HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 103, October 3, 1932NO. ;yr• 1 �:�
Proceedings of -T ME "r`^*T.^OT 1{,Y"',_i?,z__ City of Paducah October
At a regnlur meeting of Cho Board of Coveissi niers hold in tic
Co-_,,iasionersI Chamber in tho City P•*11 PuiictinC 5, the City of Kentucky
qt 2;00 o+cloc!: n.". on the 3rd dn^ of Cot.o'.;er, 11132, 'Tayor "co+�''. ..-
upon call or t':o ro)). the fo)lorrin:_ nnsriered to i:heir n,vnos: r,:...s,,..-+
^10c;;, Pradsha:;, holt•, Rice:e and i.'a;;or Scott (5).
iSinutesof the orevioua meeting wore adopted as read.
Mayor Scott offered motion that the T.Myor be and he is horol:;;
Instructed to employ the "il': nrd T.'.e1t Inspector for the three :::onC'^r t.
:In cndin 'cccmber c).;t, 1332, at: �, 25.00 per .-onth. Ldoated on call of roll:
: ,r:, per Yeas; Co=iissionerc Block, hrndnhaei, holt, Rieke and Magor Scott (5).
of Payor Scott offered motim that the ronort of the Pn 4ucoh. 'i:ntni,
orica for
of ^.:orks (Municipally o;•nied)•for the month of Luguat, 1932 be. received and fi ,;,,.
•ea and, Adonted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co-missionors T+lodc, DradShiv, Holt, Pt,^c
` wid Yayor Scott
T ,:vt,::t alla:•ze Co:*-,isoioncr Rieke offered motion that: the Cc-aassioper of ru'.l.1c
_,�ples T?0119^�
anr on Lala:+ce Finance be authoriLcd to pay the Peoples ^ptio:Ytl Park tho zacuit. of :` 162.6' in
of City's unpsi,
notes. payment of.the inter•^ct d,zc fro? Sontcmbor .int, to Sentember 30th, 1932, iucl+.inive
on the unpaid balance of :^ 34,700.00 leas payments of "' 6,500.00 made in the
month of Scpterfoor 1932, on the City of Paducah notes of tho scar 1931. Adoptc:i
on cull of the roll: Yeas; Cov7.Uasioners Lloc:c, Pradaha.;:, !telt, Rieko aril
71e7or Scott (5).
Cor.Lcxissioncr Ricco of
motion tluat t. c)'.'.-. of the -
forks for fire plug rentals for tho month of
'7,790.83 be alloricd anti the Co'.-iaaionor of Publie Vi-
are and e1horge to "-•at.cr Rentals in the Jepsrtmnnt W' :.i
'ccon on.l). of ti,c roll: Voss; Coranissio^crs lilod.t, '-a, .. , ^olt, Richd
^ on! '. (5).
3 4p•-la:n.o•,.r iac:k(,. offero,.1 P,ottnn rlv:!; the r., i 7,11 lie
t+:n Citivns Lnvil 1'111! tF;c nmou.. for
C'......tc,) P;+!, Trunt Co' -^p t:c•.' Yor!� ,110
^y, in na•mcnt er
P r i•• 1 , to rc , I , i::aluaice, nn the
^0 1':0,(`1";,10 ni. to .nr. 8;, t).e
Proceedings of. City of Paduc.h___L ' _""2
f ol I I, 1< -tion: 71� �r
111-:, p, ti .n Ta.: "1) 1 .:i420 rr t,
t,r Cr...^or
^n7•' I'(, rt 0: 1
I,A nf^ all t1 -e,
T D -,c tl' r, icr.cr of Pullic Finance bo to
oF 'or :.,tvorti: 111 on Irl
on tl- -11:
-,Tt (5).
C 'OL -ion t! -n t` -v rnI. Fir,
F.. 74st,ouri, to num.- n P" "locoint, 77,00 on the
L, 19F2 all .,Ile Firc Fore Tvzol: q Id also
un=n1rc(1 tl�ro for n- ont of araounti.n, to
Local smount of 5:5.03 be accept -
t t1,G
7"viance be withorizo.: to t!'c total C:' 010.9.7 In
setts cf 1-1,-, L!cIt,clrcrz niountin, to 2,072.00. oil
Ic11: Block, Holt, Rict-,c 'I"," I'ayor Cott (3).
Cc,- 1c:11oner Pielm c'-:rr�,l won ti -int the 1_R: ,,
hord,)rs i of
110.00 10c allowed, arO the Cc * 'in--,lonc r of Plx')Iic Fl,in-c c roi-lur od -".- cbe,7,
Mine General Pam' for suit. amount, name to be charged to t'ho �rono�]• ri,nlz.
on call of t!!e soli: YcriF; Co,Tirls-zlioat;rn I'loc', rr,., lr1-.-, 11olt., P;.c1. snit
L 0,
4 Solt offnrcl motion that 1- t! 011! 7-1.1,,
or r, I,e roccivoO nn' filmed. AAo,),L(` -n
7,- Pelt, Ric' c ar.,! "ce;t.
holt offer-', motion that th,. rc, ior), of ti-; t of
or ro Ac,:X-, 1,
C- ioncro 11lor7:,