• of Public h'ira :ne. be authorize, to nay snore oar? charge tc. '•:.1.- .-Tr-- ' c- i tment In the Depn.' ,= t, of Public ':.'orks. Adn"Ln'+ •n C-11 -v t", I'll: Comrissien— lr, rl;, vradshar:, Rtelrr and 1'nycr ",,,Ott (4). Claim of Co:, ioncr Pieke offered motion tint tho salary of 7.00 clue ?r_7 ^'r first hslf of January, 1 33, ,. ren^.eat e:itll tl,:e. ..rack,.% .... _ 1L. . Coag ittec, tie alto•;:co, _. of 'lli.11.s rar.C.e bl� omit by chcc+r, for •...- ,. .,00 an 1 L� .....i N1•, "r.'ia Ct11: Trldua trice l;.Cen- t'cr ..... _ :l.'t' a '�. f:' v:�n _ .. .'nt Pund. Adopt^„ nn r:n11. of the roll: Yens; , !N, ._aunt of ° 2000.00 to "r: "i.' ,._.. ', ,+ r rat. :. 'Cr aixtl:or'i:'.c:'. rt• ,{lrew 7 ( NO. Proceedingaof__. ._--._-.__.____..—__�_r_--_.'_--City of Paducah._'Lv...._—:T'!ntmry ^.8.^.Ath 1`J3a,__ 7rn-zferCo. .iissionrr Rlckc orr,,ro•i moti.on that tl.e •.iss.Ioner of Public Funcla ^cr - Finance bo suthorized to trawiror from the ?:-•prow• Ir:?roverent Tax ?und n/c "B" the amount of + 1118.73 Ment :aa` Improvement 7vx Ihxnd a/c "C" the amount of •�i 3913.7G es .'roa I^pra•c^ent Sex 7xnd a/c "D" the amrunt of „ 2763.80 so cants _ "B" "C" •• "D" to Total 7796.29 account to the Ir.prov"ent Tax Fund a/c "G" "r" '.a order to rnciiitste the aaymant or Imarovcr.:ent Bond Cnunonc rhie Jnminry 1st, 1932s "ro, one snecial checking account. Adopted on cell of the roll: Yeas; Ca^missicners F1ock,Br,dshsrr, Ricko and ?'nyor Scott (._) Y Cor.-.nissioner Ricke offered motion that slim.,ance be ronde from the -- C2nernl Fund and the Cora^lssioner of Public Finance be authorized to nny the G -_..s in'cereot on Lhc rolloc;ing bond issue due on February 1, 1933, for amount Pon.: issu o,^ y 425.00 for coposit in the Citi.7enc cnvings Bank, General :.inking Fund. R.O. & O.R.P. Ref. Fon6s of 1928 - 20,000 Interest rate 4 ; Annual Interest 850.00 Semi Annual Interest• 425.00 catod on en7.1 of the roll: Yeas; Coassionera Block, Bradshaw, Rieke and ::nyor Scott (4). d ^.CC' Com-mizsloner Pieke offered motion that allowance be made from the. 1',n^rnl ^ural nnr the Cor isniorer of Public Finance be authorized to pay am:-nnt or Z.C30.00 due on February 1st, 1933. ( 109,000.00 rtrect Improvement. Bonds neo.00 Int. 21,500.0 City nosnital 430.00 Int. 21,000,('0 •' rket II-,usa 420.00 Int. .•:nt to ,r:a i. L;,: Citizens Sn--ings Bank, Genr-rnl ^inking Fund, to the tern P;rk & Frust Ce -a ny, Trustees, 0incinnati, Ohio. Adopted on cn11 of the ,'.l: Ycnr; Co:missinners Block, Bredc:n:, Ptcke and Payor ^cot:: (4) t C .,nicccr Pieke offcr•rd -,._ .i.:n thnL ell.orrance be mndc from t..... �....' _. ",ibt i.• . lonnce t:� rnitharize" to nay the G city or Pn(iucnl lA:iO Fueling ::ends ?uc 9,625.00 4812.:0 .- ., .. , t.•.. t'. �,�le�i .,.. _tet -... ,-^t-.'tri:. ..., . Y:mr•:.. ..,io^,4; .•.n ,. :1 er t.l:.- a' cat' (41. f NO. Pkweedings of—"_':— City of Paducah_Xanil nrr 23, 1 -inoirner Ple'io o—f I'v0 �c,)t ion ni% t -'-e cl nl:,r Pn,'Int Ing, to G �'cr t;b^ nionth oece f rmb-�Vn'-7'r"t 1 ce: I I'��,� 65.C, -,Y ?W: Posrc! bo nlla.ierl, and Vist'-,r '!,,M 1 1•.i n 1: 3 e I once authori.-.c.d to pc y onmo -,,nl 011I.F 0 ,e to ty,, par!, lic, r� for yenr 194.3, in the !'.cp-rtn.ont or PLII:I.tc Affaim. c.i or ti -,e roll: yens Co, -Isni,ncrz. Pict, on' "c,,tt (4). Cc,!�mis:3ioncr Rtc:,c offcroCL roti^n that, c - v, 1932, Lo In Lln aiioant of 61,31-39, :7 Q.,- C!c i. r 0� Plit 1 c !-'Inonco he wtthortzcd to aa; z:,,. the r, Adc,)tG(: on callof roll: Yc r, i Hers 5j,? ",yor rcoU (41. -c.lnr selicurned.