HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 125, December 5, 1932Proceedingsof FLT' ��C.L1 t] � .0'•'�' •`.s TStKFLt`_ City of Paducah- 1 N:'M iSY At a regular meeting of the board of Commissioners held in the Com:,Jssioners' Chamber in the City Hall Pttildlng in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at 2:00 o'clock P.M. on the 5th day of December 1932, Mayor Scott presided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their namos: Carenissloners block, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (4) Commissioner bradshavr being absent. Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read. p later Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the claim of the Paducah Water rentals for mont`-'Norks for Fire Plug Rentals for the month of November 1932, amounting to of Novem- ber 1932 a 3,790.83 be all'owod and the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay allowed ' same and charge to 'anter Rentals in the Department of Public Affairs. Adopted on call 'of the roll: Yeas; Comnissioners Block, Holt, Rieke and Moror Scott (4) Clnim of :' Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the claim of P;oodall & Melton V•'oodal l & Melton �� in the amount of $ 442.50 be allowed for payment and the Commissioner of Public for $ 442.50 Finance be authorized to pay same and charge to Insurance Fund in the Department allowed of Public Property. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Holt, Rieke and Ma�,or Scott (4) Claim of Mayor Scott offered motto, that the Commissioner of Public Finance ie F. F.Graves allowed authorized to pay the bill of F. E. Graves for services as acting Police Judge in 9 accordance with bill approved by Roy Holman, Judge of the Police Court, dated December 5th, 1932 $ 58.33 and that the same be charged to the Contingent Fund. j Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott -E i Interest Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the Commissioner of Public Finance allowed ?e Oplea be authorized to pay the Peoples national Bank the amount of $ 122.66 in payment rsrs on unpaid of the interest due for the month of November on the unpaid balance of 26,700.00 calnnee of notes less oayvnents of 4,700.00 made during the month of November on the City of of year 1931. Paducah notes of the year 1931. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners hock, Fait, Rieke and Yayor Scott (4). i Clair... of � Cor^isnionor Rieke offered motion thnt the claim of F. F.. Craves, acting F.E.Grn9e allowed judge for City Judge Po;: Tolman, from November 2.1st, to November 26th, 1932 P 1nc2,:s1ve (6 ''nays) amounting to 50.00 be alloyed and that the Com.aiss:toner of Public Finance i.o authorized to pa:7 some and charge to tlio Contingent Fund. A11071ter3 or, call of ti"::: roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Holt, Risks and a :cott (4). ) Claim Co�-lsaianer Rl.e'ee of•'errd motion that the claim of John !'!oelpert for the of John r 'oolport i onrxunt cf c 120.00 for 5 months lnterasi; due from the Pork Poard on a �, 4,000.00 n l l owe .11 . note to a;ir•e:, r h.rvirv_ :.eon dui-, a­)rove,l for alloa,neo and pa?rent, and tine C0si•••or :ic ?'!rer.f.o re r.. .....• to pa^ same and cl;aIge to tine ?ark n,rt-rnnt of qv 1 'ran A9opted on enl.l of tFc roll: as; %crs . _ ._c, .'o; 71, ar "Cott (4). :sl®r7 rer Pie.:;. ,..,rre` atiI, c at t; •s a: ltar: * of ? ,00 due i Or we. rdw fe d c: _. - ::tt of uove..ier 7a32 -,i s ron?erca4 t p Famlly Lervice oyetz'_•er , as *r sersemant, t;e alleged arcl r :.sinter of .^a:.lie F'I:.ance v_ i se. -.e an -i ,-7:ga to `i ra .. ,..., ; ,r. I. 'opted ;;n ca it of the 4 i N0. PgZe 126 Proceedinga of_i11E_imui] City of Paducah iMHML KY_pc�ember Clain of Irby :ponos allowed. Proceeds fron sale of Fu:idine on in prorated to respective banks Mrs. C.A.Good- win exonerated from poll tax 1.50 54,527.31 paid to the treasuer of the Board of Education. Penort of Jniler for mrnth of .cve^:Z:cr 1332 receivefl ani' filed. C(19 PC Cm Police ^nr ncc.r.th of Novemsc r 1332 recaived and filed .eed drnnted to 'C7 Holman in Gait Grove Ceme trry Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the salary of ,".00 duo Irby F. Thomas for the lnst hnif of Novomber 1932, as par agreement with the Lie Cracken County Relief Committee be allowed and the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay same and charge to the Contingent Fund. Adopted en call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Holt, Rieke and Liayor Scott (4). Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay out of the proceeds received from the sale of the last block of y 15,000.00 Paducah Funding Ponds totaling ° 15,000.00 the following amount: Citizens Savings Bank ; 8,200.00 Peoples National Bank 2,700.00 Chemical Bank F' Trust Company 4,100.00 ,{ 15,000.00 to be applied as payments on notes executed to these respective banks by the City.of Paducah in the year 1931. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Holt, Rieke and Ma—or Scott (4). Commissioner Rieke offered motion that T:,rs. C. A. Goodwin, 605 Park Ave., be exonerated from the k 1.50 noll tax assessment on her Tax Bill Jf 1691 for the year 1932, for her hudband, C. A. Goodwin, as she is the Owner of the property and he is a non resident. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Holt, Rieke and ida}-or Scott (4). Commissioner Rieke offered the following motion; Whereas the board of Education of Paducah, Kentucky has elected a treasurer since the meeting of the Board of Commissioners on November 28th, 1932 and w•rereas at said meeting the Commissioner of Public ?finance was authorized to pay to the board of Fducaticn Common School Fund the sum of w 54,527.31 and, aherens there is a t:alar.ce unpaid of thr:t amount on heal at this time, I move that said t-alance new due to be paid, he paid to the tronsuror of the Board of Education. Adopted on call of the roll: Fens; Commissioners Clock, llolt, Pieke end linvor Scott (4). Coinnissioner Holt offerod motion that the rcnort of the Jailer of the City of Paducah, Kentuck, for the month or November 1932 be received and filed. flopted cn call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners L'.locIr, Folt, Riokc and Yo-yor reatt (4). Co' isaioner Bolt offored motion that the r5port of tho Chlof of Police of the City of Pac-7en1t, Kentucky for the month of llovemt:or 1932 be received and filed. Adontod. on call of the roll; Was; Co::an::t ,!,rn 1c.ck, Holt, PiekF: nnl Kn,,17, .'Cott (4), Co-niesi,..ecr ,lock ofeoro,i motion t:!.at it doed ,o :Tr:,tod to 1 Roy I'o i~s r. far a int In Oa'r. (.novo Come t,a ry, I:ot: i,.�", t loo'r. :' 1, in ?inn caleum Addition :i` -o; r... -n.: of %'00.00 to tt:a Cam r.er •,f Pu:lie "r'fno7ico, i Adopted r: r r ll: Yeas; Co-ninsl,^ora !no],,'olt 1.. , P.1ekn�tEx�' M -r^r :aott 4; i i