HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 100, September 26, 1932Proceedings2 _ City of Padaeah "ent-nnber .^.S;_th.,_1;3_32- At n reCIlar meeting of the i.onrd of Cow.tisnioncro hol,1 in the Cr. --i.esionert Chnnbor In the Cit;; 11,11 Fuildino in the rit,� of Pal, uca.1, Ycntucl:y, nt C:00 etclock P.Y... on the 26th day of Senter,Lor, lf3•'•, Mnyor Scott nrenidod and ;icon call of the roll the foiloi7in8 ansaerod to their names: Co-incionern Ploclr, ''rn•1sha:v, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5).. Minutes of the previous meeting viere adoptrd as read. 1.lnyor Scott offered motion that the Co:�rissirmcr of Public Pinanco be ..and he is hereby instructed to deduct 101 from the salories and co❑,nonsatioils of the Yn or, and the Corrmissioners and of all appointive officers and a..1 ecs of the city of Paoucnh, iientucky for the months of October, 1Tovember and DeccmLor of tho year 193: Adopted on call of the roll: leas; Cor--issioners Block, Bradshavi, Holt, Rieke and kayor Scott (5). a10n� Mayor Scott offered the following motion: ".9iereas, the emorgeney . i 0perntj ir.G c::isto tl•at city revenues aro falling behind the expectation of the Board and, It being deemed necessary to make further econon•ios in the exnenditures of cc lie funds I r..ove that the commissioner of Public Works be and '-e is hereby 1rstractcd to reduce the expenses in the department of Public Vorks during the months ..f Octoter, 7ovea!ber and Decenbcr so that said reduction shall result in an n,^greGato T;7&lction of ^ 2,000,('0 for the three ,,oaths before mentioned in tlic cveratin-- cost :�.irldepartment; that the commissioner of Public Property be and ho is horcb nstr-1;te` to rcdu0c the expenses of the department of NfLllic Property durirL: the c of OctoLer, "cvsr:bcr -and December so that said reduction shall result in an date re,iuctir 0f 2,000.00 for the three months before mentioned in the -ding cost of snlA department; tl,,tt the com-issioner of PuLlic Safety be and he is hereby instructed to reduce the expanses of the department of Public Safety dnrLn;; :he a!nnths of October, 1Tovc!rber and December, so that said rer?uction shall result in 1 an et^?reynto roductie!-: of 10000.00 for the three l:c^ore-^ntio,,A:B in tt?~ 1� n_pr, said Safety Departmont; U,• thr . or .,. .o,1 la 1,reby of i.t-.: '"i.1.'• i ::�...^tor in tlr Put 11.r, .i far .,r:' r ,a' !; 1 , 1 .. .. :b.: r, t e rinii er of °' r.r 1:, '•cr a. ,r ;: 1 1,•l.: «1 ilio^_s tT n. r. Adoptrd On call or t1 1-111: ^ I, ?rs•d , 1Tolt, r . cott (5). r.: rcG ction that the CoT is in . r .. ?W.,lin ltd nr ur:; i::auod by the 1-1ami1y Scrvlae Sncict ;7.t::•r Prrducc Comnny for Duper t^eat of 1-;1111c e: P, t. , li....: r of Pn: 1 Lc. fnft ty. F.de ted r_ NO. Proceedings of.__ "11L O� Cq _. _''-urs City of Paducah q�•, tc-' r• ^rtr' F in;;;t 7'ate+r Rontal.e Co:-•iisaioner R£c;ce offt.red notinn 0-1' the clot of the rar ": ,nt-il C., Ar.,uat ",tor "7011, for Fire Plug Rentals for month of (.u: ust 1932, emou:tting to allo::c�i. ' 3790.f3 be allowed and the) Cor:'iss-Ioncr Of Public Fim',ncc to auticriscd to pay rare an^, chnr5o to .'later Rcntnls in tllo n> pnrtiaent of Pte( I is Affairs. Adoptc:l on call of tale roll: Yens; Comdssionors Plock, Bradshaw, IIalt, Rio]-(, nrcl bInyor %Ott (5). ::rcadia School Bonk of 1926 paid. Six rlontlm intrr r• t a11oymd on Paducsh,Ten & Alatama P bond issue. { Commissioner Ricl:o of Cored motion that allounncc be mde fro^ the .-rel Fund and the Conmissi,ner of Public Finonce be autl•ori^crl to nny Yeo six rnnths interrrst on the follosin bond is -it, for amount of t' 183.75 luc; on Octol:cr 1st, 1952. lrcedia Graded School 112 'onds -OSS ;,",. 7,000.00 Interc3t rate 5''• Annual interest 567.50 Semi-❑nnual icterest 367.50 183.75 Payment to be made through the Peoples 129tional Bank Siiiking Fund. Adopted on c^11 of the roll: Yens; COTnisAoners Elocl:, Brndaha;r, Polt, Ricke and Mayor Scott j Com•aiasioncr Rieke offered notion what the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to dray; a clock on the Arcadia Graded School Bond Sinking Fund for amount of ;" 1500.00 to pay Arcadia School Bonds of 1926 trh£bh mature on October lst, 1932, payable at the Peoples M.9tioral Pani., 'Adopt -ed on call of the roll: Yeas; Cor—dosioners ?'.lock, FmAchnti•1, Rolt, Rielcc snd i,'apor Scott: (5). Corr-issioner RSeko offered moti•Tl that allot nnce Le m—le frO•n tho General Fund and the Co.r;assioncr of "ablic Finance be authorizol pay the six (6) :ronths interest and bank collection charge on the folio:!.. oml. 1^^,,.o for total amount of 1127.81 due on Oct.o:er 1st, 1932. Padu.erh, Tone. & Al.atnm,, R.R. 0/S 45,000.00 Internst rate 51' Annual Interest 2,250.00 Soni -annual Int. 1,126.^i Baal; collection chnrges of 1;; 2.11. a ToLol P :-ado through the rit£rons unvins J,anit Si!Jan.� Fund to the r ...ca City Bank of IIe•.i Yorl-, 11.Y. Adopted on call of tl• roll: Yeas; ^.' £_,slorcrc clock. Polt, R£cko Prads1a,•1 and Ms -or Scott (5). ileo r-'scioner Ricim cfforocl motton 41+,t t.hcof Pubii Tc to nay the Citiscrls un in due the banl:s for ' - ,.r p,,.l,u •h. Lec3 i Tns. eY:argee rn •1,!10^. '.07 cell of the re11: Yoaa; s ti City of Paducah_cc__._:.:�.°Ctt1.�.0.32. _. Co,::'s i.our Rick^ offered motinn that t',e rn-, i^;ionor of ?w�11c .. Piaancc be nutFnricod to na"- the amnrxnt of , 350.00 for r'izty ("Vc interest on flro ` - oan of !'' 35,00x,00 secured fro!- tr,� Pmol os f! tional Eads Se)tcmbc^r�20th, r.nd '_ cht,rc© sante to V'e _Tnt03­_t Fund for 1932. Adopted on call of the roll: Ycas; i co-,nissioncrs Plock, Pralshaw, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5). Oory issioncr Rieke offered motion that s 10' co:mmieoi.on fee be c slle::e� Frady ?�. °tc•.:art, LackTax Col Lector, for the colle.ct.ion of Kohler Plumbir. ^rnpany Ser:cr Asaessment• Special Tax Bill r, 7242, Auditor's Account ,$ 8360 or. 725 feet abuttin5 )report,, on Ero,m w Little Streets, which rias compromised by n Y:nivirZ all penalties for the sum of ^ 902.17 and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be euthorizcd to pay the commission due of .'; 90.22 ane. cherge same to tLc 'ack Tax Collector's Fund. Adoptod on call of the roll: Yoaa; Comrissionerc-.l,o'r, `.rc.dsh^.w,. Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5). CoriTAssioner Rieke offered motion that the Commissioner of ?ublic F`narco be authorized to pay the Citizens Savings Sank tho amount of 31.90 for 6 for remittance to the Chemical En k and Trust Company, Uwa York, in payment of the tine I 'mato-) ir.tcrst die from Septeruer 1st to Sontember 22nd, inclusive ^:m the payment of E, 6 8700.00 on the 90,000.00 notes executed to said bank ty the City of Paducah In the year 1931. Adopted on call of the roll: Ycas; Commissioners Flock, 9rac'shr,, Felt, Rieke and i,iayor Scott (5). On motion the meeting adjourned. AP PROt,IMJ .,a:. or U 9 i