HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 134, December 27, 1932Proceedings of 7=-,
City of Paducah December 27tH.
Mayor authorized
Finance Cor,-nias-
ioner to ony
one half of city
pay roll during
year 1933 in
Co.^�issioner of
Finance nutl or-
izAd to pay
coupons on
Imnrovement bond
which matured
on July 1, 1931.
Six month intcr-
eat allowed on
Bonds of 1926
NO. Pngo 1:4
"lioress December 26th, 19',2 t^ s th,, regular meat.ing date of tho
Board of Com,,itsa.ioners and it toing nleo n Foliday tho regular meeting which
in the ordinary course of events wovl' have been held on thnL clay was held in
the Com^issioners' Chamber in the City Rall Building in the City of Paciucoh,
Kentucky at 2:00 o'clock PJ% on tl:e 27th day of recemter, 1932 with Vnyor Fcott
presiding and upon call of the roll the followl:g nnswered to their names:
Commissioners Block, Bradehnsi, Holt, Rieke rod Y.ayor Scott (5).
tiinutes of the .previous meetinFS were adopted as read,
. Mayor Scott offered motion that the Commissioner of Public
Finance be instructed to pay one half of each city pay roll during the year
1933 in certificates issued under the nuthority of Paducah Industries
Committee, Inc. Adontod on call of the roll: Year; Commissioners Block,
Hrndshnw, Holt, Rieke nnd.?'nyor Scott (5).
Commissioner Rielce offered motion that the Comrdssioner of Public
Finance in compliance with certain "EcCracken Circuit Court orders, be nuthorized
to pay out of the proper funds on presentation the outctnnding bonds and coupons
on Improvement Bcnds, which matured on July 1st, 1931, and such bonds and coupons
as any have matured prior thereto remaining unpaid. Adopted on call of the
roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, B.radsha:•r, Bolt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5).
Commissioner Rieke offered motion that allowance be made fro,n the
General Fund for deposit in the Genernl Sinking Fund, and the Cenmaisoicner of
Public Finance be authorized to nay the six months interest and bank collection
charge on the
N.C.&O.F.R. Ref. Bonds of 1926 0/S ,^., 27,000.00 (415') " 607.50
Hnnk's 1°in. Collecticn charges 3.00
TSZ+ 00--
P:ays:cnt to to natio through tho Citizens rnvings Bnnl, renrrnl Slnkint-' `und to the
Central ?innovor Pnnk h Trust Cnmonny, New York, beforo Jnnuory 1,
;adopted on cell of the roll: Yenn;r.on-i.nsloncrr. !'led., Pradall!lw, Polt, Picb:o
nor.,' ;or Scott (5). '
Cor,77issioner Rieke offered motion that a17o::r:nco be rondo from the
c.• r vat of ti 2550.00 for donosit in tt:o Pec�:1:a %ti•nal Banc,
':in Fund, and tic Conriesi-rer of Public Finance be
rt: 1ntcrest coupons for 6 months on thn
!u i School � l Pond issue clue Jnnuory 1, 1933
£ nbon xo
Pate W
V- l int,ere , 510.00
.nunl Int. - -.!:t Lue v 255.00
rP11 of tke r,)',1: Yeaa; Co-iissioners Block, Pr,,Anhaw, jtol.t, ?liel:c
loslcner Pieko offerod motion that t',a Cpceniaai .�r of ' a`tlie
nano& be satlaer12W1 ':aw s cl`V Ck - r -if. ' rc,01 a nraded
"to^de■ Jsti.>nal P.ar:k to :ro 4 t^nln of tie year 19P= lt:; t.
It t
-_ 1
Proceedings r. _'O City of Paducah
of Public
T'Inqncc ',,c quthrri.erl to !--5' the Cit _:Cs i3nnl� t 1 c amount of '," 7.80 in
tt1,:,cr.t of t': ch0l'e s 111(' ti.e banks for blast ti �t snio or : 30,000.00
_1� _:: ol Faduc, 7� "unding Ponds " 2. AJoatoe' on se 11 of t1w.- roll- Yens;
lczioners Blook, Bradshaw, Felt, Rieke and 1.'.'qyor Scott (5).
Co:�=Issioner Rieke offered motion t1lint the Co."unisnioner of Public
-'Ingnco be nutnorizcd to I'Sy out of the nroccods resolved from the nala of the Inst
P 1, c. 1, r, L C,1 .:look or "nducnh 7undinf, Fonds toteling 30,000.00 the following amounts -
to re-
�nectivo Citizens avinGs 13nnk i 16,400.00
Peoples Nntionnl Bank 5,400.00
chF7:ijcs1 Bank 81 Trust. Company 8'pr0.00
to be annlied so payments on notes executed to theme respective banks by the City
cf Paducah in the year 1931. Adopted on sell or the roll- Yeas; Commissioners
,,-lock, Bradohow, Volt, Fieke and 1.7nyor Scott (5)
Auditorls Coizissioner Rieke offered motion that the City Luditorts statement
of Doc"bor 15th, 1932 resorting the npnro'.%imate esitmato or the amount
n,ccssary to pny maturity claims until the 1st day of January 1933 and also the
--o,ints in excess of the actual needs to be converted Into the General Funds 6f
o City Per ty:c purpose or taking up olbientions of the City, be received and filed
concurred. in. Adopted on call of the roll- Yens; Commissioners Block,
77r^dslhnw, 11olt, Picks pad Mayor Scott (5).
on motion the meeting adjourned.
C' 7'7 Vii::..